在与公民社会的伙伴关系方面,需要和议员加强关系,尤 其是在“非洲发展新伙伴关系”和“非洲议员促进教育论坛”方面。 unesdoc.unesco.org | With regard to partnerships with civil society, it was pointed out that relations with parliamentarians should be strengthened, particularly in the framework of NEPAD and FAPED. unesdoc.unesco.org |
以全面负责管理一个 40公顷的综合文化区而言,财务顾问估计需要聘用33名员工, 是偏向保守的估计。 legco.gov.hk | Having regard to the responsibility for the overall management of an integrated cultural district of 40 hectares, FA's estimation of 33 staff members is on the conservative side. legco.gov.hk |
小组委员会在考虑专家顾问研究所得的观察 结果和意见後,与政府当局讨论财务顾问的分析及政府的拨款 模式。 legco.gov.hk | The Subcommittee has taken note of the observations and comments of the Specialist Adviser in its deliberations on FA's analysis and the Government's funding model. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 其研究是以财务顾问的报告 及假设为基础;而鉴於时间 所限,他们无意提交另一份 财务建议。 legco.gov.hk | (a) Their study was based on FA's report and its assumptions; and given the time constraints, they had no intention to put forward a separate financial proposal. legco.gov.hk |
非洲议员促进教育论坛副主席 Elizabeth Amukugo 博士就论坛的设立、目标以及与非洲 发展新伙伴关系在促进全民教育从而推动扶贫工作的联系等问题作了发言。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Dr Elizabeth Amukugo, Vice-Chairperson of FAPED, made a presentation on the setting up of that forum, its objectives and its interface with NEPAD in the promotion of Education for All and therefore helping towards the poverty reduction drive. unesdoc.unesco.org |
4.45 关於就零售/饮食/娱乐设施的租金收入估算是否 切合实际的问题,专家顾问指出,财务顾问的分析所提供的资 料非常有限。 legco.gov.hk | 4.45 As to whether the rental income estimated to be generated from the RDE facilities is realistic, the Specialist Adviser has pointed out that little information is available in FA's analysis. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 认为政府当局须就私营机构 参与发展计划的不同情况进 行更详尽的研究,并且迫切需 要更多的资料以核实财务顾 问各项假设预测;他们在评论 就西九文化区发展计划提供 216亿元一笔过拨款是否合适 的做法时,曾遇上不少困难。 legco.gov.hk | (a) Believing that the Administration should conduct a more detailed study on the cost-effectiveness of different scenarios of private sector involvements and badly in need of more information to verify FA's various assumptions and projections; they had considerable difficulties in commenting whether the approach of having an upfront endowment of $21.6 billion for the WKCD project was proper. legco.gov.hk |
减少的资助金款额较建议中 所需增加的助学金、贷款和行 政开 支总额 为 少 ,这是因为职训局学生资助计划提供的资助额普遍较低, 而 且 不会包括贷款形式的资助。 legco.gov.hk | The reduction in subvention is less than the total additional requirement for grants, loans and administrative expenses because the level of assistance under the FAS is generally lower, and does not include assistance in the form of loans. legco.gov.hk |
在本双年度期间,非洲地区教育办事处和该地区各国之间的合作得到了加强。据此办 事处经常进行磋商考查,提供技术援助,并推动这些国家广泛和积极参加在地区范围内开展 的活动(非洲会员国教育部长会议,非洲议员促进教育论坛,在全民教育后续活动范围内进 行的磋商)等等。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Cooperation between BREDA and the countries of the region has increased during the current biennium as a result of the frequent consultation and technical support missions undertaken by the Office and of broad and active participation by these countries in the activities carried out at the regional level (MINEDAF, FAPED, consultations as part of EFA follow-up, etc.). unesdoc.unesco.org |
36 C/DR.21(伊朗伊斯兰共和国)涉及第 01000 1(b)段,想要在“发展与民间社 会的合作”后面添加“尤其是议会和教育方面的地区性议会论坛(亚太地区教育 议会论坛、非洲议员促进教育论坛、阿拉伯议员教育论坛和拉丁美洲及加勒比地 区教育议员论坛)”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 36 C/DR.21 (Islamic Republic of Iran) concerning paragraph 01000, 1(b), which seeks to insert after the words “developing partnerships with civil society, the following words: “especially parliaments and Regional Parliamentary Fora for Education (FASPPED, FAPED, FARPED and FLACPED)”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
6.21 小组委员会深切关注到,即使投放了钜额资金兴建基 础设施及建立馆藏展品,M+的参观人次仍可能远低於财务顾 问的估计,以致M+更难建立其作为世界知名博物馆设施的地 位。 legco.gov.hk | 6.21 The Subcommittee is gravely concerned that notwithstanding the huge sum of money injected into the building infrastructure and exhibits, the patronage of M+ might be far below FA's estimates, and in turn it would be even more difficult for M+ to build up its status as a world renowned museum facility. legco.gov.hk |
专家顾问亦指出,财务顾问的分 析显示,M+需要107亿元来建造及营运50年。 legco.gov.hk | The Specialist Adviser has pointed out that FA's analysis shows that M+ costs $10.7 billion to build and operate for 50 years. legco.gov.hk |
此外,我们亦会在《条例草案》 获通过後推行「经济资助计划」,为私营残疾人士院舍提供 资助,让该等院舍进行改善工程,以符合屋宇及消防安全方 面的发牌规定。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, we will also implement a FAS after enactment of the Bill to provide subsidies for private RCHDs to carry out improvement works in compliance with the licensing requirements in building and fire safety. legco.gov.hk |
4.52 财务顾问的分析有另一特点,就是采用"设计连建造" 的模式,作为推算核心文化艺术设施的财务要求最可行的采购 方法。 legco.gov.hk | 4.52 One other features in FA's analysis is the adoption of Design-and-Build as the most viable procurement method for the purpose of projecting the financial implications for CACF. legco.gov.hk |
4.14 鉴於财务顾问的财务评估结果显示预计土地收入与 赤字总额之间有极大的差距,财务小组在厘订多项可能措施 时,再向谘询委员会请示。 legco.gov.hk | 4.14 As FA's financial assessment results revealed a substantial gap between the estimated land revenue and total deficits, FMAG obtained further steer from the Consultative Committee in formulating possible measures. legco.gov.hk |
民政事务局副秘书长(3)解释,WKCD-461号文 件所列数字与财务顾问报告摘要所列的数字不同,是基 於在计算净现值时采用的基准年不同所致。 legco.gov.hk | DS/HA(3) explained that the differences between the figures in WKCD-461 and those in the Executive Summary of FA's report were attributable to the different base years adopted in calculating the NPVs. legco.gov.hk |
就本计划资 助范围以外的改善工程或 设施,院舍应考虑透过其他 途径作出安排。 legco.gov.hk | Private RCHDs should consider making use of other sources to fund the facilities or improvement items that are beyond the scope of FAS. legco.gov.hk |
通过教科文组织的现有网络(全国委员会、联系学校项目、教科文组织俱乐部、非洲 教育议员论坛、地区和分地区全民教育论坛)促进居民对非洲发展新伙伴关系的了解,并为 这一新举措提供任何必要援助。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Promote the appropriation of NEPAD by local communities through existing UNESCO networks (National Commissions, Associated Schools Project, UNESCO Clubs, FAPED, regional and subregional EFA forums) and provide this new approach with all the necessary assistance. unesdoc.unesco.org |
教科文组织达 喀尔办事处通过各种地区活动,在动员政界支持非洲的全民教育方面开展了富有成效的工 作,而非洲教育议员论坛的建立正是这一努力的结果。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The creation of FAPED is the result of UNESCO Dakar’s successful efforts in mobilizing political support for EFA in Africa through regional initiatives. unesdoc.unesco.org |
由於建议的「经济资助计划」会由奖券基金资助,因此 私营残疾人士院舍在申请「经济资助计划」时会遵从《奖券 基金手册》的相关付款安排,而款项会以发还形式发放。 legco.gov.hk | Since the proposed FAS will be funded by the Lotteries Fund (LF), private RCHDs applying for the FAS will follow the payment arrangements in the LF Manual, whereby payment will be made on a reimbursement basis. legco.gov.hk |
4.42 为回应小组委员会的关注,政府当局曾进一步分析建 造成本上升对财务顾问所作评估的影响,方法是把预算间接成 本调整至15%的固定比率,而核心文化艺术设施及其他设施的 风险溢价则分别调整至15%及 10%。 legco.gov.hk | 4.42 To address the concern of the Subcommittee, the Administration has conducted further analyses of the impact of escalation in construction costs on FA's financial assessment by adjusting the estimated on-cost to a flat rate of 15% of construction costs and the risk premium to 15% for CACF and 10% for other facilities which are nearer to market rates. legco.gov.hk |
财务顾问的最後报告已於2007年 9 月公布,作为当局於 2007年 9月至12月期间,为谘询委员会就西九文化区的核心文 化艺术设施所提出的建议进行公众参与活动的一部分。 legco.gov.hk | FA's final report was published in September 2007 as part of the public engagement exercise on the Consultative Committee's recommendations on CACF of WKCD conducted in September - December 2007. legco.gov.hk |
德勤管理咨询是德勤全球旗下,与审计,税务,风险,财务服务并重的五大事业部之一。 deloitte.com | Deloitte Consulting is one of the five Deloitte Global's functions together with Audit, Tax, ERS and FAS. deloitte.com |
1996 年《美国个人责任和工 作机遇法》不准予自由联盟国家的公民享有许多公共福利,包括医疗保险。 daccess-ods.un.org | The U.S. Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 disqualified FAS citizens from many public benefits, including Medicaid coverage. daccess-ods.un.org |
4.39 不过,小组委员会亦关注到,财务顾问的财务分析所 采用的2%通胀率,远低於近年建造价格实际上升的幅度。 legco.gov.hk | 4.39 Nevertheless, the Subcommittee has expressed concern about the 2% inflation rate adopted in FA's financial analysis, which is way below the actual increases in construction prices in recent years. legco.gov.hk |
教科文组织应当继续做好议员的工作,使他们成为传播有关非洲发展新伙伴关系 (NEPAD),尤其是非洲教育议员论坛信息和促进相关辩论的主要力量。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO should continue with its activities involving parliamentarians, so that they may become a key resource in the dissemination of information and the promotion of debates on NEPAD, in particular FAPED. unesdoc.unesco.org |
结果,尽管有庞大的资金投放在其建筑 设施及藏品,M+的访客人数可能会远低於财务顾问的估算, 以致M+更难建立世界知名博物馆的地位。 legco.gov.hk | As a result, notwithstanding the huge sum of money injected into the building infrastructure and exhibits, the patronage of M+ might be far below FA's estimates, and in turn it would be even more difficult for M+ to build up its status as a world renowned museum facility. legco.gov.hk |
4.75 小组委员会察悉,根据财务顾问的预算,第一期发展 所需的总资本成本约为198 亿元,占建议的一笔过拨款的 91.8%。 legco.gov.hk | 4.75 The Subcommittee notes that according to FA's estimation, the total capital cost required for the Phase I development amounts to some $19.8 billion, and this amount already represents 91.8% of the upfront endowment proposed. legco.gov.hk |
民政事务局首席助理秘书长(西九)2表示,财务顾问报告 摘要内的数字,所指的是个别设施的总赤字,当中包括 资本及营运两方面的收支,而WKCD-461号文件的数字, 只涵盖资本成本。 legco.gov.hk | The Principal Assistant Secretary for Home Affairs (West Kowloon Cultural District) 2 advised that the figures in the Executive Summary of FA's report referred to the total deficit for individual facilities taking into account both the capital costs and recurrent costs and revenue, while the figures in WKCD-461 covered only the capital costs. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 在实施重大计划 I 的行动计划时,还应当借助于南南合作和北南南合作,将 其作为实施计划的补充方式并在制定计划和实施计划的各个阶段,继续发展 与民间社会、包括议会以及教育方面的地区性议会论坛(亚太地区教育议会 论坛、非洲议员促进教育论坛、阿拉伯议员教育论坛和拉丁美洲及加勒比地 区教育议员论坛)、私营部门、联合国系统组织和其他国际组织的合作,以 便 unesdoc.unesco.org | (b) to resort also in the implementation of the plan of action for Major Programme I to South-South and North-South-South cooperation, as complementary modalities for delivery of the programme and to continue to develop partnerships with civil society, including parliaments and Regional Parliamentary Fora for Education (FASPPED, FAPED, FARPED and FLACPED), the private sector, organizations of the United Nations system and other international organizations at all stages of programme development, in order to unesdoc.unesco.org |