

单词 French
释义 French n 1 the French [pl v] the people who live in France 法国人     The French are renowned for their cooking. 法国人擅长烹饪. 2 [U] language spoken in France and parts of Belgium, Switzerland, and Canada 法语     French is a Romance language. 法语是罗曼语. 3 (idm 习语) excuse/pardon my `French (infml euph 口, 婉) excuse the swear-words I shall use 原谅我要说骂人的话了     Excuse my French, but he´s a bloody nuisance! 别怪我骂人, 可他实在太不是东西! take French `leave leave one´s work, duty, etc without permission 未经允许而脱离工作、 岗位等; 擅离职守; 不辞而别. French, adj of France, its people or its language 法国的; 法国人的; 法国语的     the French countryside 法国的乡村.




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