

单词 girl
释义 girl n 1 [C] (a) female child 女孩; 姑娘: a baby girl 女婴     a little girl of six (years old) 六岁女童     Good morning, girls and boys! 孩子们, 早上好! (b) daughter 女儿     Their eldest girl´s getting married. 他们的长女就要结婚了. 2 [C] (a) young, usu unmarried, woman 年轻女子(通常指未婚者)     a girl in her teens or early twenties 十几岁或二十岁出头的姑娘     He was eighteen before he started going out with girls. 他十八岁才开始交女朋友. (b) woman of the specified type 某种类型的女人     She´s the new girl in the office, so give her any help she needs. 她是办公室的新人, 她有什麽需要就多帮帮忙.     the old girl who owns the sweet shop 这家糖果店的女掌柜     I´m a career girl, ie I concentrate on my career rather than getting married, etc. 我是事业心强的女人(注重事业而不思结婚等). 3 [C] (usu in compounds 通常用以构成复合词) female worker 女工作人员     an office-girl, a shop-girl, a telephone-girl, etc. 4 (man´s) girl-friend (男子的)女朋友     taking his girl home to meet his parents 带女朋友回家见父母. 5 girls [pl] (infml often joc 口, 常作戏谑语) (used for addressing a group of women of any age, by market-salesman, popular entertainers, etc 市场推销员、 受欢迎的演员等用以称呼任何年龄的妇女). 6 the girls [pl] female friends of any age (任何年龄的)女性朋友     a night out with the girls 与女朋友外出的夜晚.




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