

单词 ag´s
水资源需求管理不需要有专门的监管机构,但各项需求管理目标应被包含于常规的监管体制之 内,如下图所示(S.3
There should not be a specific regulator for WDM, but demand management objectives should be incorporated within the normal regulatory system, as illustrated below (Figure S.3).
The pilot plant can be used to test the operating behavior of an industrial-scale lime trap on site under realistic conditions, such as in combination with the R2S anaerobic pilot plant.
(s) To act as agents for the sale and purchase of any stocks, shares or securities or for any other monetary or mercantile transaction.
美洲国家组织(美洲组织)成员国铭记着国际社会推动和采取具体措施在世 界所有国家促进和平与非暴力文化的决心,以及裁军与不扩散教育可以在采取此 种措施方面做出的重大贡献,并回顾在《美洲安全宣言》中,各国重申其对军备 控制、裁军和不扩散所有大规模毁灭性武器的承诺,通过了题为“南半球裁军和 不扩散”AG/RES.2533(XL-O/10)号决议。
The States members of the Organization of American States (OAS) adopted resolution AG/RES. 2533 (XL-O/10) entitled “Disarmament and non-proliferation in the hemisphere”, bearing in mind the determination of the international community to promote and adopt specific measures to foster a culture of peace and non-violence in all countries of the world and the significant contribution that disarmament and non-proliferation education can make in adopting such measures, and recalling that, in the Declaration on Security in the Americas, the States reaffirmed their commitment to arms control, disarmament, and the non-proliferation of all weapons of mass destruction.
2002年,Münch 博士加入福伊特造纸事业部,担任执行副总裁一职;在 JagenbergAG伊特集团收购后,Münch 博士负责JagenbergAG纸技术业务。
In 2002 Dr. Münch joined Voith Paper as Executive Vice President,
assuming responsibility for
[...] the paper technology activities of Jagenberg AG, following the company's acquisition by Voith.
工作组注意到,该行动小组提议设立一个特别工作组,负责对 2011AG5 行星展开进一步分析,并且至迟在委员会第五十五届会议上向行动小组通报其 [...]
The Working Group noted that the Action Team had proposed that a
task force be formed to further analyse
[...] the asteroid 2011 AG5 andinformthe Action [...]
Team on its progress by the fifty-fifth session of the Committee.
请预先知悉:对於因资讯或个人资讯的变更或消失而造成的任何直接的或间接的损失,Leica CameraAG概不负责。
Please note in advance that Leica Camera AG is not liable in any way for any direct or indirect damage from the alteration or vanishing of information or personal information.
於 2000 年 2 月 22 日,经修订 的草图获行政长官会同行政会议通过,并於 2000 年 3 月 3 日在宪报刊登,成为中区(扩展部分)分区计划大纲 图编S/H24/2。
On 22 February 2000, the amended draft OZP incorporating this option was approved by the Chief Executive in Council and gazetted as Central District (Extension) OZP No. S/H24/2 on 3 March 2000.
(s) To undertake and execute any trusts the undertaking whereof may seem desirable either gratuitously or otherwise.
於合营协议中,汉高与本公司同意根据一项组成合营协议附属协议之许可证协议,促 成向潍坊德高提供使用由HenkelAG联属公司所拥有之若干知识产权之许可证。
Henkel Hong Kong and the Company have agreed in the Joint Venture Agreement to
procure that certain intellectual
[...] property owned by HenkelAG or itsaffiliates will [...]
be licensed to Weifang Dekel in accordance
with a license agreement forming an ancillary agreement to the Joint Venture Agreement.
务处处长後根据《公众衞生及市政条例》(第 132章 )第 83B(4)条 作出,以宣布在本宣布的列表所指明的8个地方以道路标记划定
[...] 为摊位的范围内,拨为作贩卖用途的地方,并对《小贩(认可区) 宣布》(第 132章,附属法AG)2作出相应修订。
The Declaration is made under section 83B(4) of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap. 132) by the Commissioner for Transport after consultation with the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene and the Commissioner of Police. It declares eight places specified in the Table in the Declaration to the extent demarcated by road markings into a pitch or pitches as places to be used for hawking purposes and
makes corresponding amendments to the Second Schedule to the Hawker (Permitted Places)
[...] Declaration (Cap.132 sub. leg. AG).
中兴通讯去年年初在这方面遭遇巨大挫折,当时美国第四大电信运营商斯普林特(N YSE:S绝中兴通讯帮助建设新的4G电信网络的投标(上一篇);几个月后华为遭到类似挫折,它被阻止竞购美国政府合同来升级国家的紧急电信网络。
ZTE received a major setback on that front early last year when Sprint (NYSE: S), one of the top 4 US wireless carriers, rejected its bid to help build a new 4G telecoms network (previous post); Huawei received a similar setback months later when it was blocked from bidding for US government contracts to upgrade some of the nation’s emergency telecoms networks.
(s)公司向外聘核数师提供的合作程度,包括他们可获取的所有要求 提供的记录、数据和资料;对於外聘核数师对集团需求的回应,就此 徵询公司管理层的意见;向外聘核数师查询是否曾与公司管理层有任 何意见不合,如未能满意地解决的话,将导致出具一份对集团的财务 报表有保留意见的报告; (t) 当外聘核数师向集团提供大量的非核数服务时,持续检讨有关服务的 性质和范畴,务求在维持客观性与衡工量值之间取得平衡
(s) evaluate the level of cooperation provided by the Company to the external auditors, including their access to all requested records, data and information; obtain comments from management of the Company regarding the responsiveness of the external auditors to the Group’s needs; make enquiries with the external auditors as to whether there has been any disagreements with management of the Company which if not satisfactorily resolved would result in the issue of a qualified report on the Group’s financial statements
UBSAG股份中拥有证券权益(豁免证券权益除外)之 [...]
人士之身份拥有 110,000,000股股份权益。
UBS AG is interested in 110,000,000 [...]
Shares in its capacity as person having a security interest in shares (other than an exempt security interest).
在2001至02年度的赛季结束,AUDI车队包揽了冠亚季军, AudiAG会主席Martin Winterkorn博士在赛後说:「对Audi来说,赛车与量产车之间的技术的转换是非常频繁且彻底的。
When AUDI won the championship and the two
runners up in season 2001/02, MARTIN WINTERKORN
[...] (directorof AUDIAG)commented‘FSI [...]
is a fine example of the technology interchanging
between race cars and one-off cars.
该行动小组除其他外就阿波菲斯小行星将于 2029
[...] 年接近地球事宜并就有关称作 2011AG5颗小行星的现行知识交换了信息。
The Action Team, inter alia, exchanged information on the close
approach to Earth of the asteroid Apophis in 2029, as well as on the current knowledge about
[...] an asteroid known as 2011AG5.
当您开立 Skrill (Moneybookers) 账户时,本公司将以每 3 个月的间隔期或本公司为保护本公司的财务利益、防止洗钱或欺诈而认为必要的任何其它期间,将有关您及您的 Skrill (Moneybookers)
[...] [...] 账户、财务记录和交易的特定信息作为本公司日常业务运营的一部分,与本公司的银行、支付服务商、合作伙伴、信用/借记卡处理服务商、身份验证服务提供商和信用评级代理机构(包括但不限于 Schufa HoldingAG 享,以辨识及验证用户身份、降低本公司面临欺诈及其它犯罪活动的风险,以及管控本公司的金融风险。
When you open a Skrill (Moneybookers) Account, at intervals of up to every 3 months and at any other time we feel it is necessary to do so to protect our financial interests and prevent money-laundering or fraud, we share certain information about you and your Skrill (Moneybookers) Account, financial history and transactions as part of our normal business operations with our banks, payment facilitator partners, credit/debit card processing services, identity verification service providers and credit
reference agencies (including, but not limited
[...] to, Schufa HoldingAG)toidentify and verify [...]
users, to limit our exposure to fraud
and other criminal activities and to manage our financial risk.
在这些行业中,HPGR的应用范围很广,从粗研磨(如 AG 管路中的65mm(2.5")直径的超大鹅卵石)到在团矿料制备中终磨成Blaine值高达<100μm的材料。
In these industries, the application of HPGR ranges from coarse
grinding, e.g. the grinding of 65mm (2.5") size
[...] excesspebbles in AG circulationloops, [...]
to final grinding of <100μm material to
high Blaine values in the preparation of pellet feed.
彼亦为Julius Baer GruppeAG称Julius Bär HoldingAG董 事 会 成 员。
He is also a member of the board of
[...] directors at JuliusBaer Gruppe AG(formerly Julius r HoldingAG).
工程项目 在天星码头对开,由中区填海第一期工程至 龙景街的海床填取约 18 公顷土地,所填土地 属经核准的中区(扩展部分)分区计划大纲图 编S/H24/6 其中 23 公顷的一部分。
Phase III (CRIII) project Reclamation of about 18 ha of land of the seabed in front of the Star Ferry Pier from Central reclamation phase I to Lung King Street which is part of the 23 ha of reclaimed land under the approved OZP No. S/H24/6 for Central District (Extension).
Contemporary and well-designed, the Piaget 1200S skeleton movement takes the art ofskeletonised movements to a new level with resolutely modern lines and a respect for the traditional craft.
本公告所述证券概无 及不会根据一九三三年美国证券法(经修订)(「美国证券法」)或任何其他司法权区之证券法 登记,除根据美国证券法之登记规定获豁免或属不受美国证券法所规限的交易外,概不可在美国 境内(定义見美国证券S)发售或出售。
The securities referred to herein have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “U.S. Securities Act”), or the securities laws of any other jurisdiction, and may not be offered or sold within the United States (as defined in Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act) except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act.
(s) 公司所收购的任何权利或物业付款,及不论以现金付款或透过配发本公 司股份、债权证或其他证券向任何人士或公司支付以全部或部份缴足或以其 他方式列账的酬金。
(s) To pay for any rights or property acquired by the Company, and to remunerate any person or company whether by cash payment or by the allotment of shares, debentures or other securities of the Company credited as paid up in full or in part or otherwise.
(s)、提供、出租及代理男女演员、各類艺人、作家、作曲家、制片人、 监制人及各類专家或专业人士。
(s) employing, providing, hiring out and acting as agent for artists, actors, entertainers of all sorts, authors, composers, producers, engineers and experts or specialists of any kind
潍坊德高授予HenkelAG合同更新权,HenkelAGIP许可证协议的初始期限及任何後续合同期限(取适用者)届满前至少提前一 [...]
个月向潍坊德高发出书面通知,将IP许可证协议的初始期限及任何後续期限另行更新 三年,惟须符合适用法律法规(包括但不限於本公司履行其根据上市规则应承担的义 务)。
Weifang Dekel grants to Henkel AGthe rightto renew the initial [...]
term and any further term of the IP License Agreement by
a further period of three years by notice in writing to Weifang Dekel no later than one month prior to the expiration of the initial term and any further term of the IP License Agreement, subject to applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to compliance by the Company with its obligations under the Listing Rules.
他公司的客户包括苹果电脑,微软,柯达,迪斯尼,宝马,丰田,Teknekron通信,日落杂志,宝丽来,Me rvyn's ,戴顿-赫德森公司和东芝。
His corporate clients include Apple Computer, Microsoft, Eastman Kodak, Disney, BMW, Toyota, Teknekron Communications, Sunset Magazine, Polaroid, Mervyn's, Dayton-Hudson and Toshiba.
灭火器配置场所或计算单元的最小需配灭火级别应按下式计算:A或BS器配置场所或计算单元的保护面积, m2; U -- A 类火灾或B类火灾的灭火器配置场所相应危险等级的灭火器配置基准,m2A 或m2/B; K --修正系数:无室内消火栓系统和灭火系统或仅设有室外消火栓系统的配置场所K=1.0;设有室内消 火栓系统的配置场所,K=0.9;设有灭火系统的配置场所,K=0.7;同时设有室内消火栓系统和灭火系统的配置场所,K=0.5 可燃物露天堆垛,甲、乙、丙类液体贮罐,可燃气体贮罐,地下建筑工程(含人民防空工程、地下铁道),古建筑,歌舞娱乐放映游艺和大型商场等灭火器配置场所,K=1.0。
(1.) Fire extinguisher places or computing unit configured minimum level shall be calculated to be equipped with fire-fighting: A or B, S Extinguisher protected place or area calculation unit, m2; U - A Class B Class fire or fire Extinguisher fire extinguisher place the appropriate risk level configuration baseline, m2A or m2 / B; K - correction factor: no indoor fire hydrant system and fire fighting systems, or only with outdoor fire hydrant system configuration spaces K = 1.0; with an indoor fire hydrant system configuration spaces, K = 0.9; with fire extinguishing system configuration spaces, K = 0.7; also has an indoor fire hydrant system and fire fighting system configuration spaces, K = 0.5 fuel open-air stacking, A, B, C liquid storage tank , flammable gas storage tanks, underground construction (including the defense works, underground railway), ancient architecture, dance and Movies Entertainment and large shopping malls and other places extinguisher, K = 1.0.
这幅作品是 布朗大学图书馆 AnneS.K.Brown 军事藏品的一部分,这些藏品是美国专门收藏士兵和作战历史和形象作品的最重要收藏,也是世界上致力于军事研究和海军制服方面的最大型收藏库。
The work is from the Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection at the Brown University Library, the foremost American collection devoted to the history and iconography of soldiers and soldiering, and one of the world’s largest collections devoted to the study of military and naval uniforms.




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