

单词 keep
释义 keep v (pt, pp kept ) 1 (a) [La, Ipr, Ip] continue to be in the specified condition or position; remain or stay 继续处於某状态或地位; 留下; 保留     She has the ability to keep calm in an emergency. 她有处变不惊的本事.     Please keep quiet -- I´m trying to get some work done. 请安静--我要处理一些工作.     You ought to keep indoors with that heavy cold. 你患重感冒应该留在屋里.     The notice said `Keep off (ie Do not walk on) the grass´. 布告牌上写著`勿踏草地'.     Keep back! The building could collapse at any moment. 别靠近! 那建筑物随时可能倒塌. (b) [Ip] ~ (on) doing sth continue doing sth; do sth repeatedly or frequently 继续做某事物; 重复做某事物     keep eating, laughing, smiling, walking 一直在吃、 笑、 微笑、 走     Keep (on) talking amongst yourselves, I´ll be back in a minute. 你们继续谈, 我一会儿就回来.     How can I trust you if you keep lying to me? 你要是一直欺骗我, 我怎麽能相信你呢?     I do wish you wouldn´t keep interrupting me! 希望你别老来打扰我!     My shoe laces keep (on) coming undone. 我的鞋带总是松开.     Keep going (ie Do not stop) until you reach a large roundabout. 继续走就走到一个宽阔的环状交叉路口了.     This is exhausting work, but I manage to keep going somehow. 这个工作很费力气, 但是我尽量设法做下去. (c) [Ipr, Ip] continue to move in the specified direction 继续朝某方向前进     Traffic in Britain keeps to the left, ie drives on the left-hand side of the road. 在英国, 车辆靠左行驶.     Keep straight on until you get to the church. 一直朝前走就走到教堂了.     The sign says `Keep Left´, so I don´t think we can turn right here. 路标上写著`靠左行', 我想不能从这儿向右拐. 2 [Tn.pr, Tn.p, Cn.a, Cn.g] cause sb/sth to remain in the specified condition or position 使某人[某事物]保持某状态或某地位     If your hands are cold, keep them in your pockets. 要是手冷, 就揣在口袋里.     Extra work kept him (late) at the office. 他因有额外的工作, (很晚)仍留在办公室里.     Don´t keep us in suspense any longer -- what happens at the end of the story? 别再让我们蒙在鼓里了, 结局究竟怎麽样?     keep sb amused, cheerful, happy, etc 使某人一直高兴、 快乐、 幸福等     These gloves will keep your hands warm. 这种手套保暖好.     Give the baby her bottle; that´ll keep her quiet for a while. 把瓶子给孩子, 那就能让她安静一会儿.     He´s in a coma and is being kept alive by a life-support machine. 他处於昏迷状态, 靠生命维持器活著.     I´m sorry to keep you waiting. 对不起, 让您久等了.     Add some more coal to keep the fire going. 再添些煤, 别让火灭了. 3 [Tn] detain or delay (sb) 留住或耽搁(某人)     You´re an hour late; what kept you? 你晚了一小时, 是什麽事给耽误了? Cf 参看 keep sb from sth/doing sth. 4 [Tn] (a) continue to have (sth); retain 保有, 留下(某物)     You can keep that book I lent you; I don´t want it back. 我借给你的那本书你可以留下, 不用还我.     Here´s a five-pound note -- you can keep the change. 这是五镑的钞票--零钱不用找了. (b) [Tn, Tn.pr, Dn.n] ~ sth (for sb) look after sth (for sb); retain sth (为某人)照顾某事物; 保留某事物     Could you keep my place in the queue (for me)(ie prevent anybody else from taking it)? 我排在队里的位置可以给我留著吗?     Please keep me a place in the queue. 排队时请给我占个位置. (c) [Tn, Tn.pr] have (sth) in a particular place; store 在某处存放(某物); 贮藏     Where do you keep the cutlery? 你的餐具在哪里?     We haven´t enough shelves to keep all our books on. 我们的书架不够用, 放不下这麽多书.     Always keep your driving licence in a safe place. 驾驶执照一定要妥善保管. (d) [Tn] retain (sth) for future use or reference 保留(某物)(以备日後之需)     These trousers are so worn they´re hardly worth keeping. 这条裤子磨损得很厉害, 不必再留著了.     Let´s not eat all the sandwiches now -- we can keep some for later. 咱们别把三明治都吃光--可以留些过後再吃.     I keep all her letters. 我保留著她全部的信. 5 [Tn] own and manage (a shop, restaurant, etc) 经营, 开设(商店、 饭馆等)     Her father kept a grocer´s shop for a number of years. 她父亲开了几年杂货店.     He plans to keep a pub when he retires. 他打算退休後开酒馆. 6 [Tn] own and look after (animals) for one´s use or enjoyment (为自用或消遣)饲养(动物)     keep bees, goats, hens, etc 饲养蜂、 羊、 鸡等. 7 [Tn] have (sth) regularly on sale or in stock 经销、 销售或储存(某物)     `Do you sell Turkish cigarettes?´ `I´m sorry, we don´t keep them.´ `你们卖土耳其香烟吗?'`对不起, 我们不卖那种香烟.' 8 [Tn] not reveal (a secret) 保守(秘密)     Can you keep a secret? ie If I tell you one, can I be sure that you will not tell it to sb else? 我想告诉你一件事, 你能保密吗? 9 [I] (of food) remain in good condition (指食物)保持不坏     Do finish off the fish pie; it won´t keep. 鱼馅糕饼留不住, 都吃了吧.     (fig 比喻) The news will keep, ie can be told later rather than immediately. 这消息可容後宣布. 10[I] (used with an adv, or in questions after how 与副词连用或用於疑问句中的how之後) be in the specified state of health 处於某种健康状况     `How are you keeping?´ `I´m keeping well, thanks.´ `你身体好吗?'`很好, 谢谢.' 11 [Tn] (a) make written entries in (sth) 在(某物)上作书面记载     She kept a diary for over twenty years. 她写日记已二十多年. (b) write down (sth) as a record 记录(某事)     keeping an account/a record of what one spends each week 记录每周的开支. 12 [Tn] provide what is necessary for (sb); support (sb) financially 供给(某人)必需品; 经济上支持(某人)     He scarcely earns enough to keep himself and his family. 他挣的钱难以维持全家人的生活. 13 (a) [Tn] guard or protect (sth) 守卫或把守(某物)     keep goal, ie in football 守球门(足球的)     keep wicket, ie in cricket 守三柱门(板球的). Cf 参看 goalkeeper (goal), wicket-keeper (wicket). (b) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (from sth) (fml 文) protect sb (from sth) 保护或保佑某人     May the Lord bless you and keep you, ie used in prayers in the Christian Church 愿上帝祝福你、 保佑你(用於基督教会的祈祷)     She prayed to God to keep her son from harm. 她祈祷上帝保佑儿子平安. 14 [Tn] be faithful to (sth); respect or observe 忠於(某事物); 尊重; 遵守     keep an appointment, the law, a promise, a treaty 遵守约会、 法律、 诺言、 条约. 15 (idm 习语) ,keep it `up maintain a high standard of achievement 保持优秀成绩     Excellent work, Cripps keep it up! 克里普斯, 你干得真好--要保持下去! ,keep up with the `Joneses (infml often derog 口, 常作贬义) try to maintain the same social and material standards as one´s neighbours 要在地位和物质方面比得上周围的人. (For other idioms containing keep, see entries for ns, adjs, etc 与keep搭配的其他习语见有关名词、 形容词等的词条, 如 keep house => house1; keep the ball rolling => ball1.) 16 (phr v) keep (sb) at sth (cause sb to) continue to work at sth (使某人)继续做某事     Come on, keep `at it, you´ve nearly finished! 加油, 别松劲, 你眼看就完成了!     The teacher kept us at our `work all morning. 老师让我们做了一上午的功课. keep n 1 [U] (cost of providing) food and other necessities of life 食物等生活必需品; 生活费     It´s time you got a job and started paying for your keep! 你该找份工作, 负担自己的生活费了!     (fig 比喻) Does that old car still earn its keep? ie Is it useful enough to be worth the cost of keeping it? 那辆旧汽车还值得维修吗? 2 [C] strongly built tower of an ancient castle 古代城堡中的强固主楼. 3 (idm 习语) for `keeps (infml 口) permanently; for ever 永远地; 永久地     Can I have it for keeps or do you want it back? 我可以永久保留它呢还是要我还给你?




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