

单词 diet
释义 diet n 1 [C] sort of food that is usually eaten (by a person, community, etc) (某人、 共同生活的人等)通常吃的食物; 日常食物     the Japanese diet of rice, vegetables and fish 米、 蔬菜、 鱼等日本人常吃的食物     Too rich a diet (ie Too much rich food) is not good for you. 吃太多油腻的食物对你身体不好.     illnesses caused by poor diet 饮食欠佳导致的疾病. 2 [C] limited variety or amount of food that a person is allowed to eat, eg for medical reasons or in order to lose weight 限定的食物种类或数量, 规定食谱(如为治疗疾病或减轻体重的)     a salt-free diet 无盐食谱     [attrib 作定语] diet aids 食疗. 3 [sing] ~ of sth (fig 比喻) so much of sth that it becomes boring or unpleasant 多得令人生厌的事物     the constant diet of soap operas on TV 多得使人腻烦的电视连续剧. 4 (idm 习语) (be/go/put sb) on a diet allowed to eat only some foods or a little food, because of illness or to lose weight 用规定食谱, 控制饮食, 节食(因病或为减轻体重)     The doctor says I´ve got to go on a diet. 医生说我得节食. diet v [I] (be allowed to) eat only some foods or a little food, esp to lose weight 只(准)吃某类食物或少量食物; (尤指为减轻体重)节食     You ought to diet and take more exercise. 你应该节食并多做运动. diet n 1 (esp formerly) series of meetings to discuss national, international or church affairs (尤指旧时)讨论国内、 国际或宗教事务的一系列会议, 大会. 2 law-making assembly in certain countries, eg Japan (日本等国的)国会, 议会.




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