

单词 minute
释义 inute n 1 (a) [C] one sixtieth part of an hour, equal to 60 seconds 分(一小时的六十分之一, 等於60秒)     It´s ten minutes to/past six. 现在是差十分六点[六点过十分].     I arrived a couple of minutes early/late. 我早[晚]到了两三分钟.     My house is ten minutes (away) from (ie It takes ten minutes to drive, walk, etc from it to) the shops. 从我家到商业区(相去)有十分钟的路程.     We caught the bus with only minutes to spare. 我们只差几分钟就赶不上公共汽车了. =>App 5 见附录5. (b) [sing] very short time; moment 片刻; 瞬间; 一会儿     It only takes a minute to make a salad. 做色拉用不了多少时间.     Will you wait for me? I shan´t be a minute. 等等我行吗? 我马上就好. (c) [sing] exact point of time; instant 此时此刻; 立刻     Stop it this minute! ie immediately 立即停止!     At that very minute, Tom opened the door. 就在那时候, 汤姆打开了门. 2 [C] one sixtieth part of a degree, used in measuring angles 分(量度弧或角的单位, 六十分之一度)     37 degrees 30 minutes (3730) 37度30分(37 30). 3 [C] official note that records a decision or comment, or gives authority for sth to be done 正式记录; 备忘录     make a minute of sth 记录某事物. 4 minutes [pl] brief summary or record of what is said and decided at a meeting, esp of a society or committee 会议记录     We read (through) the minutes of the last meeting. 我们(从头到尾)把上次会议记录看了一遍.     Who will take (ie make notes for) the minutes? 谁做记录? 5 (idm 习语) (at) any minute/moment (now) (infml 口) very shortly or soon 随时; 马上     The leading cyclist will be coming round that corner any minute now! 为首的那个自行车手很快就要从那个转角处绕过来! in a `minute very soon 马上; 立刻     Our guests will be here in a minute! 我们的客人马上就到! ,just a `minute (infml 口) wait for a short time (usu while the speaker says or does sth) 稍等片刻(通常说话人此时在说或做某事)     Just a minute! Let me put your tie straight. 请等等! 我帮你正正领带. the last minute/moment => last1 ,not for a/one `minute/`moment (infml 口) not at all 一点儿也不; 从不; 根本不     I never suspected for a minute that youwere married. 我万万没想到你已经结婚了. the minute/moment (that)... as soon as... 一...就...     I want to see him the minute (that) he arrives. 他一来到我就要见他. there´s one born every minute => born. to the `minute exactly 准时     The train arrived at 9.05 to the minute. 火车在9时零5分准时到达. ,up to the `minute (infml 口) (a) fashionable 最新的; 时髦的     Her clothes are always right up to the minute. 她的衣著总是很入时.     [attrib 作定语] an ,up-to-the-`minute look, dress, style, etc 时新的样式、 连衣裙、 款式等. (b) having the latest information 有最新消息的     [attrib 作定语] an ,up-to-the-minute `news bulletin, summary, etc 有最新消息的简报、 总结等. minute, v [Tn] make a note of (sth) in an official memorandum; record (sth) in the minutes (minute1 4) 将(某事)载入备忘录或会议记录     minute an action point, comment, etc 记录一行动要点、 评语等     Your suggestion will be minuted. 你的建议将记录在案. minute adj (-r, -st) 1 very small in size or amount 极小的; 极少的     minute particles of gold dust 金沙中的微粒     water containing minute quantities of lead 含有微量铅的水. 2 very detailed; accurate or precise 极详细的; 准确的; 精确的     a minute description, inquiry, examination, inspection, etc 详细的描述、 调查、 检查、 视察等     The detective studied the fingerprints in the minutest detail. 那侦探仔仔细细地研究了各个指纹.




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