

单词 blink
释义 blink v 1 [I, Tn] shut and open the eyes quickly 眨眼     He blinked in the bright sunlight. 他在灿烂的阳光照射下眨著眼睛.     How long can you stare without blinking (your eyes)? 你能瞪著看多长时间不眨眼? 2 [I] (of distant lights) shine unsteadily; flicker (指远处灯光)闪烁     Harbour lights were blinking on the horizon. 海港的灯火在水平线上闪烁著. 3 (idm 习语) blink the fact (that...) refuse to consider; ignore 不考虑; 不顾及     You can´t blink the fact that the country´s economy is suffering. 不能不考虑国家经济正遇到困难这一事实. 4 (phr v) blink sth away/back try to control or hide (esp tears) by blinking 尽力用眨眼来控制或遮掩(尤指眼泪)     Although in pain, she bravely blinked back her tears. 她虽然很疼痛, 但还是硬把眼泪抑制住了. blink, n 1 act of blinking 眨眼. 2 sudden quick gleam of light 闪光. 3 (idm 习语) on the blink (infml 口) (of a machine) not working properly; out of order (指机器)不灵, 出故障     The washing machine´s on the blink again. 洗衣机又出毛病了.




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