

单词 stage
释义 stage n 1 [C] platform or area (usu in a theatre) on which plays are performed to an audience 舞台(通常指剧场中的)     He was on (the) stage for most of the play. 他几乎整出戏都在台上. =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page ix. 2 the stage [sing] the profession of actors and actresses; life and work in the theatre 演员的职业; 戏剧表演; 舞台生涯     She advised her son not to choose the stage as a career. 她劝儿子不要选择戏剧表演作职业. 3 [sing] (fig 比喻) scene of action; place where events occur 场所; (事件发生的)现场     Geneva has become the stage for many meetings of world leaders. 日内瓦已成为世界领袖经常召开会议的地方. 4 [C] point, period or step in the development, growth or progress of sth/sb 某事物[某人]的发展、 成长或进步的程度、 时期或阶段     at an early stage in our history 在我们历史发展的早期     At this stage it´s impossible to know whether our plan will succeed. 目前尚无法预见我们的计画能否实现.     The baby has reached the talking stage, ie is beginning to talk. 这婴儿已经会说话了. 5 [C] (a) distance between two stopping-places on a journey; part of a journey (行程中两站之间的)路程; 一段路     travel by easy stages, ie only for a short distance at a time 分段作短程舒适的旅行     She did the first stage of the trip by train. 她行程的第一段是乘火车的. (b) (Brit) section of a bus route for which there is a fixed fare (有固定票价的)一段公共汽车路程     travel two stages for 30p 乘坐两段路程, 车费30便士. (c) stopping-place after such a part of a journey or bus-ride (一段路程终了的)站. 6 [C] section of a space-rocket with a separate engine, jettisoned when its fuel is used up (火箭的)级. 7 [C] (infml 口) = stage-coach     take the next stage out of town 乘下一趟公共马车出镇. 8 (idm 习语) be/go on the `stage be/become an actor 当[成为]演员; 登台演出     She´s wanted to go on the stage from an early age. 她从小就想当演员. set the stage for sth prepare for sth; make sth possible or easy 为某事作好准备或创造条件     The president´s recent death set the stage for a military coup. 总统最近死後, 酝酿著一场军事政变. ,up/,down `stage further from/nearer to the front of the stage when acting in a play, etc (演出时)在(向)舞台後部[前部]. stage, v [Tn] 1 present (a play, etc) on a stage; put (sth) before the public 将(戏剧等)搬上舞台; 上演     stage a new production of `King Lear´ 上演新编排的《李尔王》. 2 arrange for (sth) to take place; carry out 实行(某事); 进行; 举行     stage a protest rally 举行抗议大会     stage a `come-back, eg after retiring as a sportsman 复出.




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