释义 |
Examples:anecdote passed on with approbation—hasten on with one's journey—inscription with name, date, or short sentence, on a painting, gift, letter etc—kowtow with head-banging on the ground—settle down and get on with one's pursuit—ride to take up an official appointment (idiom); to take on a job with alacrity—consonants z, c, s produced with the tip of the tongue on the alveolar ridge—Aketedu county in Xinjiang (on the border with Kyrgyzstan)—disturbing the privacy of bridal room (Chinese custom where guests banter with and play pranks on the newlyweds)—cloud around the window, mist on the threshold (idiom); tall building with the windows in the clouds—give direct instructions on the way to deal with a matter—sleep on one's armor with spear by the pillow (idiom); ready for battle—get things done relying on others (idiom); with a little help from his friends—division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor—poetic form consisting of four lines of five syllables, with rhymes on first, second and fourth line—hot pot with a divider, containing spicy soup on one side, mild soup on the other—(coll.) live with and depend on one's parents even upon reaching adulthood—a simple inn with only chicken feathers sleep on—In the sky be two birds flying wing to wing, on earth to be two trees with branches intertwined—bow around with hands joined (to people on all sides)—Hajdú-Bihar province of east Hungary on the border with Romania—verse form consisting of 8 lines of 7 syllables, with rhyme on alternate lines—lit. viewing the sky with a basin on one's head; it is hard get a clear view of the sky while carrying a platter on one's head—ancient ceramic three-legged vessel used for cooking with cord markings on the outside and hollow legs—Kota Bharu, city in Malaysia on border with Thailand, capital of Kelantan sultanate—set up on high (idiom); not in touch with reality—genuflection, a form of salutation in Qing times performed by men, going down on the right knee and reaching down with the right hand—street stall with goods laid out on the ground—(coll.) adults still living with and depending on their parents—lit. speak of two things on the same day (idiom); to mention things on equal terms (often with negatives: you can't mention X at the same time as Y)—Diplopoda (arthropod class with a pair of legs on each segment, including centipedes and millipedes)—Pinkafeld (Hungarian Pinkafő) Austrian town on the border with Hungary—get on intimate terms with—tripod with a small opening on top—hitching a ride the sky on the dragon and phoenix (idiom); fig. currying favor with the rich and powerful in the hope of advancement—with one's heart set on speeding home [idiom.]— |