单词 | i'm to |
释义 | Examples:surname He n—和 Invite one and he'll tell all his friends.—拔毛连茹 no room advance or to retreat (idiom); without any way out of a dilemma—进退两难 he pron —他 pron he —伊 • 怹 Rear a tiger and court disaster. (idiom); fig. if you're too lenient with sb, he will damage you later—养虎遗患 • 养虎伤身 hear what he says and observe what he does (idiom, from Analects); judge a person not by his words, but by his actions—听其言而观其行 • 听其言观其行 reveal the cloven foot (idiom); to unmask one's true nature—露马脚 ham sausage —火腿肠 He who never wrongs others does not fear the knock in the night.—平生不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊 • 不做亏心事,不怕鬼敲门 smoked ham —烟肉 over-correct a defect (idiom); to over-compensate—矫枉过直 Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates, such as pigs, cows, giraffes etc)—偶蹄目 • 偶蹄类 lit. if he orders you go, he forbids you stop (idiom); fig. demand exact compliance with instructions—禁止令行 • 令行禁止 He'nan Mengguzu autonomous county in Qinghai—河南县 • 河南蒙古族自治县 ham n —香肠 n He Zizhen (1910-1984), Mao Zedong's third wife—贺子珍 (of the fingers or toes) nail—甲 lit. turning his hand palm up he gathers the clouds, turning his hand palm down he turns them rain—翻手为云覆手变雨 pick up money and not hide it (idiom); to return property to its owner—拾金不昧 He Long (1896-1969), important communist military leader, died from persecution during the Cultural Revolution—贺龙 yellow peril (offensive term referring the perceived threat to Western nations, of immigration or military expansion from East Asian nations)—黄祸 lit. the birds are over, the bow is put away (idiom); fig. get rid of sb once he has served his purpose—鸟尽弓藏 raised up by Xiao He, cast down by Xiao He (idiom); success or failure depends solely on one individual—成也萧何,败也萧何 the people are impoverished, their means exhausted (idiom); drive the nation to bankruptcy—民穷财尽 He Houhua (1955-), Macau financier and politician, first magistrate from 1999—何厚铧 lend-lease (US device provide war materiel to its allies during WW2)—租用 (coll.) menstrual pad—M巾 perform religious ceremonies to help the soul find peace—超度 lit. hear one and know ten (idiom); fig. explain one thing and (he) understands everything—闻一知十 lit. the clumsy bird flies early (idiom); fig. work hard to compensate for one's limited abilities—笨鸟先飞 lock (denying access to a computer system or device or files, e.g. by password-protection)—锁定 Perissodactyla (odd-toed ungulates, such as horses, zebras etc)—奇蹄类 indulge in something to one's heart's content—恣情 person hired lure customers to high-priced bars—酒托 get rid of sb once he has ceased to be useful—卸磨杀驴 Zheng He (1371-1433), famous early Ming dynasty admiral and explorer—郑和 There is always sth more learn (applied to art or learning).—强中自有强中手 He county in Guangxi—贺县 He Yingqin (1890-1987), senior Guomindang general—何应钦 he has n—他是 n What you don't want done you, don't do to others. (idiom, from the Confucian analects)—己所不欲,勿施于人 pass the misfortune on to sb else (idiom); to blame others—嫁祸于人 He Chao (active c. 711), Tang dynasty poet—贺朝 hard untie, hard to separate (idiom); inextricably involved—难解难分 dilettante who speaks as though he were an expert—半瓶醋 Norman Bethune (1890-1939), Canadian doctor, worked for communists in Spanish civil war and for Mao in Yan'an, where he died of blood poisoning—白求恩 pick up what others say (idiom); to pass off other people's opinions as one's own—拾人牙慧 (coll.) (of women) get one's period—来M Zhang Hua (1958-1982), student held up as a martyr after he died saving an old peasant from a septic tank—张华 Jinhua ham—金华火腿 Wei Sheng (legendary character who waited for his love under a bridge until he was drowned in the surging waters)—尾生 rook sacrifice save the king (in Chinese chess); fig. to protect a senior figure by blaming an underling—舍车保帅 appropriate to oneself (what rightfully belongs to others)—占为己有 fig. stay to look after one's elderly parents—绕膝 (of an airplane etc) fall to the ground and crash—坠毁 He who gives no thought far-flung problems soon finds suffering nearby (idiom, from Analects).—人无远虑,必有近忧 raise and lower one's hand (idiom); to signal as conspiratorial hint—上下其手 processed ham product—方腿 lit. return to office after living as a hermit on Mount Dongshan (idiom); fig. to make a comeback—东山再起 order of odd-toed ungulate (including horse, tapir, rhinoceros)—奇蹄目 did I ever ...? (or "did he ever ...?" etc)—何曾 fig. a condition giving access benefits (e.g. a diploma as a pass to a career)—通行证 avoid the enemy when he is fresh and strike him when he is tired and withdraws—避其锐气击其惰归 a form of transit taxation in China introduced finance armies to suppress the Taiping Rebellion—厘金 reveal sth one intended to conceal through a slip of the tongue—穿帮 consider past cause and future effect (idiom); to think over the past and future—思前想后 single-elimination open tournament (the winner stays on until he is himself defeated)—擂台赛 able think of everything that needs to be thought of—心眼大 love sth too much to part with it (idiom); to fondle admiringly—爱不释手 confine to one location (e.g. student, soldier, prisoner, monk etc)—禁足 He who comes is surely ill-intentioned, no-one well-meaning will come (idiom).—来者不善,善者不来 submit to humiliation (idiom); to suffer in silence—忍气吞声 to prep —由 prep • 于 prep • 至 prep • 往 prep • 给 prep • 向 prep toes —足尖 each one does what he thinks is right [idiom.]—各行其是 go astray and to not know how to get back on the right path [idiom.]—迷不知返 if I (you, she, he...) had known it would come this, I (you, she, he...) would not have acted thus [idiom.]—早知今日何必当初 sit and pontificate; to find answers through theory and not through practice [idiom.]—坐而论道 pigeon toes—内八字脚 he, she or they—人家 throw stones at sb. who fell down a well (idiom); to hit a person who is down—落井下石 open-toed shoe—鱼嘴鞋 |
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