

单词 scrawl
释义 scrawl v[I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] 1 write or draw (sth) in an untidy, careless or unskilful way 写或画(某内容)(不工整、 不仔细或无技法)     Who´s scrawled all over the wall? 是谁把墙画得这麽难看?     She scrawled a few words on a postcard. 她在明信片上草草地写了几个字. 2 make (meaningless or illegible marks) on sth 在某物上乱画(无意义或无法辨认)     The baby scrawled on the table-top. 那小孩儿在桌上乱画. scrawl, n 1 [sing] untidy or unskilful handwriting 潦草的笔迹     the typical doctor´s scrawl 医生惯常的潦草笔迹     I could hardly read her childish scrawl. 我简直认不出她那歪七扭八的字. 2 [C] piece of such writing; scrawled note or letter 潦草的文字或便条、 书信     Her signature was an illegible scrawl. 她的签字潦草难辨.




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