现有的数据记录是 在DB2系统上整理并在计 算机中心汇集的。 igel.com | The existing data records were [...] conso lidatedona DB2 System and pooled [...]in the computer center. igel.com |
在此 架构中,5 位数字衰减器和单位衰减器级联在一起,获得 63dB的可能动态范围。 skyworksinc.com | This combines a 5 bit digital attenuator with a single bit [...] attenuator t o achieve 63dB ofpotentialdynamic range. skyworksinc.com |
Skyworks 的数字 [...] 衰减器由串行或并行接口控制,对接收和发射信号通道内的信号进行衰减,衰减位精度 可达 0.25dB。skyworksinc.com | Skyworks’ solutions attenuate signals in both receive and [...] transmit signal paths, are controlled by serial or parallel interfaces, and offer attenuation bit [...] accuracy a s greatas0.25 dB. skyworksinc.com |
2010 年千年发展目标数据库更新:未满足的计划生育需要》 (POP/DB/CP/B/MDG2010)。 daccess-ods.un.org | 2010 Update for the MDG Database: Unmet Need for [...] Family Planning (POP/DB/CP/B/ MDG2010). daccess-ods.un.org |
该套装提供纯 [...] 净、细节丰富、自然的声音,可以轻松处理 144 dB的峰值电平,话筒可用于军鼓、小号、吉他及贝斯音箱或其他高声压级声源。 dpamicrophones.com | Capable of [...] handling a robust 144 dBpeak beforeclipping, [...]the microphones can be used even for snare drums, trumpets, guitar [...]and bass speaker cabinets or other high SPL sources. dpamicrophones.dk |
该设置意味着设备提供基本的 [...] Peakstop 保护,阻隔超过 118dB的信号。 jabra.cn | This setting means that the unit is offering basic Peakstop protection, [...] no signals exceeding 118dB. jabra.com |
db4o可 帮您节省研发的费用和时间,提供更为优质的运作, [...]且不需要雇佣数据库管理员。 javakaiyuan.com | db4ocan help you save development [...]cost and time , provide more high-quality operation , and do not need to hire a database administrator . javakaiyuan.com |
100匹马力的喷气发动机 120至140分贝 在125分贝 (dB)的环境,耳朵开始不 适;如不采取任何保护措施,即使噪 [...]音时间很短也足以导致听力永久丧失。 soulelectronics.com | Jet Engine at 100’ [...] 120 t o 140 dBAt 125 dB the human [...]ear begins to experience pain that can lead to permanent hearing loss [...]even during short unprotected periods. soulelectronics.com |
这可以通过使用非平衡接线来连接环绕声处理器的超 低音输出端 与DB1左或右立体声输入端(仅在测量期间)。 bowers-wilkins.cn | This can be achieved by connecting an unbalanced [...] line cable between the surround [...] processor sub out and theDB1leftor right stereo [...]input (only for the duration of the measurement). bowers-wilkins.it |
当AC电源无接地或AC电源的地线直接连接激光灯外罩并且完全没有“隐性接地”时, ILDADB-25的第25针必须连接到“中央接地点”。 pangolin.com | When an AC ground is not used, or when the AC ground is connected only to the projector chassis and there [...] are absolutely no “phantom ground [...] connections” then ILDA DB-25 pin 25MUST be [...]connected to the “Central Grounding Point”. pangolin.com |
MDD212M,MDD215音箱的组合150–200平方米的会议厅,KTV练歌房,加上独有特色MDD218S单18寸的低音,这个组合非常适合150–200平方米多功能厅,如果您的项目再大一些的场地,您可选择MDD225双15寸低音的大功率音箱,这款音箱的最大声压级达到 133 dB,这是其它品牌同类产品所不能比拟的,用户可以根据需要增加MDD218S的超低音,这个组在300–450平方米的多功能场地是非常适合的包括以上这些组合不仅能大大的满足用户的预期效果,更值得大家欣慰的是,整个系统的造价不高,真正是好而不贵,优而不俗。 acehk.com | MDD212M, MDD215 combination for 150-200 square meters speaker chamber, KTV karaoke room, with unique characteristics, a single 18-inch super-bass MDD218S, this combination is suitable for 150-200 square meters of function rooms, if your project again larger venue, you can choose MDD225 double 15-inch high-power super-bass speakers, this [...] speaker to achieve the maximum sound [...] pressu relevel of 133dB, which is ofsimilar [...]products of other brands can not match, [...]the user can be increased MDD218S subwoofer, This group of multi-purpose venue in the 300-450 square meter is very appropriate, including not only significantly more than the combination of the satisfaction of the user's expected results that should be pleased that the entire system cost is not high, really is good but not expensive , excellent and impressive. acehk.com |
注:当使用小房间尺寸和短衰减时间处理打击乐信号时,混响电平和早期反射电平必须接 近4 dB的电平差,以 避免出现拍音效果。 tcelectronic.com | Note: When using small room sizes and short Decay times on percussive [...] signals, the Reverb level and Early level must have an approx. [...] level di fference of 4dB inorder to prevent [...]a slap effect. tcelectronic.com |
RFaxis首席技术官Oleksandr Gorbachov博士表示:“通过将新的共存滤波器技术集成到针对多功能移动设备的CMOS [...] RFeIC单片电路中,RFaxis能降低天线的发射功率损耗至少 1.5 dB,显着提高接收灵敏度,同时降低电流消耗数十毫安。 tipschina.gov.cn | Dr. Oleksandr Gorbachov, RFaxis CTO, adds, "By integrating our new Coexistence Filter technology into our CMOS RFeIC single-die circuits for multifunctional cellular devices, [...] RFaxis is able to reduce transmit power [...] loss byat least 1.5dB at the antenna, significantly [...]improve receive sensitivity, [...]and substantially reduce current consumption by tens of milliamps. tipschina.gov.cn |
吹卸按钮 (DB):打开和关闭气流,将压盘推出空 料桶。 graco.com | Bl owoff button(DB):turnsairon and [...]off to push the platen out of an empty drum. graco.com |
在使用了类似Doherty类功-放-的MC-GSM环境下,设计者有可能实 现40 dB以上的ACPR性能提升。 tipschina.gov.cn | In a MC-GSM environment using a similar Doherty class PA, designers can expect an ACPR performance [...] improvement of gr eater than40dB. tipschina.gov.cn |
项目简介: RETE-DB是一个可定制多用户Web数据库。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Info rmation: RETE-DB is a customizable multi-user [...]Web database . javakaiyuan.com |
这些放大器采用低端频段,与竞争对手的砷化镓器件相比,噪声系数性能提升了 5dB,额定输入功率提升 14dB,同时具有 2 kV 的出色 ESD 额定值和更大的 5 至 8 V 供应电压工作范围。 digikey.cn | At the low end of the frequency band, these amplifiers outperform competitors’ GaAs [...] devices in noise figure [...] perfo rmance by 5 dBand in input power rating by more than 14dB,while offering a [...]superior ESD rating of [...]2 kV and a larger supply voltage operating range of 5 to 8 V. These amplifiers are well suited for various broadband TV distribution system applications, such as FFTH, home gateways and set-top boxes. digikey.be |
如果没有预先得到主办方的核准而声量超过了 75db,参展商将会收到口头的警告且会被要求降低声 量。 siaf-china.com | If the noise leve l exceeds75db without the prior [...]approval from the Organizer, the exhibitor will receive a verbal warning [...]and will be requested to lower the volume. siaf-china.com |
这些器件采用专有环氧氯丙烷材料和四分之一微米凹进栅极工艺技术,可以生产出更高线性度(+48 dBm IP3,在 1 W P-1dB无线放大器中)和更低相位噪声(-125 [...]dBc,在 17.5 GHz DRO 条件下发生 100 KHz 偏移时)的额定功率输出从 [...]10 毫瓦至 5 瓦的器件。 digikey.cn | These devices employ proprietary epi material and quarter micron recessed gate process [...] technology, which result in highly linear (+48 [...] dBm IP3 ina 1 W P-1 dBWireless Amp) and [...]low phase noise (-125 dBc @ 100 KHz Offset [...]in a 17.5 GHz DRO) devices with power outputs ranging from 10 milliwatts to 5 watts. digikey.ca |
请注意,AC电源的地线与 ILDADB-25的第25针不能同时连接“中央接地点”,否则激光灯外部就会形成接地环路,产生不良后果。 pangolin.com | Note t hat theILDA DB-25pin 25 should [...]NOT be connected to the “Central Grounding Point” if the AC ground connection is [...]already connected there, otherwise there will be a ground loop formed external to the projector, which is undesirable. pangolin.com |
TCC-175R和TCC-80R各两台,分别配套两台6100kw感应炉的电源和炉体,下图为设计系统图,图中的“设备”是指“电源”或者“炉体”,设备中需要被冷却的工质进入冷却塔内,经过热质交换,达到要求的温度后,再流入设备,设备本体采用优质玻璃钢,保证15年以上不变色,填料采用阻燃自熄材料,而且防紫外线;冷却塔钢结构件全部热镀锌,水槽里有自动补水浮球装置,设备运转噪音为百叶窗10米处小 于60 dB(A)。tyacht.com.cn | TCC-175R and two TCC-80R respectively has tow, supporting two 6100kw induction furnace and the furnace power, the next picture shows the design of the system map, map of "equipment" means "power" or "furnace", the refrigerant which in equipment need to be cooled into the cooling tower, after heat and mass transfer to reach the required temperature, and then flows to equipment, equipment with high-quality fiberglass to ensure that it do not change color more than 15 years, fill is used of self-extinguishing flame retardant materials, and UV ; cooling towers all the hot-dip galvanizing steel [...] pieces, tanks have automatic replenishment float devices, equipment operating noise for blinds [...] from 1 0 m less than60dB (A). tyacht.com.cn |
即使是某些高达 80dB的增益,也只需要一个很小的装置,因此你需要多种不同的工具来了解反馈模式。 bksv.cn | It’s a very small device for gain that is [...] sometim esup to 80 dB, so you need many [...]different tools to understand the feedback patterns. bksv.com |
DBxK5针在这方面提供 了多种的粗细度。 groz-beckert.pl | Features which the needle system DBxK5 offers in all sizes. groz-beckert.pl |
不管你想以一种简洁并面向对象的方式(即使用数据结构图表运行静态模型与分析)开发你的数据库应用程序或你使用一种更传统的方法(即使用ER图表开始数据成型与分析)来开发 , DB-VA都可以通过一个简单的可视模型进程全程为你监控。 evget.com | Whether you would like to build your database applications in a clean and pure object oriented manner by performing static modeling and analysis using Class Diagram, or alternatively, you would like to adopt a more traditional approach by [...] starting your data modeling and [...] analysis usi ngER diagram, DB-VA willtakecare of [...]the entire process for you through a [...]simple visual modeling process. evget.com |
许多声学专家将暴露于超过 135dBSPL 的声音定义为声冲击,但是低于这个值的声音也会损伤听力。 jabra.cn | Many acoustic experts define acoustic shock as being exposed to [...] a soun d of over 135dB SPL, but evenlower [...]sounds can damage the ears. jabra.com |
硬件界面通过装在 AEMS 卡后面的标 准DB-25接插口来支持;而软件界面是通过装在 SBS 控 制机后部的,整个控制机共享 的DB-9接插口来支持的。 grindingcontrol.com | The hardwire interface is supported via a standard DB-25connectorlocated on the rear panel of the AEMS Card, while the Software interface [...]is supported via the DB-9 connector [...]located on the rear panel of the SBS Control Unit’s Main Card, which is common to the whole control unit. grindingcontrol.com |
额定功率”和“峰值功率”是根据产品设计样品接受IEC检测标准规定的,具 有6 dB峰值因子的随机噪声功率通过100小时功率测试的平均功率和峰值功率的处理能力。 acehk.com | Rated power" and "peak power" is based on product [...] design, test samples received IEC standard [...] requir ements,with 6dB crest factor of the [...]random noise power by 100 hours of power [...]testing of average power and peak power handling capacity. acehk.com |
例如:如果输入信号突然下降到了门限以 下4 dB,而扩展比设定为 4:1,建立时间为 20ms,那么 M3000 将用 20ms 才能达到 16dB的增益下降。 tcelectronic.com | Example: If the Input [...] signal su ddenly drops 4dB below Threshold in no time, with the Ratio set to 4:1 and the Attack set to 20ms, the M3000 will use 20ms to reach a total gain reduction of 16dB. tcelectronic.com |
AD6645支持高达105 [...] MSPS(每秒百万采样)的采样频率并提供出色的噪声性能(第一奈奎斯特频带内信噪比为 74.5dB),满足了波尔航天严苛的性能和信噪比要求。 analog.com | Supporting a sampling frequency of up to 105 million samples per [...] second (MSPS) and offering exceptional [...] noise perf ormance(74.5dB signal-to-noise ratio [...]through the first Nyquist band), the [...]AD6645’s satisfied Ball Aerospace’s demanding performance and signal-to-noise noise requirements. analog.com |