

单词 giggle
释义 giggle v[I, Ipr] ~ (at sb/sth) laugh lightly in a nervous or silly way 咯咯笑; 傻笑     Stop giggling, children; this is a serious matter. 孩子们, 别傻笑了, 这是严肃的事情.     giggling at one of her silly jokes 让她那拙劣的笑话逗得咯咯笑. giggle, n 1 [C] laugh of this kind 咯咯笑; 傻笑     There was a giggle from the back of the class. 从教室後面传来咯咯的笑声. 2 [sing] (thing which provides) amusement 娱乐; 提供娱乐的事物     What a giggle! 多有意思的玩意儿!     Today´s lesson was a bit of a giggle. 今天的课真有趣.     I only did it for a giggle. 我做那事只是为了取乐. 3 the giggles [pl] continuous uncontrolled laughter of this kind (esp by young girls) 持续的, 放纵的笑(尤指女孩)     get the giggles 发出咯咯笑声     She had a fit of the giggles. 她咯咯地笑了一阵.




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