单词 | double |
释义 | double adj[usu attrib 通常作定语] 1 twice as much or as many (as usual) 加倍的; 两倍的 a double helping 一客双份的食物 two double whiskies 两杯双份的威士忌酒 the new bleach with double strength for killing germs 杀菌力特强的新型漂白剂. 2 having or made of two things or parts that are equal or similar 由两个相等或相似部分组成的; 双的 Look, double yellow lines you mustn´t park here. 喂, 这是双黄线--不能在这儿停车. `I didn´t do nothing´ is a double negative, ie two negatives where only one is needed. I didn´t do nothing是双重的否定(只需一个否定词即可). a double-page advertisement 一则占左右两页的广告 `Otter´ is spelt with a double t. otter一字中有两个t. 3 made for two people or things 供两人或两物用的; 双人的 a double room, garage, etc 双人房间、 供停放两辆车的车房 a double wedding, ie of two couples 两对新婚夫妇的婚礼. 4 combining two things or qualities 两种事物结合在一起的 a double meaning, purpose, aim, etc 双重意义、 目的、 目标等 the double advantage of being easy and cheap 既方便又便宜的双重优点 She leads a double life, ie Her life has two different (perhaps sharply contrasting) aspects, eg being a police officer and a drug dealer. 她过著双重生活(如又是警察又是毒品贩子). 5 (of flowers) having more than the usual number of petals (指花)重瓣的. 6 (idm 习语) in double `harness with a partner, or with a husband or wife 两人一起; 夫妻一起 The brothers work in double harness. 哥儿俩一起工作. double det twice as much or as many (as usual, than sb/sth, etc) 两倍; 双倍 His income is double hers. 他的收入是她的两倍. He earns double what she does. 他挣的比她挣的多一倍. We need double the amount we have. 我们需要比现有的多一倍. double adv in twos or in two parts 成双; 成对; 成两部分 When I saw her and her twin sister I thought I was seeing double. 我看见她们挛生姐妹时还以为我把一个人看成俩了. sleep double, ie two in a bed (for warmth, convenience, etc) 两人合睡一床(为取暖、 方便等) fold a blanket double 把毯子对摺起来. double n 1 [U] twice the (usual) number or amount 两倍; 加倍 He´s paid double for the same job. 他做同样的工作, 而报酬比别人多一倍. 2 [C] (a) person or thing that looks very like another 酷似的人或物 She´s the double of her mother at the same age. 她和她母亲年轻时十分相似. (b) (in a film) actor who replaces a star in the dangerous scenes (电影中的)特技替身演员. 3 [C] glass of spirits containing twice the usual amount 一杯双份的烈酒 Two Scotches, please and make those doubles, will you? 请来两杯苏格兰威士忌--都要双份的, 好吗? 4 [C] bet on two horses in different races where any winnings from the first are staked again on the second 复式押注(下注於不同场次的两匹马, 第一场若赢即转押於第二场). 5 doubles [pl] game (esp of tennis) in which one pair plays another 双打(尤指网球) mixed doubles, ie where each pair consists of a man and a woman 混合双打. 6 the double [sing] (sport 体) two prizes won in similar competitions (在同类比赛中)两次获奖 She´s going for the double this year, the Olympics and the World Championship. 今年她要争?quot;铝制タ巳褪澜绫诰乃瞎诰? 7 [C] (in bridge) act of doubling (桥牌戏中)叫加倍. 8 [C] (in the game of darts) hit on the outer ring of the board, scoring double (投镖戏中)投中外环, 得分加倍. 9 (idm 习语) at the `double (US on the `double) (infml 口) quickly; hurrying 很快地; 赶紧地 The boss wants you you´d better get upstairs at the double. 老板叫你--你最好赶紧上楼去. ,double or `quits paying twice what one owes or nothing at all, the decision being made by chance (eg throwing dice) 要麽加倍赔钱, 要麽欠款一笔勾销(如以掷色子决定). |
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