

单词 little
释义 ittle adj[usu attrib 通常作定语] (Thecomparative and superlative forms, littler and littlest are rare. It is more common to use smaller, smallest. 此词的比较级和最高级罕用littler和littlest而常用smaller和smallest. ) 1 not big; small 小的: six little puppies 六只小狗     a little coffee-table 小咖啡桌     a little movement of impatience 不耐烦的小动作     a little group of tourists 一小批游客     There´s a little mark on your sleeve. 你的袖子上有一小块污迹.     a house with a little garden 带小花园的房子     little holes to let air in 通气的小孔. 2 (of distance or time) short (指距离或时间)短的     It´s only a little way now. 现在没多远了.     You may have to wait a little while. 你可能得等上一小会儿.     Shall we go for a little walk? 散会儿步好吗? 3 (used usu after nice, pretty, sweet, nasty, etc to express the speaker´s feeling of affection, pleasure, annoyance, etc 通常用於nice、 pretty、 sweet、 nasty等之後表示亲切、 快乐、 嫌恶等)     a nice little room 玲珑的房间     a sweet little child 长得很甜的孩子     a funny little restaurant 古里古怪的餐厅     What a nasty little man! 多麽讨人厌的家伙!     A (dear) little old lady helped me find my way. 有位(可亲)可敬的老太太帮我找到路了.     There´s a little shop on the corner that sells bread. 街角上有那麽个卖面包的 子. 4 not important; insignificant 不重要的; 不足道的: a little mistake 小错     We only had a little snack at lunchtime. 我们午饭只吃了一点小吃. 5 young 幼小的: I had curly hair when I was little. 我小时候是鬈发.     My little (ie younger) brother is 18. 我弟弟18岁. 6 small when compared with others (相比之下)小的     one´s little finger 小指     the little hand of the clock 钟的短针     `Which packet would you prefer?´ `I´ll take the little one.´ `你喜欢哪一包?'`我要?quot;?' =>Usage at small 用法见small. 7 (idm 习语) big, etc oaks from little acorns grow => oak. in little (fml 文) on a small scale 小规模地. a little bird told me (that...) (joc 谑) I know but will not tell you how, or from whom, I know 我知道, 但我不告诉你我是怎麽知道的. twist sb round one´s little finger => twist. little indef det (used with [U] ns 与不可数名词连用) a small amount (of sth); not enough 小量的; 不足的; 不多的     I have very little time for reading. 我没有多少时间看书.     We had little rain all summer. 一夏天几乎没下雨.     There´s little point in telling her now. 现在告诉她已没有什麽意义了. =>Usage at much1 用法见much1. little indef pron (used as a n when preceded by the 在the之後, 用作名词) a small amount 些少; 少量     Little of the music was recognizable. 那音乐差不多都难於辨识.     I understood little of what he said. 他说的我只听懂一点儿.     We read a lot of poetry at school I remember very little now. 我们上学时念过不少诗--现在我记得的所剩无几.     The little that I have seen of his work is satisfactory. 他的工作就我所见的那一小部分而言是令人满意的. little adv 1 not much; only slightly 些少; 稍许     He is little known as an artist. 他是个不出名的艺术家.     She left little more than an hour ago. 她离开一个多钟头了.     I slept very little last night. 昨晚我睡得很少.     Little does he know (ie He doesn´t know) what trouble he´s in. 他对自己所处何种地步茫无所知. 2 (idm 习语) ,little by `little making progress slowly, gradually 一点一点地; 逐渐地     Little by little the snow disappeared. 雪渐渐消失.     His English is improving little by little. 他的英语渐有提高. ,little or `nothing hardly anything 几乎无     She said little or nothing about her experience. 她对自己的经历没怎麽透露. make little of sth (a) = make light of sth (light3). (b) understand or read hardly anything of sth 不明白; 看不懂     It´s in Chinese I can make little of it. 这是中文--我一点儿都不懂. Cf 参看 less. little a little indef det (used with [U] ns 与不可数名词连用) a small amount (of sth); some but not much 少量; 些微; 稍许     a little milk, sugar, tea, etc 少许牛奶、 糖、 茶等     Could you give a little more attention to spelling? 你稍微多注意一下拼写好吗?     I need a little help to move these books. 我需要人来帮点忙搬这些书.     It caused not a little (ie a great deal of) confusion. 这事引起很大混乱.




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