

单词 sick
释义 sick adj (-er, -est) 1 physically or mentally unwell; ill (身体或精神)不适; 患病的     a sick person, animal, plant 患病的人、 动物、 植物     She has been sick for weeks. 她已病了好几个星期了.     He´s off (work) sick. 他因病而未上班. 2 [usu pred 通常作表语] likely to vomit; nauseous 作呕; 恶心: feeling sick 觉得恶心     a sick feeling in the stomach 胃里恶心的感觉     You´ll make yourself sick if you eat all those sweets. 要是你把这些糖都吃下去就要恶心. =>Usage 见所附用法. 3 [pred 作表语] ~ of sb/sth/doing sth (infml 口) bored with sb/sth; not liking sb/sth through having had too much of him/it 厌倦或腻烦某人[某事物]     I´m sick of waiting around like this. 我腻烦像这样在一旁等著.     She has had the same job for years and is heartily sick of it. 她做这一工作已多年, 因此从心底里感到厌烦.     Get out! I´m sick of the sight of you! 滚出去! 一见到你我就觉得讨厌! 4 [pred 作表语] ~ (at/about sth/doing sth) distressed or disgusted 苦恼; 憎恶     We were pretty sick about losing the match. 我们比赛输了感到很恼火. 5 (infml 口) cruel, morbid or perverted; offensive 残酷的; 病态的; 反常的; 讨厌的     a sick joke, mind 可怖的笑话、 病态的心理     sick humour 残酷的幽默     She made a sick remark about dead babies. 关於那些死的婴儿, 她说了些令人反感的话. 6 (idm 习语) be `sick throw up food from the stomach; vomit 呕吐     The cat´s been sick on the carpet. 猫在地毯上吐了. eat oneself sick =>eat. fall sick (with sth); (fml 文) take `sick become ill 生病     He fell sick with malaria on a trip to Africa. 他在去非洲时患了疟疾. laugh oneself silly/sick =>laugh. make sb `sick outrage or disgust sb 使某人愤慨或厌恶     His hypocrisy makes me sick. 我很讨厌他那麽虚伪.     It makes me sick to see her being treated so badly. 我看到她受到这样虐待非常愤怒. on the `sick-list (infml 口) sick and absent from work, duty, etc 因病缺勤或缺席     She´s not at her desk today     she´s on the sick-list. 她今天没上班     因病缺勤. (as) sick as a parrot (Brit joc catchphrase 谑, 警语) disgusted 憎恶的. sick at `heart (fml 文) full of disappointment, fear or grief; unhappy 极为失望、 恐惧或悲伤; 感到不快     She left her home reluctantly and sick at heart. 她依依不舍地离开了家, 心情很沉重. sick to death of/sick and tired of sb/sth (infml 口) wearied, bored or annoyed by sb/sth; fed up with sb/sth (因某人[某事物])厌倦, 厌恶; 厌烦某人[某事物]     sick to death of eating boiled cabbage with every meal 顿顿都吃煮洋白菜, 腻死了     I´m sick and tired of your constant complaints. 我厌烦你没完没了的抱怨. sick to one´s `stomach (US) outraged or disgusted 愤慨的; 厌恶的. sick, n 1 [U] (infml 口) vomit 呕吐物     The basin was full of sick. 盆里全是吐的东西. 2 the sick [pl v] people who are ill 病人; 患者     all the sick and wounded 所有的病人和伤者     visit the sick in hospital 看望住院的病人. sick, v (phr v) sick sth up (infml 口) throw (food) up from the stomach; vomit sth 吐出(食物); 呕吐某物     The baby sicked up a little milk. 婴儿吐出了一点奶. sick, NOTE ON USAGE 用法: 1 (Be) sick in informal British English means `bring food up from the stomach´ (US vomit) 在英式英语的口语中, (be) sick意为`呕吐'(美式英语中用vomit)     Johnny´s been sick again should we call the doctor? 约翰尼又吐了--我们应该请医生来吗?     Do you get seasick/airsick? 你晕船[晕机]吗?     I feel sick I think it was that fish I ate. 我很恶心--大概是吃那鱼的缘故. Sick in British English is used only before a noun when it means `ill´ 在英式英语中, sick只有用在名词前时才作ill解: a sick child 患病的孩子     He´s looking after his sick mother. 他正在看护生病的母亲. 2 Sick in US English and ill in British English mean `not well´ or `in bad health´, usually as a result of a disease 美式英语中的sick和英式英语中的ill均指`不适'或`身体不好', 通常指因疾病引起的     I´ve been too sick/ill to go to work for the last few months. 我近几个月身体不好没上班. 3 Poorly (informal British English) means `ill´. *poorly(在英式英语的口语中)意为ill. *It is often used of or by children 这个词常用於儿童或是儿童经常使用     My daughter´s a bit poorly today, so she didn´t go to school. 我女儿今天有点不舒服, 所以她没去上学.




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