

单词 shoot
释义 hoot v (pt, pp shot ) 1 (a) [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ (sth) (at sb/sth); ~ sth (from sth); ~ sth (off) fire (a gun or some other weapon); fire (a bullet, an arrow, etc) at sb/sth 开(枪或其他武器); 向某人[某物]发射(子弹、 箭等)     Aim carefully before shooting. 仔细瞄准後再射击.     Don´t shoot I surrender. 别开枪--我投降.     What are you shooting (your gun) at? 你(用枪)射击什麽呢?     He shot an arrow from his bow. 他拉弓放了一箭.     The police only rarely shoot to kill, ie try to kill the people they shoot at. 警察开枪很少打死人.     The missiles were shot at the aircraft from a ship. 从军舰上向飞机发射导弹.     He shot (off) several bullets before hitting the target. 他射出好几发子弹才击中目标. (b) [I] use a gun, etc; hunt with a gun, etc 使用枪等; 用枪等打猎     Can you shoot (well)? 你会放枪吗(你枪打得准吗)?     learn to shoot straight 练习枪法     I need more practice at shooting. 我需要多练习射击.     He enjoys riding, fishing and shooting, ie as sport. 他喜欢骑马、 钓鱼和射击. (c) [Tn, Cn.a] kill or wound (sb/sth) with a bullet, an arrow, etc (用子弹、 箭等)击毙或射伤(某人[某物])     She went out shooting rabbits. 她打兔子去了.     The soldier was shot (ie executed by shooting) for desertion. 那士兵因开小差儿而被处死.     She was shot in the leg. 她腿上中了一枪.     The hunter shot the stag dead. 猎人把雄鹿射死了. (d) [I] (of a gun, bow, etc) fire bullets, arrows, etc (指枪、 弓等)发射子弹、 箭等     This is just a toy gun     it doesn´t shoot. 这只是玩具枪, 不能发射子弹.     Get a rifle that shoots straight. 找一杆射得准的步枪来. (e) [Tn.pr] make (sth) by shooting 由射击造成(某现象)     The gun/gunman shot a hole in the door. 这枪[持枪歹徒]在门上射出一个洞. 2 [Tn] go over (an area) shooting game animals 去(某地)打猎     shoot a covert, an estate, etc 去丛林、 庄园等打猎. =>Usage at hunt1 用法见hunt1. 3 (a) [Ipr, Ip, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (cause sth to) move suddenly or quickly in the specified direction (使某物)沿某方向突然或迅速运动     The sports car shot past us. 赛车从我们前面飞驰而过.     A meteor shot across the sky. 流星划过天空.     He shot out of the door after her. 他冲出门去追赶她.     The runner shot ahead (of the rest). 那个赛跑的人向前飞奔而去(把其他人抛在後面).     Flames were shooting (up) from the burning house. 从燃烧著的房子里喷射出火舌.     The snake´s tongue shot out. 蛇飞快地吐出芯子.     The driver was shot out of the open car as it crashed. 那辆敞篷汽车撞车时把司机抛出车外. =>Usage at whiz 用法见whiz. (b) [I, Ipr] ~ (down, up, etc sth) (of pain) move suddenly and quickly with a stabbing sensation (指疼痛)刺痛, 剧痛     a shooting pain in my back 我背部的刺痛感     The pain shot up her arm. 她手臂一阵剧痛. (c) [no passive 不用於被动语态     Tn.pr, Dn.n] ~ sth at sb direct sth at sb suddenly or quickly 突然或迅速向某人抛出某物     journalists shooting questions at the minister 向部长发出连珠炮般问题的记者     She shot an angry glance at him/shot him an angry glance. 她愤怒地扫了他一眼. 4 [I] (of plants and bushes) put forth new twigs or branches from a stem; sprout (指花草或灌木)发芽, 生枝     Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝. 5 [I, Tn, Tng no passive 不用於被动语态] (esp cinema 尤用於电影) photograph (an object, a scene, etc) 拍摄(物、 景等)     Cameras ready? OK, shoot! 摄影机准备好了吗? 好, 开拍!     We´re ready to shoot (the ballroom sequence). 我们已经准备好拍摄(舞厅的连续镜头).     The film was shot in black and white. 这部电影拍成了黑白片.     shoot a woman riding a horse 拍摄一个骑著马的女子. 6 [Tn] (of a boat or a person in a boat) move quickly through, past, etc (sth) (指船或船中人)迅速穿过(某物)     shooting the rapids 迅速穿过激流     shoot the bridge, ie pass quickly underneath it 迅速从桥下穿过. 7 [Tn] push (the bolt of a door) into or out of its slot 插上或打开(门闩). 8 [Tn] (infml 口) (in golf) achieve (a specified number of strokes) in a game (高尔夫球)击出(杆数)     shot a 75 in the first round 第一场击出75捍. 9 [Tn] (esp US) play (certain games) 玩(某些游戏)     shoot craps/pool/dice 玩双色子[台球/掷色子]游戏. 10 (a) [I, Ipr] ~ (at sth) (in football, hockey, etc) try to kick, hit, etc the ball directly into the goal (足球、 曲棍球等中)射门     She´s looking for an opportunity to shoot (at goal). 她正在寻找机会射门. (b) [Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] score (a goal) 射中(一球)得分     He shot a goal from twenty yards out. 他从二十码外射门得分. 11 [I] (US infml 口) (only imperative 只用於祈使句) say what one has to say 说出(要说的话)     You want to tell me something? Well, shoot! 你有事告诉我吗? 那好, 说吧! 12 [Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] (sl 俚) inject (a drug) into one´s bloodstream 注射(毒品)     shoot heroin 注射海洛因. 13 (idm 习语) be/get shot of sth/sb (infml 口) be/get rid of sth/sb 摆脱某事物[某人]. shoot one´s `bolt (infml 口) make one´s final effort, so that there is nothing further one can do to achieve one´s aim 竭尽全力. shoot the `breeze (US infml 口) talk casually; gossip 聊天; 闲聊     We sat around in the bar, shooting the breeze. 我们坐在酒吧里谈天说地. shoot it out (with sb) (infml 口) settle a contest, dispute, etc, using guns 用枪来解决竞争、 争端等     (fig 比喻) rival politicians shooting it out in a television debate 在电视辩论中决一雌雄的政界敌手. shoot a `line (infml 口) exaggerate; tell lies 夸张; 说谎     She said she was an expert skier but I think she was just shooting a line. 她说自己是滑雪行家, 但我认为她说大话. shoot one´s `mouth off (about sth) (infml 口) (a) exaggerate; boast 夸张; 吹牛     He´s always shooting his mouth off about his success with women. 他总是瞎吹他如何能赢得女子芳心. (b) talk indiscreetly 轻率地谈话     It´s a secret, so don´t go shooting your mouth off about it. 这是秘密, 别随便乱说. shoot pool (US) play pool2(4) 打台球. shoot one´s way in/into sth; shoot one´s way out/out of sth get into/out of sth by shooting 开枪杀进[杀出]某处     The gangster stole a gun and shot his way out of prison. 歹徒偷到一枝枪一路杀出监狱. shoot the `works (US infml 口) gamble or use up all one´s money, resources, effort, etc 孤注一掷; 竭尽钱财; 不遗余力. 14 (phr v) shoot sb down kill sb, esp cruelly, by shooting 击毙某人; (尤指)残酷枪杀某人     His victims were all shot down in cold blood. 他杀害的那些人都是遭他疯狂枪杀的. shoot sth/sb down cause (an aircraft or its pilot) to fall to the ground by shooting eg a missile 击落(飞机或其驾驶员)(如用导弹)     ships shooting down fighter planes 把战斗机击落的舰艇     (fig 比喻) His latest theories have been shot down in flames by the experts. 他的最新理论遭 专家们批驳得一无是处. shoot sth off (a) sever sth by shooting it with a gun, etc (用枪等)射断(某物)     His arm was shot off in the war. 他的手臂在战争中打断了. (b) shoot (a gun, fireworks, etc) into the air 朝天放(枪、 焰火等)     People were shooting off pistols in the streets to celebrate the victory. 人们在街上朝天鸣枪庆祝胜利. shoot sth up terrorize (a place) by going through it firing guns 在(某地)胡乱放枪制造恐怖     The gangsters ran into the bar and started shooting it up. 歹徒们冲进酒吧胡乱扫射一通. shoot n 1 new young growth on a plant or bush, eg a bud (花草或灌木的)嫩芽, 幼苗, 新枝     train the new shoots of a vine 修整藤蔓的新枝. 2 (Brit) (a) (expedition made by a) group of people shooting game animals for sport 狩猎队; 狩猎     members of a grouse shoot 狩猎松鸡的队员. (b) area of land over which game animals are shot in this way 狩猎场. 3 (idm 习语) the whole (bang) `shoot (infml 口) everything 一切; 全体.




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