

单词 Ibrahim
据称,“Debesay”少校负责与阿法尔联阵主席 MussaIbrahim阿法尔联阵的首席情报官兼与厄立特里亚军方之间的联络官 [...]
Ali Yalele 联络。
Major “Debesay” was allegedly responsible for
[...] liaison with Mussa Ibrahim, the Chairof ARDUF, [...]
as well as Ali Yalele, its principal
intelligence officer and liaison with the Eritrean military.
一个恐怖主义武装团伙在 Jisr al-Shughur 的
[...] Dama 村绑架了军士长 BassamIbrahimMarwah;他们殴打折磨他,使他严重受伤,多处淤血青肿。
An armed terrorist group abducted Chief
[...] Warrant Officer Bassam Ibrahim Marwah fromthe village [...]
of Dama, Jisr al-Shughur; they beat
and tortured him, causing severe injuries and bruising.
理事会副主IbrahimS.M.Al-Adoofi 先生(也门)宣布贸易和发展理事会第 [...]
The fifty-first executive session of the Trade and Development Board
[...] was opened by Mr.Ibrahim S.M.Al-Adoofi (Yemen), [...]
Vice-President of the Board.
在 2011 年 7 月 4 日第 13
[...] 次会议上,理事会听取了卡塔尔教育和高等教育部 长 SaadbinIbrahimal-Mahmoud 介绍 2010 年 12 月 [...]
9 日在多哈举行的西亚区域 会议的政策信息;泰国教育部副常务秘书
Churairat Sangboonnum 介绍 2011 年 3 月 24 日在泰国春武里府举行的亚洲及太平洋区域会议的政策信息;多哥扫盲、 小学及中学教育部长 Essossimna Legzim Balouki 介绍 2011 年 4 月 12 日在洛美 举行的非洲区域会议的政策信息;阿根廷教育部主管教育规划副秘书长 Eduardo Aragundi 介绍 2011 年 5 月 12 日和 13 日在布宜诺斯艾利斯举行的拉丁美洲和加 勒比区域会议的政策信息。
At its 13th meeting, on 4 July 2011, the Council heard policy messages from the
Minister of Education and Higher
[...] Education of Qatar, Saad bin Ibrahim al-Mahmoud, on the Western [...]
Asia regional meeting held in
Doha on 9 December 2010; the Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education of Thailand, Churairat Sangboonnum, on the Asia and the Pacific regional meeting held in Chonburi, Thailand, on 24 March 2011; the Minister of Literacy and Primary and Secondary Education of Togo, Essossimna Legzim-Balouki, on the Africa regional meeting held in Lomé on 12 April 2011; and the Under-Secretary for Education Planning, Ministry of Education of Argentina, Eduardo Aragundi, on the Latin America and the Caribbean regional meeting held in Buenos Aires on 12 and 13 May 2011.
联合国政治事务副秘书IbrahimGambari 先生对缅甸进行了两次访问:第一次是 在 [...]
2006 年 5 月,并于 11 月再次访问了缅甸。
The United Nations Under-Secretary-General for
[...] Political Affairs,Mr Ibrahim Gambari, visited Myanmar [...]
twice: for the first time in May and again in November 2006.
会议期间,在移民主题上发言的小组成员如下:保护所有移徙工人及其家庭 成员权利委员会委员安娜· 伊丽莎白· 库维亚斯· 梅迪纳(Ana Elizabeth Cubias Medina);联合国人权事务高级专员办事处发展、经济与社会问题处处长易卜拉 欣·瓦(IbrahimWani)先生;联合国难民事务高级专员办事处保护政策和法律咨 询科高级法律干事 Anja Klug;国际天主教移徙委员会政策部主任约翰·K. 宾汉 姆(John K. Bingham);以及国际劳工组织资深移徙专家 Patrick Taran。
During the session, presentations on the theme of migration were made by the following panellists: Ana Elizabeth Cubias Medina, a member of the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families; Ibrahim Wani, Chief of the Development and Economic and Social Issues Branch, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR); Anja Klug, senior legal officer in the Protection Policy and Legal Advice Section, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR); John K. Bingham, Head of Policy, International Catholic Migration Commission; and Patrick Taran, senior migration specialist, International Labour Organization (ILO).
人权高专办发展、经济及社会问题处处IbrahimWani先生指出,各国有 义务在其管辖范围内保护所有个人的人权,包括所有移民的人权,不论其地位如 何。
The Chief of Development, Economic and Social
[...] Issues Branchat OHCHR,Ibrahim Wani, pointed out [...]
that States have an obligation to protect
the human rights of all individuals within their jurisdiction, including all migrants, irrespective of their status.
3 月 21 日,一个由 联合国索马里政治事务处(联索政治处)、非洲联盟驻索马里特派团(非索特派团) 和联合国非索特派团支助办事处联合组成的代表团前往拜多阿,会见了临时总督
[...] Abdifatah MohamedIbrahimGesey。
On 21 March a mission organized jointly by the United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS), the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and the United
Nations Support Office for AMISOM travelled to Baidoa and met with its interim Governor,
[...] AbdifatahMohamedIbrahim Gesey.
36. 环境署环境政策实施司主IbrahimThiaw 强调了森林在“绿色经济”中的 [...]
核心作用,还强调需要有一个侧重于治理、特别是农村社区和农民土地权的可持 续发展体制框架。
Ibrahim Thiaw,Director, Division of [...]
Environmental Policy Implementation, UNEP, highlighted the central role of forests
in a “green economy” and the need for an institutional framework for sustainable development focusing on governance, especially land rights of rural communities and farmers.
该辆车厂牌为 Skoda,车牌号
[...] 209108(大马士革),车 主为大马士革省雇IbrahimFariz Salim(1973 年出生于大马士革)。
The vehicle was a Skoda, licence plate No. 209108
[...] (Damascus), belonging to Ibrahim Fariz Salim (born 1973 [...]
in Damascus), an employee of the Damascus governorate.
叙利亚主管当局IbrahimQaqush(父亲名:Walid;母亲名:Wahbiyyah; 出生地:哈马北部;出生日期:1982 年)被杀一案的调查表明,杀IbrahimQaqush 的共犯是 Bashar Saraqibi(父亲名:Hassan;母亲名:Nadirah;出生地:哈马 Bab al-Jisr;出生日期:1973 年)和 Hisham Abdulqadir(父亲名:Abdulqadir; [...]
母亲名:Su‘ad;出生地:哈马 Bab al-Jisr;出生日期:1972 年)。
Investigations conducted by the
competent Syrian authorities into thekillingofIbrahim Qaqush(father’s name: Walid; mother’s name: Wahbiyyah; place of birth: north Hama; date of birth: 1982) revealed that Bashar Saraqibi (father’s name: Hassan; mother’s name: Nadirah;place ofbirth: Bab al-Jisr, Hama; date of birth: 1973) and Hisham Abdulqadir (father’s name: Abdulqadir; mother’s name: Su‘ad; place of birth: Bab al-Jisr, Hama; date of birth: 1972) are complicit in the killing of Qaqush.
9 时,地处霍姆斯 Khirbat Tin Nur
[...] 的陶瓷中心主任 Iyad Sulayman al-Ibrahim中心的仓库经理 Qasim Muhammad [...]
al-Hamish(两人都是 Brayghit 村庄的居民)向 Salamiyah
行政长官声称,2012 年 4 月 16 日 15 时,他们正从 Brayghit 前往 Salamiyah 送陶瓷总公司的一笔钱,被 7 个戴面具手持步枪骑着型 号不明的摩托车者挡住去路,并抢走了政府所属的他们这辆白色 Saveiro Fox 皮 卡,车牌号 771413(大马士革)。
At 0900 hours, IyadSulayman al-Ibrahim, thedirector of the [...]
Ceramics Centre in Khirbat Tin Nur, Homs, and Qasim Muhammad
al-Hamish, warehouse manager of the above-mentioned Centre, both residents of Brayghit village, alleged to the administrator of Salamiyah that, at 1500 hours on 16 April 2012, as they were heading from Brayghit to Salamiyah to send a sum of money from the General Ceramics Company, eight masked persons armed with rifles and riding on motorcycles of an unknown make intercepted them and stole their Government-owned, white Saveiro Fox pickup truck, licence plate No. 771413 (Damascus), which is the property of the above-mentioned Centre.
中国向缅甸政府施压,努力 使其接待联合国特使甘巴里IbrahimGambari),允许 他与高级将军以及昂山素姬见面。
It pressured the Burmese government to receive
[...] the UN Special Envoy IbrahimGambari and grant [...]
him access to senior generals and Aung San Suu Kyi.
1 月 25 日,正义与平等运动(正义运动)在其 1 月 24 日和
[...] 25 日在 Hideyat(南 科尔多凡)举行的第六次大会上发表了一项声明,确认 GibrilIbrahim2011 年 12 月底在敌对行动中被杀的 KhalilIbrahim任者。
In a statement issued by Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) on 25 January at its sixth general convention in Hideyat (South
Kordofan), held on 24 and
[...] 25 January,Gibril Ibrahimwasconfirmed as the successor to KhalilIbrahim,who was killed in hostilities [...]
in late December 2011.
[...] 瓦、埃及、埃塞俄比亚、法国、德国、印度尼西亚、日本、巴拉圭及美利坚合众 国,主席IbrahimAbu Atileh 先生(约旦)担任。
The Committee appointed a drafting committee composed of Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, France,
Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Paraguay and the United States of America, under
[...] the chairmanshipof Ibrahim AbuAtileh (Jordan).
2012 年 5 月 19 日 20 时 45 分,一个武装恐怖团伙向 Hamdaniyah 公路上的一
[...] 个五口之家开火,将妻子 Wafa Isa、她的儿Ibrahim儿 Fatima 打死,打 伤她的丈夫 [...]
Abdulhalim Batayihi 和女儿 Buthaina。
At 2045 hours on 19 May 2012, an armed terrorist group opened fire on a family of five on the
Hamdaniyah highway, killing the
[...] wife, WafaIsa, her son Ibrahim anddaughter Fatima, [...]
and wounding the husband, Abdulhalim
Batayihi and daughter Buthaina.
以下人士的尸体被送往霍姆斯部队医院:士兵 Basil Munur Sa'ud(母亲名叫 Asriya;1992 年出生于德拉省;隶属于工兵营第 18 连),他在 Wadi Siyah 检查站 被打死;士兵 Muhammad Najib Jamal al-Sawa'(母亲名叫 Amina;1991
年出生于 Aleppo;隶属于第 138 旅第 4 连),他在
[...] Bayyadah 区被打死;士兵 IsmailIbrahimal-Jaruf(母亲名叫 Sa'ada;1991 [...]
年出生于 Rif Dimashq;隶属于第 131 旅第 18 连),他在 Sultaniyah 区被打死。
The bodies of the following persons were taken to the military hospital in Homs: conscript Basil Munur Sa’ud (mother’s name Asriya; born 1992 in Dar’a; of the 18th company of the Engineers Battalion), who was killed at the Wadi Siyah checkpoint; conscript Muhammad Najib Jamal al-Sawa’ (mother’s name Amina; born 1991 in Aleppo; of the 4th company of the 138th
Brigade), who was killed in the Bayyadah
[...] quarter; conscript Ismail Ibrahim al-Jaruf(mother’s name [...]
Sa’ada; born 1991 in Rif Dimashq;
of the 18th company of the 131st Brigade), who was killed in the Sultaniyah quarter.
秘书吕克·尼亚卡贾、《生物多样性公约》执行秘书艾哈迈德·朱格拉夫、联合 国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)林业司助理主任 Eduardo Rojas-Briales、国际热 带木材组织执行主任
[...] Emmanuel ZeMeka 和联合国环境规划署环境政策实施司主IbrahimThiaw。
In response to the questions posed by the moderator, statements were made by Luc Gnacadja, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification; Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity; Eduardo Rojas-Briales, Assistant Director-General, Forestry Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO); Emmanuel ZeMeka, Executive
Director of the International Tropical Timber
[...] Organization; and IbrahimThiaw, Director, [...]
Division of Environmental Policy Implementation,
United Nations Environment Programme.
也是在 7 月 6 日第 18
[...] 次会议上,理事会听取了卡塔尔代表即教育和高等教 育部长 SaadBinIbrahimAl-Mahmoud 和评价研究所所长 Hamda [...]
Alsulaiti 作国 家情况自愿介绍。
Also at its 18th meeting, on 6 July, the Council heard the voluntary
national presentation by the
[...] representative of Qatar, SaadBin Ibrahim Al-Mahmoud, Minister [...]
of Education and Higher Education,
and Hamda Alsulaiti, Director of the Evaluation Institute.




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