

单词 beggar
释义 beggar n 1 person who lives by begging; very poor person 乞丐; 很穷的人. 2 (infml 口) person; fellow 人; 家伙     You lucky beggar! 你这幸运的家伙!     The cheeky beggar! 不要脸的家伙! 3 (idm 习语) ,beggars can´t be `choosers (infml saying 口, 谚) when you have no choice, you must be satisfied with what is available 叫花子不能挑肥拣瘦(无选择余地, 只好有什麽算什麽); 饥不择食     I would have preferred a bed, but beggars can´t be choosers so I slept on the sofa. 我本想要张床, 但是叫花子不能挑肥拣瘦, 所以我就睡在沙发上了. beggar, v 1 [Tn] make (sb/sth) poor; impoverish; ruin 使(某人[某事物])穷, 贫困; 毁坏     a nation beggaredby crippling taxes 困於苛捐杂税的国民. 2 (idm 习语) beggar de`scription be too extraordinary to describeadequately 难以形容     a sunset which beggared description妙不可言的日落景象     His conduct is so bad it beggars (all) description. 他的品行之坏不可名状.




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