单词 | aha | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
和睦家医院是经美国心脏协会(AHA)认证的课程培训中心,和睦家在北京和上海的机构都能提供现场急救和心肺复苏培训课程。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | United Family Healthcare is a designated American [...] Heart Association (AHA) Training Center [...]and offers first aid and CPR training at [...]both the Beijing and Shanghai facilities. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
此外,美国糖尿病协会(ADA)和美国心脏病协会(AHA)共同建议:首次心肌梗塞或中风风险为中度至高度的人士使用阿司匹林作为预防这两种疾病的方式。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | In addition, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the American [...] Heart Association (AHA)jointly recommended [...]aspirin to prevent a first heart attack [...]or stroke in moderate to high-risk individuals. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
为预防暗疮或粉刺,可於日间或晚上使用含果酸 (PHA或AHA)的护肤产品。 lavedo.com | To prevent millia or acne formation, evening or daytime ‘Fruit [...] Acids’ such as PHAorAHA canbeusedbeforehand. lavedo.com |
以下是由美国心脏协会(AHA)提出的健康饮食指南。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | The following guidelines are set forth by the [...] American Heart Association (AHA). beijing.ufh.com.cn |
非洲史学家协会(AHA)主席团在教科文组织的帮助下召开了两次会议,从而使该协 会真正地恢复了活力。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Two meetings of the Bureau of the Association of [...] AfricanHistorians (AHA) wereheldthrough [...]UNESCO, and the Association has thus been genuinely revitalized. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如皮肤能抵受第二代果酸AHA,此产品是极为有效的控油修护产品。 lavedo.com | It is one of the stronger preparations available for those who can tolerate it. When tolerated, it has a myriad of benefits for the oily based skin type. lavedo.com |
不含油份的AHA第二代果酸啫哩, 含15% Glycolic Acid, [...] 能让肌肤质感更幼滑肤色更均匀。 lavedo.com | Oil free 15%AHA (Glycolic Acid) gel [...] gives healthier looking skin with smoother texture and more even tone. lavedo.com |
此产品含8%AHA能有效治疗以上问题而不会太刺激皮肤。 lavedo.com | At 8% it is effective for controlling oil, removing milia formation and improving skin tones. lavedo.com |
α - 酸 含 量 表 里 显 示 的 [...] 是 由 酒 花 研 究 工 作 组(AHA)成员单位于10月15日这一固定日期从新收 [...]酒花里测得的α-酸平均值。 barthhaasgroup.com | The alpha acid table shows the average alpha acid [...] values measured in freshly harvested hops by members of “Arbeitsgruppe [...] Hopfenanalyse”(AHA) on the fixed date [...]of 15 October. barthhaasgroup.com |
借着AHA(果酸)的作用、去除老废角质的去角质凝胶。 jshoppers.com | A peeling gel [...] that usesthe powerof AHA (fruit acid) to remove [...]dullness (dead skin) and flakiness. jshoppers.com |
输出到 10 个通用 ECG 插孔,用不同颜色标记AHA和IEC 标准。 zh.flukebiomedical.com | 12-lead configuration with independent outputs referenced to right leg (RL) Output to 10 Universal ECG [...] Jacks,color-coded to AHA and IEC standards. flukebiomedical.com |
讨论这个baraita由AHA和何塞(第4美分);由摩尼引用的一个问题与解决这个问题,他从米示拿扎卜到凯撒利亚希西家(第4美分)处理。 mb-soft.com | Discussion of this baraita by Aḥa and Jose (4th cent.); reference by Mani to a question dealing with this subject which he addressed to Hezekiah of Cæsarea (4th cent.) from Mishnah Zab. mb-soft.com |
美国心脏协会(AHA)(2007)和欧洲心脏病学学会(ESC)(2005)推荐的 [...] “参赛前”筛查中第一部分就包括有详细的个人可疑心脏病症状病 史。 genre.com | The first part of a “preparticipation” [...] screen as recommended both by the American [...] Heart Association (AHA)(2007) and the European [...]Society of Cardiology (ESC) (2005) [...]includes a detailed personal history of possible cardiac symptoms. genre.com |
对已用较温和的第三代果酸PHA而想转用较有效的AHA特别适合。 lavedo.com | It is ideal for people first upgrading from a milder fruit acids such as PHA for better benefits. lavedo.com |
AHA为较强但十分有效的果酸产品, 能控油, 收细毛孔及增加光泽。 lavedo.com | AHA isthe strongerbut more [...] effective fruit acid in terms of oil and acne control, pore size and skin tone improvement. lavedo.com |
初用此产品时可能有微微的刺痛感, 使用此产品前可先选用较温和的果酸(AHA/PHA)产品, 让皮肤适应。 lavedo.com | There may be mild ‘stinging’ sensation on first use. lavedo.com |
例如,美国肺科协会(1-800-LUNG-USA),美国癌症协会(1-800-ACS-2345),美国心脏协会(1-800-AHA-USA1),你所在城市的卫生署,或癌症资讯服务中心(1-800-422-6237)。 asians4health.org | For example, call the American Lung Association (1-800-LUNG-USA), the American Cancer [...] Society (1-800-ACS-2345), The American Heart [...] Association (1-800-AHA-USA1),theDepartment [...]of Health in your city, or the Cancer [...]Information Service (1-800-422-6237). asians4health.org |
非油份的AHA果酸啫喱软膏, 含15% glycolic acid, [...] 能令肌肤质感幼滑。 lavedo.com | Oil free 15%AHA (Glycolic Acid) gel [...] for healthier looking skin with smoother texture and more even tone. lavedo.com |
这款抗衰老凝胶含有10% 的乙醇酸(AHA),利用Carbopol® Aqua CC聚合物实现增稠和稳定效果。 cn.lubrizol.com | This anti-aging gel, which contains [...] 10% Glycolic Acid (AHA), is thickened and [...]stabilized by Carbopol® Aqua CC Polymer. lubrizol.com |
然而AHA比PHA容易刺激皮肤, 部份人不能承受强的AHA,使用时敬请留意。 lavedo.com | Most people tolerate PHAs, while some people cannot tolerateAHAs. lavedo.com |
AHA建议每天摄取不超过六盎司(170克)的烹饪后的精肉、禽类、鱼类、或海鲜。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | The AHA recommends eating no [...] more than six ounces (170 grams) of cooked lean meat, poultry, fish or seafood a day. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
根据AHA和国际复苏联合会(ILCOR)的指导原则,胸外按压的建议深度为1.5英寸到2英寸(3.8 [...] cm到5.1 cm)。ADXL322 iMEMS 加速度计实时、精确地测量CPR期间每次胸外按压的深度,另外还有一个节拍器会提醒救援人员维持每分钟100次的推荐心率。 analog.com | Using the AHA and International Liaison [...] Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) guidelines for recommended chest compression [...]of just 1.5 inches to 2 inches (3.8 cm to 5.1 cm) depth, the ADXL322 iMEMS accelerometer provides a real-time, precise measurement of the depth of each individual chest compression during CPR, while a metronome beeps to help the rescuer maintain the recommended 100 beats per minute heart rate. analog.com |