单词 | img | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
IMG是商业化运作新体育场领域的市场领导者,目前正在巴西和俄罗斯为2014年和2018年世界杯足球赛的许多新体育场开展工作。 tipschina.gov.cn | IMG is the market leader [...] in the commercialization of new stadia and is currently working on a number of new stadia in Brazil [...]and Russia for FIFA World Cup 2014 and 2018 respectively. tipschina.gov.cn |
在计划的首批项目中,IMGDogu s将帮助贝西克塔斯足球投资公司按照世界标准改造和现代化其在土耳其的青年体育学院和赛季结束训练营。 tipschina.gov.cn | In one of the first [...] projects being planned,IMG Dogus willassist [...]Besiktas in revamping and modernizing to global standards [...]its Youth Sports Academy and Close Season Training Camp in Turkey. tipschina.gov.cn |
IMG亚太区副董事长、大中华区董事长兼总裁Adam Zhu表示:“作为中超联赛的战略合作伙伴,IMG将不遗余力地促进中超联赛和中国足球的发展。 tipschina.gov.cn | Adam Zhu, Vice Chairmanof IMG Asia Pacific and Chairman & President of Greater China, said,"IMG, as the strategic partner of the CSL, [...] shall spare no effort [...]to promote the CSL and Chinese Football. tipschina.gov.cn |
代表IMGDogus合资公司的Michael Dolan表示:“IMGDogus与贝西克塔斯足球俱乐部建立了新的合作关系,我们感到非常高兴,也非常兴奋。 tipschina.gov.cn | We are extremely [...] pleased and excited aboutthe new IMG Dogus relationship with Besiktas JK," [...]said Michael Dolan on behalf [...]of the IMG Dogus Joint Venture. tipschina.gov.cn |
IMGDogu s还将帮助贝西克塔斯足球投资公司为拟议中的体育场再开发项目的所有方面制订一项商业计划。 tipschina.gov.cn | IMG Dogus willalso assist [...] Besiktas in developing a business plan for all aspects of the proposed Stadium redevelopment project. tipschina.gov.cn |
我们相信,凭借IMGDogu s的经验以及对土耳其市场的了解,我们可以为贝西克塔斯足球俱乐部带来意义深远的积极影响。 tipschina.gov.cn | We believe that with theIMG Dogus experience [...] and knowledge of the Turkish market, that we can have a very significant positive impact on The Club. tipschina.gov.cn |
IMGWorl dwide董事长兼首席执行官Mike Dolan表示:“对像贝克汉姆这样的偶像级人物来说,这是引领推动中国足球发展的努力的绝佳时机。 tipschina.gov.cn | Mike Dolan, [...] Chairman and CEO of IMG Worldwide, which has [...]a 10-year deal as a strategic partner and promoter of the CFL, [...]said, "This is the perfect time for an icon like David Beckham to be spearheading the effort to promote football in China. tipschina.gov.cn |
双方签订的这份意向书也是IMGDogus合资公司(IMGDogus Joint Venture)开展的首个主要业务。 tipschina.gov.cn | IMG Chairmanand Chief Executive Michael Dolan, representing theIMG DogusJoint Venture, [...] and Mr. Fikret Orman, Chairman [...]of Besiktas JK, signed the LoI in Istanbul today. tipschina.gov.cn |
我们相信,IMG的全球化经验和学识将引领我们开展新项目,并为我们理解体育和俱乐部管理带来新的视野。 tipschina.gov.cn | We believe that IMG'sworldwideexperience [...] and know-how will lead us to develop new projects and bring a new vision to our [...]understanding of sports and club management. tipschina.gov.cn |
贝西克塔斯足球俱乐部董事长Fikret [...] Orman先生在新闻发布会上表示:“作为土耳其历史最悠久的体育俱乐部,我们非常高兴再度作为行业先驱,与 IMGDogus建立长期稳定的合作关系。 tipschina.gov.cn | Speaking at the press meeting, Mr. Fikret Orman, Chairman of Besiktas JK, said, "As the oldest [...] sports club in Turkey, we are glad to pioneer the industry again to initiate a strong [...] long-term cooperation with IMGDogus. tipschina.gov.cn |
文章谈论了Cruz在过去一年中的名声鹊起,从他在Giants的优秀表现、他招牌的触地萨尔萨舞,到他最近与 IMGModels的合约以及被获得特别邀请参加Met Ball。 ba-repsasia.com | The accompanying article discusses Cruz’s rise to fame in the past year, from his stellar performance with the Giants and his [...] signature touchdown salsa dance to his [...] recent contract with IMG Models and exclusive [...]invite from Anna Wintour to the annual Met Ball. ba-repsasia.com |
内置的Servlet提供在服务器端的Java条形码图像的生成并很容易的作为一个图像用<IMG>标签嵌入到动态HTML中,还有支持Apache [...] Tomcat服务器。 evget.com | Servlets are included for server-side Java [...] barcode image generation and are easy to embed in dynamic HTML as [...] an image with the evget.com |
2012年的澳门威尼斯人高尔夫球公开赛由政府体育发展局主办,经亚洲巡回赛及澳门高尔夫球协会认可,由IMG负责 推广。 macaunews.com.mo | Organised by the government’s Sport Development Board [...] (IDM), the 2012 Venetian Macau Open is sanctioned by the Asian Tour and the Macau Golf [...] Association, and promotedbyIMG Golf. macaunews.com.mo |
我衷心感谢IMGWorldwide主席兼首席执行官Mike Dolan先生和中国中央电视台(CCTV)体育频道总监、CC TV-IMG体育管理公司董事长江和平先生给予的大力支持。 tipschina.gov.cn | I wholeheartedly thank Mr. [...] Mike Dolan, Chairman and CEO ofIMG Worldwide,and Mr. Jiang Heping, Managing Director, CCTV Sports and Chairman, CCTV-IMG SportsManagement Company, [...]for their unrivalled support. tipschina.gov.cn |
我们对中超联赛和中国足球的贡献不仅局限于商业合作,我们还非常愿意在各方面投入IMG的资源。 tipschina.gov.cn | Our dedication to CSL and Chinese Football is more than a business partnership, we are [...] happy to invest IMG's resources in full range. tipschina.gov.cn |
请注意:请勿把.img档存到记忆卡的任何资料夹中,GoFlex TV 不会搜寻资料夹中所隐藏的韧体更新程式档。 seagate.com | Note: Do notstore the.img file inanyfolders [...] on the memory stick, the GoFlex TV doesn't search for the firmware in update files hidden in folders. seagate.com |
根据意向书条款,IMGDogus将与贝西克塔斯足球投资公司在围绕体育、时装和艺术的不同重要战略项目上开展广泛合作。 tipschina.gov.cn | Under the [...] terms ofthe LoI, IMGDogus will work [...]with Besiktas on a variety of important strategic initiatives around sports, fashion and the arts. tipschina.gov.cn |
完成格式化後,请将 install.img拖放到记忆卡的根目录上。 seagate.com | After format is complete drag [...] and dropthe install.img onto the root of [...]the memory stick. seagate.com |
使用非常简单只需在img标签中加入class="reflect"。 javakaiyuan.com | Very easy [...] to use just add the imgtag class="reflect". javakaiyuan.com |
Jim最初在IMG高尔夫客户部工作,自此开始了他的体育行业职业生涯。 csm.com | Jim began his career in the [...] sportsindustry at IMGworking inthe golf [...]client division. csm.com |
图像可以在您的发表的文章中出现,您不一定要把图像上传到讨论版上,您只要指定图像的连结位置,例如: [...] [...] http://www.some-unknown-place.net/my-picture.gif。您不能将路径指向您的电脑中(除非您的电脑是开放性的伺服器)以及将图像存在需要确认的主机中,例如:hotmail或是yahoo的信箱,以及需要确认密码的地方,等等。要显示图像必须使用 BBCode[img]标示或使用HTML(如果允许)。 ai920827.forum888.com | Therefore you must link to an image stored on a publicly accessible web server, e.g. http://www.some-unknown-place.net/my-picture.gif. You cannot link to pictures stored on your own PC (unless it is a publicly accessible server) nor to images stored behind authentication mechanisms such as Hotmail or Yahoo [...] mailboxes, password-protected sites, etc. To display the image [...] use eitherthe BBCode[img] tagorappropriate [...]HTML (if allowed). garuda.forum888.com |
iCX同时实现了MSCServer/Enhanced MSC/CSCF/VCC AS的功能,iMG同时实现了MGW/IM-MGW/MRFP的功能;iCX+iMG不仅实现了VoLTE的功能,而且实现了SRVCC的功能;当语音呼叫从IMS切换到CS时,CS和IMS网元间的交互内部化,外部网元看到的流程类似于一个2G/3G的系统间切换流程。 zte.com.cn | When voice calls are switched from IMS to CS, CS and IMS elements interact internally, and the signaling procedures seen from outside are similar to handover procedures between 2G and 3G systems. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
环境管理小组主席与气候中和问题管理小组(IMG)一道,拟定有关减排目标共 同方法的建议、最佳做法以及联合国系统购买碳抵消措施,包括调整政策和行政 [...] 规定以及提出融资建议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | EMG Chair, in conjunction with EMG [...] Issue Management Group (IMG)onClimateNeutrality, [...]develops proposals on common approaches [...]to emissions reduction targets, best practice and purchase of offsets for United Nations system, including changes to policies and administrative rules, and proposals for financing. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外,这份意向书还要求IMGDogus利用IMG作为全球领先营销企业的地位,负责贝西克塔斯足球俱乐部以及该俱乐部在伊斯坦布尔的体育场的所有商业权利的销售,包括发展赞助商团队,如冠名权、球衣赞助、技术赞助商和官方供应商等。 tipschina.gov.cn | In addition, the [...] LoI callsfor IMG Dogus, utilizing IMG's position [...]as the world's leading marketing organization, to manage [...]the sale of all the commercial rights of the Club and the Club's Stadium in Istanbul. tipschina.gov.cn |
创建私人保险箱时可以映射到任意格式的文件,例如文本文件、图片文件等等,而不仅仅是默认的IMG文件,这样可以非常方便的隐蔽你的私人保险箱映射文件,没有人会知道你将秘密存放在一个普通的文件中. secukeeper.net | Can define any other file format as the private coffer [...] file, beside theImg format(default [...]define), nobody know that you have stored secret [...]information in a common file,from which can efficiently prevent your data from being stolen. secukeeper.net |
这样,构建于ETCA平台和TULIP软件基础上的i CX和iMG,实现了软交换域、IMS域共用硬件,将ETCA平台的CPU/内存/网口等硬件资源等价为一个池,由CS和IMS共享,无论话务目前在CS域,还是未来迁移到IMS域,系统处理能力都能够得到利用,可以减少网络调整和投资。 zte.com.cn | Regardless of whether voice traffic occurs in the CS domain or will migrate to the IMS domain, system processing capability can be utilized. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
欧洲人权委员会,“10 年活动报告——1971-1981 年”,美洲国家组织,华盛顿,1982 年,第 3203,FIDH 引述,2005 年 10 月第 429 号报告:“反恐怖主义考验人权:相容性关键”, [...] http://www.fidh.org/IMG/pdf/onu429f.pdf/。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ten Years of Activities — 1971-1981, Organization of American States, Washington, 1982, p. 320, reference cited by the International Federation for Human Rights, report No. 429 of October 2005 “L’anti-terrorisme à [...] l’épreuve des droits de l’homme: les clés de la compatibilité”, [...] http://www.fidh.org/IMG/pdf/onu429f.pdf/ [French only]. daccess-ods.un.org |