单词 | needle |
释义 | needle n 1 [C] small thin piece of polished steel with a point at one end and a hole for thread at the other, used in sewing 针; 缝衣针. 2 [C] long thin piece of plastic, metal, polished wood, etc without a hole but with a pointed end (for knitting) or a hook (for crocheting) 编织针; 钩针 `knitting needles 织针 * a `crochet needle 钩针. 3 [C] thin (usu metal) pointer on a dial, eg of a compass, meter, etc 指针(如指南针、 仪表等的针). 4 [C] (a) pointed hollow end of a syringe used for giving injections (注射器的)针头. =>illus at injection 见injection插图. (b) (US infml 口) injection 注射; 打针 She was given a needle for whooping cough. 她因患百日咳打了一针. 5 [C] thing like a needle(1) in shape, appearance or use, eg the thin pointed leaf of a pine tree, a pointed rock or peak, an obelisk, etc 针状物(如松树的针叶、 尖的岩石或山峰、 方尖石碑等). =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page i. 6 [C] stylus used in playing gramophone records (唱机的)唱针. 7 [U] (infml 口) anger or hostility, esp in situations of rivalry 愤怒, 敌意(尤指在竞争中) A certain amount of needle has crept into (ie gradually appeared in) this game. 比赛中逐渐出现了一些敌对情绪. [attrib 作定语] a needle match/game, ie one in which there is particularly fierce rivalry between the two sides 双方都怀有强烈敌意的比赛. 8 (idm 习语) give sb/get the `needle (sl 俚) (cause sb to) become annoyed (使某人)恼怒; 刺激(某人). look for a needle in a `haystack (saying 谚) look for one thing among many others, without hope of finding it 草堆里寻针; 海底捞针 Searching for one man in this big city is like looking for a needle in a haystack. 在这座大城市里寻找一个人犹如大海捞针. sharp as a needle => sharp. Cf 参看 pins and needles (pin1). needle, v [Tn] (infml 口) provoke or annoy (sb), esp with words 激怒或烦扰(某人)(尤指用言语) Stop needling him or he might hit you. 别再拿话激他了, 不然他会揍你. |
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