单词 | airplay | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
A5是一款多用途的AirPlay扬声器, 即使在最拥挤的地方也可呈现极佳的无线音响表现。 bowers-wilkins.cn | A5 is a highlyversatileAirPlay speaker,capable [...] of providing great wireless audio performance in even the tightest spots. bowers-wilkins.eu |
Playmaker 可同时支援 AppleAirplay与DLNA ,从任何智慧型手机、平板电脑、Mac、个人电脑或媒体伺服器,均能以无线方式播放数位音乐。 bang-olufsen.com | Playmaker [...] works with both Apple Airplay and DLNA so that anybody [...]can unleash their digital music from practically any smartphone, [...]tablet, Mac, PC or media server. bang-olufsen.com |
在您的 iPad [...] 上观看一部精彩的电影,点击AirPlay图标,您便可以通过 Beolit 12 播放令人震撼的声音,立即提升您的观影体验。 bang-olufsen.com | Watch a great movie on [...] your iPad, clickthe AirPlay iconand you instantly [...]enhance the experience with the awesome sound of Beolit 12. bang-olufsen.com |
如果无法进行无线连线,或是您旧款的 iPod 不支援AirPlay,请不必烦恼。 bang-olufsen.com | If all this wireless talk has you spinning, or your old, beloved [...] iPod doesn't supportAirPlay,don’t worry. bang-olufsen.com |
有了 Apple TV和AirPlay,你可以将 iPad 或 iPad mini [...] 上的一切,无线串流至你的 HDTV 让你可跟房中所有人分享一切2。 mammals.org | With Apple TVand AirPlay, youcan wirelessly [...] stream what’s on your iPad or iPad mini to your HDTV. mammals.org |
A7是一款终极的AirPlay扬声器,具有高性能音效、严谨设计和无缝无线音乐串流。 bowers-wilkins.cn | A7 is the ultimateAirPlay speaker:high-performance [...] sound, discrete design, and seamless wireless music streaming. bowers-wilkins.eu |
如果所有这些无线功能让您感到困扰,或您心爱的旧款 iPod 不支持AirPlay,请不必担心。 bang-olufsen.com | If all this wireless talk has you spinning, or your old, beloved [...] iPod doesn't supportAirPlay,don’t worry. bang-olufsen.com |
Z2是一款具有便捷AirPlay®无线串流的扬声器底座,而其强劲的设计可配合任何地方。 bowers-wilkins.cn | Z2 is a speaker dock with the effortless convenience of [...] wireless streaming with AirPlay®, and a robust design [...]that fits almost anywhere. bowers-wilkins.eu |
Bowers & [...] Wilkins的无线音乐系统结合逾45年的专业音响技术和AirPlay无线串流技术,创造出赋予无线音乐自由便利且无损完美音质的系统。 bowers-wilkins.cn | Bowers & Wilkins Wireless Music Systems bring [...] together over 45-years of audio expertise [...] with intuitive AirPlaywireless streaming [...]technology to create a system that gives [...]all the convenience and freedom of wireless music, without compromising on sound quality. bowers-wilkins.eu |
您只需要一个智慧型手机、平板电脑或音乐播放器,透过 AppleAirplay或DLNA 将音乐串流至 A9,就能聆赏您所喜爱的音乐。 bang-olufsen.com | All you need is a phone, a tablet or a music player that streams [...] music through Apple Airplayorthe open streaming [...]standard DLNA. bang-olufsen.com |
您可透过 [...] Apple TV 将音乐从电脑或支援AirPlay的装置 (如 iPod、iPhone 或 [...]iPad) 传送至电视,依自己的喜好心情挑选曲目播放。 bang-olufsen.com | Feed music to your television through your Apple TV via [...] your computer and AirPlay-enabled devices such [...]as iPod, iPhone or iPad, and fill your [...]space with popping playlists to fit your mood. bang-olufsen.com |
我们的AirPlay程式不只是帮助您安装新系统,还能帮助您管理添加的系统。 bowers-wilkins.cn | Our AirPlay appnotonly lets you [...] set up a new system, it also allows you to manage them as you add more. bowers-wilkins.eu |
此外,用户也可以其移动设备作为遥控器,在AirPlay®和DLNA 设备上观赏电影。 synology.com | It also allows users [...] to watchmovies onAirPlay®and DLNAdevices, [...]with their mobile device as a remote control. synology.com |
A5既具备基础功能提供高品质音效,又可透过Apple的AirPlay串流音乐,如此严谨的系统几乎适用于任何地方。 bowers-wilkins.cn | A5 is built from the ground up to deliver the best in [...] high-quality audio and intuitive wireless [...] streaming fromApple's AirPlay®, in a discreet [...]system that fits almost anywhere. bowers-wilkins.eu |
空中无线扬声器系统JBL®与AirPlay的技术可以让你流的所有您的iTunes歌曲(网络收音机),你家的现有Wi-Fi或以太网网络,直接从您的计算机。 zh-cn.samratbazaar.com.sg | The JBL® On Air wireless [...] speaker system with AirPlay technology lets you [...]stream all your iTunes songs (and Internet radio), [...]directly from your computer, over your home’s existing Wi-Fi or Ethernet network. samratbazaar.com.sg |
终极的无线音乐系统,一款具备发烧级的串流、独立精巧的箱体,且使用AppleAirPlay技术的音响系统。 bowers-wilkins.cn | The complete speaker [...] dock, with Apple AirPlay wireless streaming [...]built in. bowers-wilkins.eu |
终极的扬声器底座,内置Apple的AirPlay无线串流。 bowers-wilkins.cn | The ultimate [...] speaker dock, with Apple AirPlaywireless streaming [...]built in. bowers-wilkins.eu |
的Airplay技术可用於由网络内的任何设备。 zh-tw.apple.ididactic.com | Airplay technology can be used [...] by any device within the network. en.apple.ididactic.com |
由於苹果的AirPlay技术,可以将正在发生的事情在我们的屏幕上,实时,无延迟,高清晰度投影系统,我们已经连接到我们的AppleTV的。 zh-tw.apple.ididactic.com | Thanksto Apple's AirPlay technology can send [...] what is happening in our screen, in real time, without delays and high definition [...]projection system that we have attached to our AppleTV. en.apple.ididactic.com |
安装无线系统的过程可能让人望而生畏,但当您使用AirPlay和Bowers & Wilkins Control App时,情况就完全不同。 bowers-wilkins.cn | Setting up a wireless system can be daunting, but not [...] when youare using AirPlayand Bowers&Wilkins [...]Control App. bowers-wilkins.eu |
优化Airplay和DLNA功能,Playmaker 实际上能够从所有智能手机、平板电脑、Mac、个人计算机或多媒体服务器中输出音频。 bang-olufsen.com | Optimizedforboth Airplayand DLNA,Playmaker [...] streams from practically any smartphone, tablet, Mac, PC or media server. bang-olufsen.com |
在极其精巧的系统内透过AppleAirPlay无线传输高品质音效。 bowers-wilkins.cn | Delivering high-quality audio [...] wirelessly via Apple AirPlay, in a surprisingly [...]compact system. bowers-wilkins.eu |
此外,Apple 的无线串流技术AirPlay也是本装置的标准功能。 dpaudio.com.hk | The unit is also equipped as a [...] standard featurewithAirPlay,which is Apple’s [...]wireless streaming technology. dpaudio.com.hk |
经由计算机和启用AirPlay功能的设备(如 iPod、iPhone 或 iPad),通过 [...] Apple TV 将音乐传送到电视中,然后在弹出的播放列表中添加适合心情的音乐。 bang-olufsen.com | Feed music to your television through your Apple TV via [...] your computer andAirPlay-enabled devices [...]such as iPod, iPhone or iPad, and fill your [...]space with popping playlists to fit your mood. bang-olufsen.com |
藉由AirPlay®,从行动转移至大萤幕。 seagate.com | From mobile to [...] massive screens withAirPlay®. seagate.com |
AirPlay可从你的电脑、iPhone、iPad 或 [...] iPod touch 上取得 iTunes 资料库的音乐,并无线传送到你家中的任何音响系统或扬声器。 mammals.org | AirPlay takesthe musicfrom [...] the iTunes library on your computer, iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch and sends it wirelessly to [...]any stereo or speakers in your home. mammals.org |
在安装过程中的关键点,Bowers & Wilkins的AirPlay设置程式允许你进入语音指令,而非文字的。 bowers-wilkins.cn | At key points in the setup process the [...] Bowers&WilkinsAirPlay Setup App allows [...]you to access vocal instructions, rather than written ones. bowers-wilkins.eu |
使用Bowers & Wilkins [...] Control app程式,安装和启动AirPlay都变得简单快捷,让您通过简单的步骤连接到Wi-Fi。 bowers-wilkins.cn | GettingAirPlay up andrunning couldn't [...] be easier, thanks to the Bowers & Wilkins Control app, which walks you through the [...]simple steps to connect to your Wi-Fi. bowers-wilkins.eu |
无线音乐系统和AirPlay的妙处在于您不用停留在一处收听音乐。 bowers-wilkins.cn | The beauty of Wireless [...] Music Systems and AirPlayis thatthere’s [...]no need to stop at one. bowers-wilkins.eu |
Z2具有全球顶尖的出色音效、方便的AirPlay无线串流技术、配合最新iPhones®及iPods®型号的Lightning连接器和适用性广泛的设计。 bowers-wilkins.cn | The best of all worlds - amazing sound, effortless [...] wireless streaming with AirPlay®, a Lightning™ [...]connector for docking the latest generation [...]of iPhones® and iPods® and a design that fits almost anywhere. bowers-wilkins.eu |