

单词 last
释义 last adj 1 coming after all others in time or order 最後的; 末尾的     December is the last month of the year. 十二月是一年的最後一个月份.     the last Sunday in June 六月的最後一个星期日     the last time I saw her 我上次看见她的时候     the last two/the two last people to arrive 最後到达的两个人. Cf 参看 first1 1. 2 [attrib 作定语] latest; most recent (指过去)最近的, 上一个的; 刚过去的     last night, week, month, summer, year, etc 昨晚、 上周、 上月、 刚过去的夏季、 去年     last Tuesday/on Tuesday last 刚过去的星期二     in/for/during the last fortnight, few weeks, two decades, etc 在过去的两周、 几星期、 二十年等     I thought her last book was one of her best. 我认为她最近出版的那本书是她的最佳著作之一. =>Usage at late1 用法见late1. 3 [esp attrib 尤作定语] only remaining; final 唯一剩下的; 最终的     This is our last bottle of wine. 这是我们最後的一瓶葡萄酒了.     He knew this was his last hope of winning. 他知道这是他获胜的唯一希望了.     I wouldn´t marry you if you were the last person on earth. 即使世上就剩下你一个人, 我也不会和你结婚. 4 least likely or suitable 最不可能的; 最不适合的     the last thing I´d expect him to do 我最不希望他做的事     She´s the last person to trust with a secret. 她是最不可能保密的人. 5 (idm 习语) at one´s last `gasp making one´s final effort or attempt before exhaustion or death 垂死挣扎; 最後拚搏     The team were at their last gasp when the whistle went. 球队正作最後拚搏, 这时哨声响了. be on one´s/its last `legs be weak or in poor condition 危殆; 糟糕     My car´s on its last legs -- it keeps breaking down. 我的汽车快不行了--总出毛病. the day,week, month, etc before last the day, etc immediately before the most recent one; two days, etc ago 两天、 两星期、 两月等之前     I haven´t seen him since the Christmas before last. 前年圣诞节过後我一直没见过他. draw one´s first/last breath => draw2. every last/single `one, etc every person or thing (in a group) included (一群人或物中的)每一个, 全部     We spent every last penny we had on the house. 我们的钱全部用在房子上了. famous last words => famous. first/last/next but one, two, three, etc => first1. first/last thing => thing. have the last `laugh triumph over one´s rivals, critics, etc in the end (对竞争者、 批评者等)取得最後胜利. have, etc the last `word make, etc the final and decisive contribution to an argument, a dispute, etc (辩论等中)作最後一次发言, 最终决定, 最後裁决, 定论等     We can all make suggestions, but the manager has the last word. 我们谁都可以提建议, 但经理最後说了算. in the last/final analysis => analysis. in the last re`sort; (as) a/one´s last re`sort (person or thing one turns to) when everything else has failed 最後手段; 最後的凭藉     In the last resort we can always walk home. 大不了我们走回家就是了.     I´ve tried everyone else and now you´re my last resort. 别人我都试过了, 现在就看你的了. one´s last/dying breath => breath. the ,last `ditch the last effort one can make to ensure one´s safety, avoid defeat, etc (为确保安全或避免失败等所能做的)最後拚搏     [attrib 作定语] a ,last-ditch `stand 背水一战的立场. the last `minute/`moment the latest possible time before an important event, etc (重大事件等前的)最後一刻     change one´s plans at the last minute 事到临头改变计画     We always leave our packing to/till the last moment. 我们总是到临行前才收拾行李.     [attrib 作定语] a last-minute dash for the train 为赶火车的奔忙. the last `lap final stage of a journey, contest,project, etc (旅行、 比赛、 工程等)最後阶段     We´re on the last lap, so don´t slacken! 我们已处最後阶段, 可不要松劲啊! the last/final straw => straw. the last `word (in sth) most recent, fashionable, advanced, etc thing 最新、 最时髦、 最先进等的事物     Ten years ago this dress was considered the last word in elegance. 十年前这种连衣裙还算是最高雅的款式呢. the last `word (on sth) definitive statement, account, etc 权威性的言论、 说法等     a book which may fairly claim to be the last word on the subject 堪称该课题权威性的书. say/be one´s last `word (on sth) give/be one´s final opinion or decision 做出[成为]决定     I´ve said my last word -- take it or leave it. 我的意见已经说过了--听不听请便.     I hope that´s not your last word on the subject. 我希望这不是你对该问题的最後决定. to a man/to the last man => man. a week last Monday, etc => week. last, n 1 the ~ (of sb/sth) (pl unchanged 复数不变) person or thing that is last or mentioned last 最後的或最後提到的人或事物     These are the last of our apples. 我们就剩下这些苹果了.     We invited Bill, Tom and Sue -- the last being Bill´s sister. 我们请了比尔、 汤姆和休--最後提到的这位是比尔的妹妹. 2 (idm 习语) at (long) `last after (much) delay, effort, etc; in the end 经过(种种)延误、 努力等; 终於     At last we were home! 我们终於到家了!     At long last a compromise was agreed on. 通过互让最终达成折衷协议. breathe one´s last => breathe. from first to last => first3. hear/see the last of sb/sth (a) hear/see sb/sth for the last time 最後一次听到[见到]某人[某事物]     That was the last I ever saw of her. 那是我最後一次见到她. (b) not have to deal with or think about sb/sth again 不必再与某人[某事物]打交道; 不必再考虑某人[某事物]     It would be a mistake to assume we´ve heard the last of this issue. 别以为我们不再过问这事. to/till the `last consistently, until the last possible moment (esp death) 坚持到底, 直到最後一刻(尤指直到死)     He died protesting his innocence to the last. 他至死都坚称自己无罪. last adv 1 after all others 在最後: He came last in the race. 他赛跑落得了最後.     This country ranks last in industrial output. 这个国家的工业生产排名最後. Cf 参看 first2. 2 on the occasion before the present time; most recently 最近一次; 上次     I saw him last/last saw him in New York two years ago. 我上次见到他是两年前在纽约.     They last defeated England in 1972. 他们最近一次战胜英格兰队是在1972年. 3 (idm 习语) first and last => first2. he who laughs last laughs longest => laugh. ,last but not `least (used before the final item in a list 列举时用於最後一项之前) last but no less important(ly) than the others 最後的但同样重要的     And last but not least there is the question of adequate funding. 最後同样重要的是要有足够的资金的问题. ,last `in, ,first `out those most recently employed, included, etc will be the first to be dismissed, excluded, etc if such action should become necessary 後来者先走(必要时首先解雇、 排除新来者)     The firm will apply the principle of `last in, first out´. 公司将实行`後来者先走'的原则. last v 1 [I, In/pr] ~ (for) sth continue for a period of time; endure 延续; 持续; 维持; 持久     The pyramids were really built to last. 建造金字塔为的是要与日月齐光.     How long do you think this fine weather will last? 你看这样的好天气能持续多久?     She won´t last long in that job it´s too tough. 她做那件工作坚持不了多久--那工作太困难.     The war lasted (for) five years. 战争持续了五年. 2 [I, Ip, In/pr] ~ (out); ~ (for) sth be adequate or enough 足够维持     Will the petrol last (out) till we reach London? 我们的汽油够开到伦敦的吗?     enough food to last (us) three days 足够我们维持三天的食物. =>Usage at take1 用法见take1. 3 [no passive 不用於被动语态     Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (out) be strong enough to survive or endure sth 活下来; 忍受得住; 支撑得了     He´s very ill and probably won´t last (out) the night, ie will probably die before the morning. 他病得很厉害, 可能活不过今晚. last n 1 block of wood or metal shaped like a foot, used in making and repairing shoes 鞋楦. 2 (idm 习语) stick to one´s last => stick2.




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