

单词 cant
释义 cant n[U] 1 insincere talk, esp about religion or morality; hypocrisy 虚伪的话(尤指关於宗教或道德的话); 伪善. 2 specialized language of a particular group; jargon 某一团体的专用语; 行话; 术语     thieves´ cant 盗贼的黑话     [attrib 作定语] a cant expression 术语. cant n 1 sloping surface or position 倾斜的面或位置. 2 sudden movement that tilts or overturns sth 突然一动(可使某物倾斜或翻转). cant, v [I, Ip, Tn, Tn.p] ~ (sth) (over) (cause sth to) tilt, overturn (使某物)倾斜, 翻转     cant a boat to repair it 把船翻过来修理.




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