

单词 farewell
释义 farewell interj (arch or fml 古或文) 1 goodbye 再会; 再见: Farewell until we meet again! 下次再见! 2 (idm 习语) (bid/say) farewell to sb/sth (have) no more of sb/sth 不再(有某人[某事物])     You can say farewell to seaside holidays as we once knew them. 我们熟悉的海滨假日已可谓一去不复返了. farewell, n saying goodbye 辞行; 告别     make one´s last farewells 作最後告别     [attrib 作定语] a farewell party, gift, speech 送别宴会、 辞行赠礼、 告别演讲.




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