

单词 stitch
释义 stitch n 1 [C] (a) single passing of a needle and thread into and out of cloth, etc in sewing, or into and out of skin tissue, etc in surgery (缝纫或外科缝合的)一针. =>illus at sew 见sew插图. (b) (in knitting or crochet) one complete turn of the wool, etc over the needle (编结或编织的)一针; (钩针编织的)一钩. 2 [C] (a) loop of thread, wool, etc made in this way 针脚     make long, short, neat, etc stitches 缝长、 短、 匀整...针脚     The cut in my hand needed five stitches. 我手上的伤口需要缝五针. (b) piece of thread used to sew tissue together in surgery (外科的)缝线     I´m having my stitches (taken) out today, ie removed from a wound that has healed. 我的伤口今天拆线. 3 [C, U] (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) particular pattern of stitches or way of stitching (in sewing, knitting or crochet) 缝法; 针法; 织法; 编结法: chain-stitch 链形缝法     knitting in purl stitch 以反针编织. 4 [C usu sing 通常作单数] sudden sharp pain in the muscles at the side of the body (caused eg by running too hard) (胁部的)突然剧痛(如跑步过力所致)     Can we slow down and walk for a bit? I´m getting a stitch. 咱们放慢速度步行一会儿好吗? 我觉得腰部突然一阵剧痛. 5 (idm 习语) drop a stitch => drop2. have not (got) a `stitch on/not be wearing a `stitch (infml 口) be naked 一丝不挂; 赤身露体. in `stitches (infml 口) laughing uncontrollably 大笑不止; 捧腹大笑     The play had us in stitches. 这出戏把我们笑得前仰後合. a ,stitch in ,time saves `nine (saying 谚) if one takes action or does a piece of work immediately, it may save a lot of extra work later 一针及时, 可省九针(及时行动, 免得问题成堆). stitch, 1 (a) [I, Tn] put stitches in or on (sth); sew 缝, 缝合, 编结, 编织(某物); 缝纫     stitching (a shirt) by candlelight 点著蜡烛缝(衬衫). (b) [Tn.pr] join or fasten (sth) with stitches 将(某物)缝上     stitch a button on a dress 在连衣裙上钉个钮扣     stitch a zip into a skirt 给裙子缝上拉链. 2 (phr v) stitch sth up join together or close sth by stitching 缝合、 缝补某物     stitch up a wound/a hole 缝合伤口[缝补破洞]     We´ll soon have you (ie your wound) stitched up! 我们很快就把你的伤口缝好!




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