

单词 tackle
释义 tackle n 1 [U] set of ropes and pulleys for working a ship´s sails or for lifting weights (操纵船帆或吊起重物用的)滑车, 滑轮, 滑轮组. 2 [U] equipment for a task or sport 用具; 器械     `fishing-tackle 鱼具.3 [C] act of tackling in or as in football, etc (如橄榄球等中的)擒抱, 擒拿     The policeman brought the thief to the ground with a flying tackle. 警察飞身上前把盗贼扑倒在地上. tackle, v 1 [Tn] deal with or overcome (an awkward problem, a difficult piece of work, etc) 应付, 对付, 处理(棘手的问题、 困难的工作等)     It´s time to tackle my homework. 现在该对付我的家庭作业了.     tackle a problem head-on, ie boldly and vigorously 迎向困难著手解决. 2 [Tn.pr] ~ sb about/over sth speak to sb about (an awkward matter) 向某人提起(尴尬之事)     When are you going to tackle your brother about that money he owes me? 你打算什麽时候跟你兄弟提他欠我钱的事? 3 [I, Tn] (a) (in football, hockey, etc) try to take the ball from (an opponent) by intercepting it (足球、 曲棍球等)拦截(对方)抢球, 抢截     no good at tackling 不善於抢球     He was tackled just outside the penalty area. 他恰在罚球区外让对方把球截过去了. (b) (in Rugby football) seize and stop (an opponent holding the ball) (橄榄球)擒抱(对方持球队员).




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