

单词 repellent
释义 repellent adj 1 ~ (to sb) arousing distaste or disgust; repulsive 令人厌恶的; 使人反感的; 可憎的     the repellent smell of rotting meat 腐肉的难闻气味     I find his selfishness repellent. 我很讨厌他那麽自私.     The very idea of sniffing glue is repellent to me. 我一想到吸胶毒就感到恶心. 2 that cannot be penetrated by a specified substance 某种物质无法穿透的; 防...的     a water-repellent fabric 防水织物. n [U] 1 chemical that repels insects 驱虫剂     Rub some of this mosquito-repellent on your legs. 你在腿上搽点驱蚊剂吧. 2 substance used to make fabric, leather, etc waterproof (涂在织物、 皮革等上的)防水剂.




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