

单词 hear
释义 hear v (pt, pp heard) 1 [I, Tn, Tng, Tni] perceive (sounds) with the ears 听见(声音)     She doesn´t/can´t hear very well, ie is rather deaf. 她听觉不灵.     We listened but could hear nothing. 我们留心听, 却什麽也没有听见.     Have you ever heard that song sung in Italian? 你听过用意大利语唱的那首歌曲吗?     I heard someone laughing. 我听见有人笑.     Did you hear him go out? 你听见他走出去了吗?     He was heard to groan. 有人听见他在呻吟. 2 [Tn, Tw] listen or pay attention to (sb/sth) 听, 聆听, 谛听, 倾听(某人的声音[某事物])     You´re not to go do you hear me! 你不要走--听我的话!     We´d better hear what they have to say. 我们还是听听他们要说些什麽吧. =>Usage at feel1 用法见feel1. 3 [Tn] listen to and try (a case) in a lawcourt 审理(案件)     The court heard the evidence. 法庭听取了证词.     Which judge will hear the case? 哪位法官(将)审理这案件? 4 [I, Tn, Tf] be told or informed about (sth) 听说或得知(某事物)     You sing very well, I hear. 听说你唱得好极了.     Have you heard the news? 你听到那消息了吗?     I heard (that) he was ill. 我听说他病了.     I´ve heard (say) that it´s a good film. 听说那是部好影片. 5 [Tn] grant (a prayer) 答允(所祈求的事物). 6 (idm 习语) ,hear! `hear! (used to express agreement and approval 用以表示同意和赞成). hear/see the last of sb/sth => last1. hear a `pin drop hear the slightest noise 听得见最细小的声音     The audience was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. 观众静得连别针落地的声音也能听见. hear tell of sth hear people talking about sth 听人说起某事物     I´ve often heard tell of such things. 我时常听人说起这类事情. listen to/hear reason => reason. make one´s voice heard => voice. not/never hear the end of sth not be finished with sth as the subject of discussion or matter that affects one (议论到的或涉及自身的某事物)未结束     If we don´t give her what she wants we´ll never hear the end of it. 我们若不满足她的要求, 这事就没完没了了. 7 (phr v) hear about sth be given information about sth 听到关於某事物的消息     I´ve only just heard about his dismissal. 我刚听到他遭解雇的事.     You will hear about this (ie will receive a formal rebuke about it) later. 这件事你就等瞧吧(要受到严厉斥责). hear from sb receive a letter, telephone call, etc from sb 接到某人的来信、 电话等     How often do you hear from your sister? 你多长时间接到你姐姐一次信? hear of sb/sth be told about or have knowledge of sb/sth 听到或知道某人[某事物]的情况     I´ve never heard of the place. 我从未听说过那个地方.     She disappeared and was never heard of again. 她不知去向了, 再未听到她的消息. not `hear of sth (usu with will or would 通常与will或would连用) refuse to allow sth 不允许某事     He wouldn´t hear of my walking home alone. 他不许我单独一人走回家.     I can´t let you pay my debts I won´t hear of such a thing. 我不能让你替我还债--我不同意此事. hear sb out listen until sb has finished saying what he wants to say 把某人要讲的话听完     I know you don´t believe me but please hear me out! 我知道你不信我的话, 但是请听我把话说完!




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