

单词 prepare
释义 prepare v 1 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr, Cn.t] ~ (sb/sth) (for sb/sth) get or make (sb/sth) ready 使(某人)有准备; 把(某事物)准备好; 预备     I had no time in which to prepare. 我已来不及做准备了.     prepare for trouble 准备应付麻烦事     prepare a meal, ie get food ready to be eaten 预备饭菜     have everything prepared beforehand 事先把一切都准备好     prepare children for an examination 指导儿童准备考试     The troops were being prepared for battle/to go into battle. 部队已作好战斗准备[已准备好投入战斗]. 2 (idm 习语) be prepared for sth be ready for sth (esp sth unpleasant) 对某事物(尤指令人不愉快者)作好准备     I knew there were problems, but I was not prepared for this! 我知道有些问题, 却未料到这一点!     She was prepared for anything to happen. 她已准备好应付一切. be prepared to do sth be able and willing to do sth 能够 并愿意做某事     I am prepared to lend you the money if you promise to pay it back. 我愿意把钱借给你, 你得答应还给我.     I am not prepared to stay and listen to these outrageous insults. 我可不愿意在这儿受这种奇耻大辱. prepare the ground (for sth) make it possible or easier to develop sth 为发展某事物准备了条件     Early experiments with military rockets prepared the ground for space travel. 早期进行的军用火箭试验为宇航事业的发展打下了基础. 3 (phr v) prepare sb for sth cause sb to expect sth (esp sth unpleasant) 使某人对某事物(尤指令人不愉快者)有所准备     Prepare yourself for a nasty shock! 有件令人十分震惊的事, 你要有所准备!




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