单词 | hoklas | ||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
经过香港实验室认可计划(HOKLAS)认证,PHC 在行业中拥 有最优秀的专业能力和客户服务水平。 igel.com | PHC is accredited under the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS)that certifies the highest professional excellence and customer service standards in the industry. igel.com |
香港的空气质素监测网的设计和运作符 合国际标准,并取得香港实验所认可计划(HOKLAS)检证。 legco.gov.hk | The design and operation of our monitoring network also meet the international standards andis certified by the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme. legco.gov.hk |
汇力实验室有限公司成立於1996年,并在香港实验所认可计划(HOKLAS)下获得认许从事各类测试及校正等工作,认可编号是083。 wellab.com.hk | WELLAB LIMITED was established in 1996 and is accredited under the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS) for performing various tests and calibrations. wellab.com.hk |
香港并未加入亚洲环保标签共通基础标准互认机制,因为香港一向跟随美国或欧洲的认证标准,一般认可实验室(HOKLAS)亦是依据欧美的认证基准,所以在加入地区性或世界性的认证组织前,香港的实验室必先在认证基准上作好准备,否则必会造成产品互认的障碍和拖延。 greencouncil.org | As Hong Kong and its certification laboratories (HOKLAS) have followed the American or European certification standard for a long period, the Hong Kong laboratories should firstly make good preparation for the issues of certification standard before joining the regional or international certification organizations. greencouncil.org |
生产力 促进局亦正为局内的电磁兼容科技中心采购相关仪器和培训技术员,预 计 [...] 2011年第一季新的中心将会取得HOKLAS认证,进行汽车零部件电磁 兼容性上主要的ISO [...]7637-2测试。 legco.gov.hk | The HKPC is also procuring relevant equipment and providing training to its technicians for its Electromagnetic Compatibility Centre. It [...] is expected that the new centre will be [...] accredited bytheHOKLAS in thefirst [...]quarter of 2011 for conducting the main ISO [...]7637-2 test in electromagnetic compatibility for automotive parts. legco.gov.hk |
去年局方和香港宝石学协会再成功推出符合 ISO 17025要求的《香港标准钻石测试方法》,并获得香港认可处 (HKAS)的“HOKLAS香港监证所认可制度”全面认受,所签发的鉴证书 得到国际认可,有助提升香港鉴证行业的国际地位。 legco.gov.hk | Last year, the HKPC and the Gemmological Association of Hong Kong successfully re-launched the Standard Methods for Testing Diamond for Hong Kong in compliance with the requirements of ISO 17025. Being fully recognized by the HOKLAS under the Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS), certificates issued are internationally recognized, thus conducive to enhancing the international status of Hong Kong's forensic industry. legco.gov.hk |
有关测试应由香港实验所认可计划(HOKLAS)或与香港实验所认可计划达成互相认可协定/安 排的其他实验所监定组织所认可的独立实验所进行。 bd.gov.hk | The testshould be carried out by an independent laboratory accredited by the HOKLAS or by other laboratory accreditation bodies which have reached mutual recognition agreements/arrangements with HOKLAS. bd.gov.hk |
香港认可处(HKAS)分别透过香港实验所认可计划(HOKLAS)、香港认证机构认可计划(HKCAS)及香港检验机构认可计划(HKIAS),向位於香港的实验所、认证机构及检验机构提供认可服务。 sherex.com.hk | Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS) provides accreditation for laboratories, certification bodies and inspection bodies located in Hong Kong, through the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS) , Hong Kong Certification Body Accreditation Scheme (HKCAS) and Hong Kong Inspection Body Accreditation Scheme (HKIAS) respectively. sherex.com.hk |
除了工总的“Q唛 ”外,生产力促进局辖下有3间实验室获得 香港实验所认可计划 ⎯⎯ Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme(HOKLAS)所认可,可以进行环境及产品创新、材料测试、电磁兼容科 技检测。 legco.gov.hk | Apart from the Q-Mark Scheme of the FHKI, the three laboratories under the HKPC are recognized under the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS) so that they can conduct tests concerning environmental and product innovation, materials testing and electromagnetic compatibility testing technology. legco.gov.hk |
在汽车零部件方面,汽车零部件研发中心的实验室将於今年6月开 始为测试设备申请HOKLAS的认可,预计2010年 10月取得认可。 legco.gov.hk | Regarding automotive parts, the laboratory under the Hong Kong R & D Centre for Automotive Parts & Accessory Systems will start to apply to the HOKLAS for accreditation of its testing equipment in June this year. legco.gov.hk |
监 测 网 的 设 计 和 运 作 , 不 但 符 合 最 高 的 国 际 标 准 , 还 得 到 香 港 实 验 所 认 可 计 划(HOKLAS)检证 , 并 获 得 海 外 及 联 合 国 环 境 计 划 专 家 赞 同 。 epd-asg.gov.hk | It is certified by the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS) and has gained high regard from experts of overseas and the United Nations' Environmental Programme. epd-asg.gov.hk |