

单词 shear
释义 shear v (pt ~ed, pp shorn or ~ed) 1 [Tn] cut the wool off (a sheep) with shears 剪 (羊)的毛     sheep shearing time 剪羊毛的时节. 2 [I, Ip, Tn, Tn.p] ~ (sth) (off) (cause sth to) become twisted or break under pressure (使某物)弯曲或折断     The bolt sheared (off) and the wheel came off. 螺栓折了, 轮子脱了出来.     The bar fell into the machinery and sheared a connecting-rod. 那根棒掉进机器里把连杆给打弯了. 3 (phr v) be shorn of sth be stripped or deprived of sth 被剥夺或除去某物     The room looked bare, shorn of its rich furnishings. 这个房间除去了豪华的家具以後, 看上去光秃秃的.     a deposed king shorn of his former power 被剥夺了权力遭废黜的国王. shear sth off (sb/sth) remove (fur, hair, etc) by cutting with shears 剪掉(毛发等)     All her beautiful tresses have been sheared/shorn off. 她那长长的秀发都给剪掉了.




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