单词 | icoupler | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
ADuM4190是一款基于ADI公司iCoupler®技术的隔离误差放大器。 communications.analog.com | The ADuM4190 is [...] an isolated error amplifier based on Analog Devices, Inc. communications.analog.com |
利用iCoupler®数字隔离器,设计师可以摆脱光耦合器的成本、尺寸、功耗、性能和可靠性限制,在设计中实现出色的隔离性能。 analog.com | Digital isolators with iCoupler® technology enable [...] designers to implement isolation in designs without the cost, size, power, [...]performance, and reliability constraints found with optocouplers. analog.com |
ADI公司的产品组合包括集成iCoupler®和isoPower® 隔离技术的收发器,可提供完全隔离的CAN物理层成品。 analog.com | ADI's portfolio includes transceivers [...] with integrated iCoupler® andisoPower® [...]isolation, providing, fully isolated off-the-shelf CAN PHY's. analog.com |
iCoupler®系列数字隔离产品均经过安全测试(基本测试和强化测试),并通过多家监管机构认证。 analog.com | The iCoupler® family of digital [...] isolation products have been safety tested (basic and reinforced) and approved by various regulatory agencies. analog.com |
欲了解更多信息,请参考应用笔记AN-793:“iCoupler隔离产品的ESD/闩锁考虑因素”。 analog.com | For more information, see the AN-793 Application Note, ESD/Latch-Up [...] Considerations withiCoupler Isolation Products. analog.com |
ezLINX上的接口采用ADI的隔离式收发器,该收发器集成了iCoupler®和isoPower® 数字隔离器技术。 analog.com | The interfaces on ezLINX use ADI's isolated transceivers [...] with integrated iCoupler® and isoPower® [...]digital isolator technology. analog.com |
ADI 公司的iCoupler®数字隔离技术可确保三菱 i-MiEV [...] 全电动汽车在高电压电池下安全可靠地运行 (2010年03月24日) automotive.analog.com | ADI'siCoupler®digital isolation technology [...] helps the Mitsubishi i-MiEV all-electric vehicles operate safely and reliably with high-voltage batteries. automotive.analog.com |
透过采用ADI的iCoupler数位隔离器技术,ADuM 521x以及ADuM [...] 621x都将因不再需要使用光耦合器得以减少元件数量与简化和改善设计的速度、可靠度和效率。 analog.com | By incorporatingADI’siCoupler digital isolator [...] technology, the ADuM521x and ADuM621x reduce component count and simplify [...]and improve design speed, reliability, and efficiency by eliminating the need for optocouplers. analog.com |
下载创新能源IC解决方案通报,探索ADI公司的最新技术和产品,例如:带谐波分析的三相计量、无线通信、温度传感器、iCoupler®数字隔离和数据采集系统等。 energy.analog.com | Download the new Innovative Energy ICs Solutions Bulletin to explore ADI's latest technology offerings such as polyphase metering with [...] harmonic analysis, wireless communications, [...] temperature sensors, iCoupler® digital isolation, [...]and data acquisition systems. energy.analog.com |
iCoupler是磁隔离技术,与光电耦合器相比,它彰显了功能、性能、尺寸以及功耗的优势。 analog.com | iCoupler is a magnetic isolation [...] technology with functional, performance, size, and power consumption advantages as compared to optocouplers. analog.com |
ADI提供种类齐全的产品组合,其中包括数据转换器、放大器、嵌入式处理器、iCoupler®数字隔离器和电源管理器件。 motorcontrol.analog.com | A complete product portfolio is available including data converters, amplifiers, embedded processors, iCoupler® digital isolators, and power management devices. motorcontrol.analog.com |
ADuM 521x以及ADuM 621x也整合了ADI屡屡获奖的iCoupler®资料隔离技术的两组通道,能够比以光耦合器为基础的替代方案缩小75%的电路板空间。 analog.com | The ADuM521x and ADuM621x also integrate two channels of [...] ADI’s award winning iCoupler® data isolation [...]technology to reduce board space by up to [...]75 percent compared to optocoupler-based alternatives. analog.com |
The ezLINX™iCoupler®隔离接口开发环境为开发人员提供了高性价比、即插即用的方法,支持八个物理层评估,同时满足数字隔离通信标准(USB、RS-422、RS-485、RS-232、CAN、SPI、I2C和LVDS)。 analog.com | The ezLINX™iCoupler®Isolated Interface [...] Development Environment provides developers with a cost-effective, plug and play [...]method for evaluation eight physical layer, digitally-isolated communication standards (USB, RS-422, RS-485, RS-232, CAN, SPI, I2C, and LVDS). analog.com |
ADIiCoupler数位隔离器产品产品线经理David Krakauer表示,”ADI的合作方案、设计支援以及系统级知识可以协助我们的客户取得我们电力隔离技术中的完整优势。 analog.com | ADI’s collaborativeapproach, design [...] support and system-level knowledge help our customers take full advantage of our power isolation technology. analog.com |