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借助ADI公司的±2giMEMS加速度计 ADXL322 ,ZOLL Medical的实时CPR监控设备得以对胸外按压活动进行精密检测和运动监控。 analog.com | Analog Devices' ADXL322 ±2 g iMEMS accelerometer [...] enables ZOLL Medical to deliver a real-time CPR monitoring device by providing [...]precise sensing and motion monitoring of chest compression activity. analog.com |
ADI公司iMEMS技术与ZOLL Medical先进设计的完美结合,确保训练有素和未经训练的CPR操作人员都能获得必要的指导和信心,以在第一时间成功挽救生命。 analog.com | By incorporating Analog Devices' iMEMStechnology [...] into their state-of-the art design, ZOLL Medical ensures that trained [...]and untrained CPR technicians have the guidance and confidence they need to save lives at a moment's notice. analog.com |
Cannondale电子前悬架概念利用ADI公司高性能iMEMS®加速度计,动态监控、调整自行车悬架。 consumer.analog.com | Using ADI’s [...] high-performanceiMEMS®accelerometer, [...]Cannondale’s electronic front suspension concept dynamically monitors [...]and adjusts bicycle suspension. consumer.analog.com |
随着ADI公司的iMEMS多轴惯性传感器件在灵敏度、功耗和尺寸方面的持续改进,系统设计人员将能在下一代设计中实现新型功能,包括数据录入、菜单和显示器控制、电源管理、态势感知和导航等。 analog.com | With continuing improvements in [...] sensitivity, low power and small size in [...] multi-axisdevices, iMEMSinertial sensing [...]from Analog Devices is helping system designers [...]implement next generation designs with new capabilities in data entry, menu and display control, power management, situational awareness, and navigation. analog.com |
根据AHA和国际复苏联合会(ILCOR)的指导原则,胸外按压的建议深度为1.5英寸到2英寸(3.8 cm到5.1 cm)。ADXL322iMEMS加速度计实时、精确地测量CPR期间每次胸外按压的深度,另外还有一个节拍器会提醒救援人员维持每分钟100次的推荐心率。 analog.com | Using the AHA and International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) guidelines for recommended chest compression of just 1.5 [...] inches to 2 inches (3.8 cm to 5.1 cm) [...] depth, the ADXL322 iMEMSaccelerometer provides [...]a real-time, precise measurement of [...]the depth of each individual chest compression during CPR, while a metronome beeps to help the rescuer maintain the recommended 100 beats per minute heart rate. analog.com |
PocketCPR设备采用ADI公司的iMEMS(集 成微机电系统)技术,在救援人员对心脏骤停者进行徒手CPR的同时,向其提供实时分步式指导并根据具体救援表现给予反馈。 analog.com | The PocketCPR device [...] uses Analog Devices' iMEMS (integrated [...]micro-electromechanical systems) technology to provide rescuers [...]with real-time, step-by-step guidance and performance-specific feedback while performing manual CPR on individuals experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. analog.com |
中国,北京 (2011年12月24日) - ADI最近将备受赞誉的iMEMS®技术应用于首款高精度箭术运动的测量系统中。 analog.com | Norwood, MA (11/28/2011) - [...] Analog Devices, Inc (ADI), a world leader in semiconductors for high-performance signal processing applications, is providing its award-winningiMEMS®technology [...]to a first-of-its kind [...]measurement system used in high-precision archery. analog.com |