采用所有主 要CAD系统格式的各种模型均免费。 digikey.cn | Models are free of [...] charge in all majorCAD system formats. digikey.ca |
新 的CAD图即可以在技术库中的下拉菜单上找到,又可以在每网页右面的快速链接栏内直接点击。 crydom.com | T he newCAD Drawings section, [...]which can be found in the Tech Library drop down menu, can also be accessed following a direct [...]link in the Quick Links bar present to the left of every page of the Crydom website. crydom.com |
今天,几乎没有公 司能说开发自己 的CAD系统 是合算的,大多数商业系统都同时具备 [...]曲面造型和实体造型能力。 delcam.com.cn | Today, few companies could justify the cost of [...] developing thei r own CAD system and most [...]commercial systems provide a mix of functionality [...]that covers both surface and solid modelling. delcam.tv |
紧凑的参考用书的核心思想是给客户提供一个机会,最大程度地减轻多样性信息和在线配置,视频 和CAD数据的快速概览紧密结合。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | The core idea of the compact reference book is to give the client an opportunity to by a maximum reduction of [...] the diversity of information and close integration with online [...] configurators, v ideos and CADdata witha quick [...]overview. en.developmentscout.com |
该模块结合了尖端光学特性和集成 LED [...] 驱动器,并为工程技术人员提供了一套完整 的CAD文件以加快集成过程,使工作变得前所未有的简单。 digikey.cn | Combining cutting-edge optical characteristics and integrated LED driver, [...] it’s simpler than ever providing your engineering staff [...] a ful l set of CAD files tospeed [...]along the integration process. digikey.pt |
生成或验证产品目录号,并获取这些产品的信息 和CAD图纸。 ab.rockwellautomation.com | Build or verify a catalog number, and get [...] informa tion and CAD drawingsfor these [...]products. ab.rockwellautomation.com |
实验课 [...] 程中,减少验证性实验,增加设计性、综合性、创新性的实验, 如CAD/CAM 实验、大型 工程应用软件使用、机电控制理论和技术的综合实验,使学生在实验思路、实验设计、 [...]实验技术上得到全面训练,培养他们综合工程实践能力。 unesdoc.unesco.org | During experiment courses, we reduced validating experiments, increased [...] experiments with design, synthesis and [...] innovation, such as CAD/CAM experiment, [...]application of commercial engineering software, [...]comprehensive experiments of mechatronic control theories and technologies, which trained students in experimental methodologies, process design and technologies, cultivated comprehensive practical capacities of engineering. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在对机房的资源管理上,北京移动公司的基站维护人员、工程设计人员和网络规划人员主要采用纸质图纸、各种电子图纸( 如CAD格式的文件、Visio格式的文件等)和文件(如Excel的表格等)等方式,这样就存在着机房资料分散无法共享、更新不及时导致信息不一致、无法充分反映机房的现状、网络资源状况以及统计周期较长无法及时、准确了解网络现状以及企业运营和维护成本较高等问题,因此北京移动公司迫切需要建设一套针对企业机房资源的管理系统,完整收集和整理机房(交换机房和基站机房)内所有设备和资源数据,以有效支持工程建设管理,同时为维护部门进行网络维护快速、准确地提供基础资源数据。 surekam.com | In terms of resources management with respect to server rooms, the base station maintenance staff, engineering staff and network planners of Beijing Mobile mainly adopted modes like paper-based drawings, various electronic drawings (e.g. files in CAD format and files in Visio format) and files (e.g. Excel forms), so that there were problems such as decentralized server room documentation unavailable for sharing, inconsistent information unable to adequately reflect current condition of the server rooms and the condition of network resources as a result of failure to update timely, inability to know current network condition timely and accurately due to long statistical cycle, and high corporate operating and maintenance costs. surekam.com |
下载带有范例模型文件和说明的出版指导教程以在一个小时内学习如何配置,上传并出版 3DCAD模型。 3dcontentcentral.cn | Download a publishing tutorial with sample model files and instructions to learn how to configure, [...] upload and publish 3D CAD models inunder an hour. 3dcontentcentral.com |
此外, 3DCAD创建 的工件和夹具数据可以不需要改变文件格式(如STL※2) [...]即可导入,使模拟设置简单方便。 moriseiki.com | Additionally, workpiece and fixture [...] data crea ted with 3D CAD can be imported without [...]changing the file format (such as STL※2 [...]), making your simulation setup simple and easy. moriseiki.com |
为了适应市场需求,今后应进一步解决以下问题:(1)推广应用新型高强度、高耐磨性的压铸合金,研究可着色的压铸合金以及用于有特殊安全性要求的铸件等方面的新型压铸合金;(2)开发性能稳定、成分易于控制的压铸铝合金;(3)简化合金成分,减少合金牌号,为实现绿色化生产提供基础;(4)进一步完善压铸新工艺(真空压铸、充氧压铸、半固态压铸、挤压铸造等);(5)提高对市场的快速反应能力,推行并行工程(CE)和快速原型制造技术(RPM);(6)开 展CAD/CA M/CAE系统的研究与开发;(7)开发和应用更多的压铸铝合金汽车零部件。 jinnuo-cn.com | In order to meet the market demand, we should further solving the following questions: (1) the promotion application type high strength, high wear resistance of die-casting alloy die-casting, study can be shaded alloy, and for a special safety requirements of castings aspects of new die-casting alloy, (2) developing stable performance, easy to control the die casting aluminum alloy composition, (3) simplifying alloying, reduce alloy nameplate, provides the basis for realizing green production, (4) further perfect die-casting new technologies (vacuum die-casting, oxygen-rich die-casting, semi-solid casting, extrusion); foundry etc. (5) improve the ability of fast reaction to market, promote the concurrent engineering (CE) [...] and rapid prototyping manufacturing technology [...] (RPM) ; (6) in CAD/CAM/CAE system [...]research and development; (7) development and [...]application more die casting aluminum alloy parts of the car. jinnuo-cn.com |
贡献最大的减少在各种信息和在线配置,视频 和CAD数据的紧密结合。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Contributes the greatest reduction in the variety of information and close integration with online [...] configurators, vi deos and CAD data. en.developmentscout.com |
公司充分利用内部测试实验室、 3DCAD设计 能力和先进的工程技术工具生成原型和设计概念,确保在第一时间为客户提供合适的解决方案。 digikey.cn | We ensure we get it right the first time by utilizing our in-house test [...] laboratori es, 3D CADdesigncapability [...]and advanced engineering tools to produce [...]prototypes and design concepts. digikey.ca |
我们提供SPT系列产品 的CAD模型, 以保证该产品能在您的计划启动之初 [...]即能和您的设计方案完全整合。 staubli.com | We ca n provide CADmodels ofour [...]SPT range to enable you to integrate our connections into your projects right from the start of the design stage. staubli.com |
此外,经济合作与发展组织/发展援助委员会( OCDE/CAD)的一些成员国(加拿大、法国、日 本)已宣布今后不再提交申请,以此来响应总干事关于把参与计划的资金留给发展中国家和转型期国家的呼 吁。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Furthermore, some Members States of the Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD/DAC) (Canada, France and Japan) have already announced that they will no longer submit requests, thus responding to the Director-General’s appeal to reserve Participation Programme funds for developing countries and countries in transition. unesdoc.unesco.org |
该站点的 3D [...] 参数配置功能使用户可以快速、轻松地配置、查看和下载各种免费 3DCAD模型,因此您可以下载最符合您特定需求的组件。 3dcontentcentral.cn | The site's 3D parametric configuration capabilities enable [...] users to configure, view, and download a [...] range of free 3D CAD modelsquickly [...]and easily, so you can determine the most suitable [...]component for your specific need. 3dcontentcentral.com |
更新: 专用维护合同允许您下载新的零部件目录并更新应用程序 和CAD驱动程序。 traceparts.com | Updates: an exclusive maintenance contract allows you to download new parts catalogs and updates for [...] the appli cationandCAD drivers. traceparts.com |
我们在使用某些 由CAD转化 成PDF格式的图形好转换,但是从PDF反过来转换的软件不少,但是效果都不好,尤其式标注比较多、繁杂的图纸,经常转换成的是一堆乱码,一个朋友介绍了这样一种办法,转换效果还不错,上传与大家共享。 oapdf.com | We u sesomefrom CADformats intoPDF [...]graphics good conversion, but conversion from PDF, in turn, many of the software, [...]but the results are not good, especially the type mark are more complex drawings, is often converted into a pile of garbled, a friend introduced such a way to convert good, upload to share with you. oapdf.com |
在销售总额的COMPANHIA [...] BRASILEIRA的分布(CBD)第二季度2010,去年上升到38.5%,较上年同期 : CAD7,81 5.4亿美元,净销售额上升至39.4%6,977.9万元。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | In the second quarter of 2010, gross sales of Companhia Brasileira de [...] Distribution (CBD) rose to 38.5% over the same [...] period last year CAD$ 7,815.4million, [...]while net sales rose to $ 39.4% 6,977.9 million. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
我们的研发部门拥有50名专职的研发人员,其中包括工程师、技术员 和CAD/CA M编程人员,并且他们可以直接调用生产部门来制造原型机。 ficepgroup.com | Our research activity involves a [...] dedicated staff of 50 people, including engineers, [...] technici ans andCad/Cam operators, [...]who can count on the direct support of the [...]production department for creating prototypes. ficepgroup.com |
筐体·结构设计技术、功能设计技术、逻辑设计技术、零部件布置设计技术、零部件表管理系统(BOM)、图形设计、布置设计、各种设计支援工具 2维CAD、3维CAD、数码模型工具、知识管理系统、绘图机·打印机、CAM、加工模拟器、CAE(机构分析、结构分析、热·流体分析、树脂流动分析、铸造分析、电磁场分析、冲压分析)、委托分析服务等。 jpcashow.com | Packaging and structural design technologies, functional design technologies, logical design technologies, part layout design technologies, bill of materials (BOM), pattern design, layout design, various design support tools, 2DCAD,3DCAD,digital mock-up tools, knowledge management systems, plotters/printers, CAM, process simulators, CAE (mechanism analysis, structure analysis, thermo-fluid analysis, resin flow analysis, casting analysis, electromagnetic field analysis, press analysis), analyzing service by contract, etc. jpcashow.com |
生成/验证产品目录号 — 生成或验证产品目录号,并获取产品信息 和CAD图纸。 ab.rockwellautomation.com | Build/Validate a Catalog Number — Build or verify a catalog number, and get [...] inform ation and CADdrawings for products. ab.rockwellautomation.com |
现在可为实时计算网格,而将可 在CAD计算结果中直接可视化的网格表示出来。 dial.de | Grids with direct [...] visualiza tion inCAD:Calculation [...]results can now be presented in real time for calculation grids. dial.de |
Seagate 的保密资讯包括,惟不限於 – 有关 [...] Seagate、其智慧财产权或其产品、采购产品数量及价格、设计和开发资料、技术细节 、 CAD图纸 、销售和行销计划、未发布产品的所有未公开资讯、标记为「confidential」(保密)、「proprietary」(专属) [...][...]或类似标记的任何资讯,或可能不利於 Seagate 竞争的任何已披露资讯。 seagate.com | Seagate confidential information includes, but is not limited to, all non-public information regarding Seagate, its intellectual property or its products, quantity and prices of products [...] purchased, design and development data, [...] engineerin g details,CAD drawings, sales [...]and marketing plans, unannounced products, [...]any information marked "confidential" or "proprietary" or similarly marked, or any information that, if disclosed, might be competitively detrimental to Seagate. seagate.com |
他于 1995 年 6 月加入闪迪,曾任内存设计 及CAD高级副总裁、内存设计副总裁、内存技术和设计高级总监、内存设计总监以及高级设计工程师。 sandisk.cn | He joined SanDisk in June 1995 and has [...] held the roles of senior vice president of [...] memory des ign and CAD, vicepresident [...]of memory design, senior director of memory [...]technology and design, director of memory design and senior design engineer. sandisk.it |
基本上,顾客得到一个精确的腔体模具,它可以以一个很有竞争力的价格提出一个尺寸上很精确的原型部件(高达1,000件取决于模具的材料).就如和其它 的CAD/CA M项目一样,和产品和模具设计相关的数据,和加工都被电子储存起来为将来的参考做准备:因为原型产品经过了多中循环,并且从市场和领域测试中得到反馈,储存 的CAD/CA M信息允许快速,准确和廉价的更改产品,模具或注塑模塑过程来在大规模生产之前完善最终产品。 chinaarray.com | Basically, the customer gets a precision cavity mold that faithfully renders dimensionally accurate prototype parts (up to 1,000 pieces depending on the mold material) at a [...] very competitive price. [...] As wit h all CAD/CAMprojects, data relating to product and mold design, and processing is retained electronically for future reference: as the prototype product moves through multiple iterations given feedback from marketing and field testing, th e stored CAD/CAM information [...]allows for quick, accurate, [...]inexpensive changes to the product, mold or injection molding process to perfect the finished good before large scale production. chinaarray.com |
公司的信息化建设成果也得到了社会各界的认同和肯定,先后获得全 国CAD应用工程示范单位(2000年)、广东省信息化应用示范单位(2002年)、佛山市首批信息化应用示范单位(2003年)、中国企业信息化500强(2003年~2008年)等荣誉;2008年11月,在广东省“企业信息化技术改造优秀示范工程”之“装备制造业信息化示范工程”招标项目中,我公司“数字化制造与设计信息集成系统”项目中标,获得广东省以及顺德区政府超过100万元资金奖励,这也是我公司信息化应用领域首次通过公开竞标方式获得的省级奖励。 sunten.com.cn | The achievements of the company's information construction has also been a recognition and affirmation [...] of the community, has [...] won the National CADApplication Engineering Demonstration Unit (2000), Guangdong Province of informati ontechnology application [...]and demonstration [...]units (2002), Foshan City, the first application of information technology demonstration unit(2003) enterprises in China 500 (2003 to 2008) and other honors; November 2008 in Guangdong Province "enterprise information technology excellence project" of the equipment manufacturing industry information technology demonstration project "tenderdigital manufacturing and design information integration system "project of the project, the company won the bid, Guangdong Province Shunde District Government more than 1 million yuan of financial incentives, this is also my company's information technology applications for the first time through the open bidding provincial awards. sunten.com.cn |
一位来自佳能这样的模式是imagePROGRAF [...] iPF605,其目的是支持文件的印刷技术与计算机辅助设计 (CAD),地理信息系统(地理信息系统)和AEC(建筑,工程,施工)应用工作作为用户的需求以及在一般办公室环境中的入门级用户。 technologeeko.com | One such model from Canon is the imagePROGRAF iPF605 which is designed to support the printing needs of [...] technical document users working with [...] Computer-Aided Design (CAD), GIS(Geographic [...]Information Systems), and AEC (Architecture, [...]Engineering, and Construction) applications as well as entry-level users in general office environments. technologeeko.com |
除了这个,你甚至可以给高 [...] 性能工作站的知识工作者或高级用户提供,例如使用R&D 或图形、网络和产品设计,包 括CAD应用 、图像编辑和图形 设计布局。 igel.com | Beyond this, you can even provide high-performance workstations for knowledge workers or power users, such as those for [...] use in R&D or in graphic, web and product [...] design – including CAD applications, image [...]editing and graphic-design layouts. igel.com |