

单词 should
释义 should modal v (neg 否定式 should not, contracted form 缩约式 shouldn´t ) 1 (a) (indicating obligation 用以表示义务或责任)     You shouldn´t drink and drive.你不应该喝酒後开车.     Visitors should inform the receptionist of their arrival. 来宾在到达时应当知会接待员.     We should have bought a new lock for the front door. 我们本该买把新锁安在前门上. =>Usage 1 at must 见must所附用法第1项. (b) (indicating advice or recommendation 用以表示劝告或推荐)     He should stop smoking. 他应该戒烟.     You shouldn´t leave a baby alone in the house. 你不应该把幼儿一个人留在家里.     They should have called the police. 他们本应该叫警察的. =>Usage 2 at must 见must所附用法第2项. 2 (drawing a tentative conclusion 用以表示试探性的推断)     We should arrive before dark. 我们按说能在天黑前到达.     The roads should be less crowded today. 今天路上不致於那麽拥挤了.     I should have finished reading it by Friday. 我大概到星期五能把它看完. => Usage 3 at must 见must所附用法第3项. 3 (fml 文) (used to describe the consequence of an imagined event 用以表达假定的结果)     If I was asked to work on Sundays I should resign. 要是叫我星期天上班, 我就辞职.     We should move to a larger house if we had the money. 我们要是有钱就找个大房子住了. 4 (used in a that-clause after the adjs anxious, sorry, concerned, happy, delighted, etc 用在形容词anxious、 sorry、 concerned、 happy、 delighted等後接的that从句中)     I´m anxious that he should be well cared for. 我盼望他能受到很好的照顾.     We´re sorry that you should feel uncomfortable. 你觉得在这儿不舒服, 我们非常抱歉.     That he should speak to you like that is quite astonishing. 他竟然这样对你说话, 实在让人吃惊.     I am delighted that he should take that view. 他有那种看法, 我十分高兴. 5 (used after if and in case, or with subject and v reversed, to suggest that an event is unlikely to happen 用於if和in case之後或将主语与动词倒置, 表示某事不太可能发生)     If you should change your mind, do let me know. 万一你要改变主意, 一定要告诉我.     If he should have forgotten to go to the airport, nobody will be there to meet her. 要是他忘了去机场, 就没人去那儿接她了.     Should anyone phone (ie If anyone phones), please tell them I´m busy. 有人打电话来, 就说我很忙. 6 (fml 文) (used after so that/in order that to express purpose 用於so that/in order that之後表示目的或动机)     He put the cases in the car so that he should be able to make an early start. 他把箱子放在汽车里, 这样他就可以早点动身了.     She repeated the instructions slowly in order that he should understand. 她把那些指示慢慢重复了一遍好让他听明白. 7 (a) (used to make polite requests 用作表示请求的客气说法)     I should like to make a phone call, if possible. 劳驾, 我想打个电话.     We should be grateful for your help. 承您协助, 不胜感激. Cf 参看 would1 2a. (b) (used with imagine, say, think, etc to give tentative opinions 与imagine、 say、 think等连用, 表达不成熟的意见)     I should imagine it will take about three hours. 我想得花大约三个钟头.     I should say she´s over forty. 我说她有四十多岁了.     `Is this long enough?´ `I should think so.´ `这个够长吗?'`我看可以了.' 8 (a) (used with question words to express lack of interest, disbelief, etc 与疑问词连用, 表示不感兴趣、 难以相信等)     How should I know? 我怎麽知道呢?     Why should he think that? 他怎麽那麽想呢? (b) (used with question words to express surprise 与疑问词连用表示惊讶)     I was thinking of going to see John when who should appear but John himself. 我还想去看约翰, 想不到约翰来了.     I turned round on the bus and who should be sitting behind me but my ex-wife. 我在公共汽车上转过身来, 谁料後面坐的竟是我的前妻. should: pt of shall.




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