行政当局还称,如关于教育补助金的行政指示 (ST/AI/2004/2)所规定, 在学年结束前支付的教育补助金视为预付款。 daccess-ods.un.org | It further stated that, as provided in the administrative instruction on [...] educatio n grant (ST/AI/2004/2), education [...]grants are considered as advances when [...]paid before the end of the scholastic year. daccess-ods.un.org |
细程序、以及联合国房舍使用、会议及活动费用及保险等方面的标准, 请参看联合国文件 ST/AI/416。daccess-ods.un.org | For detailed procedures for requesting the use of premises for meetings, conferences, special events and exhibits as well as criteria for the use [...] of United Nations premises costs for meetings and events, insurance, etc., please see [...] United Nati ons documentST/AI/416. daccess-ods.un.org |
确保所有空气软管 (AI)和流体软管 (AH)的尺寸和额 定压力适用于所用系统。 graco.com | Be sure all air hoses(AI) andfluid hoses [...](AH) are properly sized and pressure-rated for your system. graco.com |
秘书长在 1996 [...] 年 4 月发布了一项行政指令 (ST/AI/416),确定了联合国房地的使用规则。 daccess-ods.un.org | In April 1996, the Secretary-General had issued an [...] administrative ins truction (ST/AI/416) settingforth [...]the rules for use of United Nations premises. daccess-ods.un.org |
工作量需求增加是由于实施工作人员甄选制度(见 ST/AI/2010/3),而且 联合国需要吸引和留住足够的人员,以服务于维持和平特派团并具备管理需求的 [...]能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The additional workload requirement is a result [...] of the implementation of the staff [...] selection s ystem (seeST/AI/2010/3) andof the [...]Organization’s need to attract and retain [...]enough people to serve in peacekeeping missions and its ability to manage the demand. daccess-ods.un.org |
其中 ,Ai代表支柱 A 中各项指标的能力水平,9 代表支柱 [...]A 的指标数目。 daccess-ods.un.org | W here Ai is a level ofcapacity [...]for each of the indicators in pillar A and 9 is the number of indicators for pillar A. daccess-ods.un.org |
(h) 支助外勤业务,提供准确和及时的地理信息和地形分析,以帮助决策和 满足业务需要;为安全理事会和联合国高级管理人员提供制图和地理信息服务; 提供规划和业务地图及地理空间数据,以满足外勤业务的需要;监督外勤业务地 理信息各科股并与他们协调活动;研究和分析国际边界问题,为国际划界工作提 供技术援助;按照 ST/AI/189/Add.25/Rev.1 的规定,核准将在联合国正式出版 物中印制的地图。 daccess-ods.un.org | (h) Supporting field operations through the provision of accurate and timely geographic information and terrain analysis in support of decision-making and operational needs; providing cartographic and geographic information services to the Security Council and senior management of the United Nations; producing planning and operational maps and geospatial data to meet the needs of field operations; providing oversight of and coordinating activities with the geographic information sections and units of field operations; researching and analysing international boundary issues to provide technical assistance to international boundary demarcation processes; and clearing maps to be printed in official publications of the United Nations in accordance with ST/AI/189/Add.25/Rev.1. daccess-ods.un.org |
飞船上的信号激活路虎,一个带轮子 的AI探头。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The spacecraft’s signal activates Rover, a wheeled A.I. probe. seekcartoon.com |
关于请求使用总部房舍举行会议、大型会议、特别活动及展览的详 [...] 细程序、以及联合国房舍使用、会议及活动费用及保险等方面的标准, 请参看联合国文件 ST/AI/416。daccess-ods.un.org | For detailed procedures for requesting the use of premises for meetings, conferences, special events and exhibits as well as criteria for the use [...] of United Nations premises costs for meetings and events, insurance, etc., please see United [...] Nati ons document ST/AI/416. daccess-ods.un.org |
应用软件识别 子(AI)为2位到4位的数值代码,在各数据项目里,这个数据的长度由固定长或可 变长决定着。 nitto.co.jp | The application [...] ident ifier (AI) is the numeric code of 2 ~ 4 digit long . Each AIhas its own [...]data of fixed or variable length. nitto.com |
同时,在模具的加工方面,不 但可选 用AI纳米高精度轮廓控制、工具前端点控制等的软件之外,还可采用正在同时进行开发 [...]的热位移修正功能,从而可以实现不受环境温度变化影响的高精度、高加工面光洁度的加工。 moriseiki.com | Also, for die and mold machining, [...] in add ition to the AInano high-precision [...]contour control and tool tip control software [...]options, the series achieves high-precision, high-quality machining which is not affected by changes in environmental temperature thanks to the thermal displacement control function. moriseiki.com |
可打印数据字段在打印时,带有圆括号 的AI。printronix.com | The printable data field [...] is pri nted with theAI enclosed inparentheses. printronix.cn |
(e) 更新行政指示 ST/AI/2006/4,同时除其他外考虑到大会各项相关决议和 [...]航空旅行领域的近期发展,如航空公司推出的新产品和航空旅行的新等级,并列 入有关规定,指示工作人员(a) 收集并在可能时使用飞行常客里程支付公务差旅 费用;(b) [...]不将因公务差旅积累的飞行常客里程用于私人旅行;(c) 可能时至少 在启程前两个星期提前购买机票 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) To update [...] administrative instruction ST/AI/2006/4,takinginto [...]account, inter alia, the relevant resolutions of the [...]General Assembly and recent developments in air travel, such as new products introduced by air carriers and new classes of air travel, and to include provisions instructing staff (a) to collect and, where possible, use frequent flyer miles accrued as a result of official travel to fund official travel; (b) to not use frequent flyer miles for personal travel; and (c) where possible to purchase tickets at least two weeks in advance of travel daccess-ods.un.org |
根据被选择 的AI、可以输入行数和文字的种类等会有变化 位数栏 nitto.co.jp | The character type and the number of the [...] lines vary depend ing on theAI. nitto.com |
全新推出支援IP功能的K L1508Ai/KL1516Ai机种,进一步强化我们在LCD [...]KVM多电脑切换器的产品阵容,可更有效地利用机架空间,并提供便利性、可靠性、可扩充性及相容性的最佳解决方案。 aten.com.tw | With the latest launch of our [...] IP–capable KL1508Aiand KL1516Ai units,ATEN [...]LCD KVM Switches make more effective use of the [...]server room rack space, while receiving the best solution for business in terms of convenience, reliability, scalability, compatibility and support. aten.co.uk |
K L1508Ai支援IP连线,可让近端及远端的操作者监控及存取其所连接的电脑,由於K L1508Ai使用TCP/IP通讯协定, 因此使用者可以透过连网的电脑 – 无论该电脑在大楼任何地方、在街道上,甚或在地球另一端,存取K L1508Ai。aten.com.tw | T he KL1508Ai featuresIP-based connectivity that allows local and remote operators to monitor and access the computers on your installation. Because it uses TCP/IP for its communications protoc ol, the KL1508Ai canbe accessed from any computer on the LAN, WAN, or Internet – whether that [...][...]computer is located down the hall, down the street, or halfway around the world. aten.co.uk |