单词 | hns | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
放射性物质和传染性 物质不包括在HNS公约中,也不在本文的讨论 范围内。 itopf.org | Radioactive and infectious substances are outside [...] the scope ofthe HNS Convention and of [...]this paper. itopf.org |
与特定化学品相关的危险由其固有的属 性所决定,因此,HNS可能展现出以下五个特性 中的一个或多个:可燃性、爆炸性、有毒性、腐 [...] 蚀性或反应性。 itopf.org | The hazard associated with a particular [...] chemical is dictated by its inherent [...] properties and, assuch,HNS mayexhibit one or [...]more of the following five properties: [...]flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive or reactive. itopf.org |
如下所述,多种不同类型 的船只可用于HNS运输 itopf.org | Several different types [...] of ship transport HNS, as follows itopf.org |
HNS对海洋环境的影响取决于其毒性、接触情况及海洋生物对所涉及化学品敏感度。 itopf.org | The effectsofanHNS on themarineenvironment [...] depends on the toxicity, exposure and sensitivity of marine organisms to the chemical concerned. itopf.org |
根据该 公约,如果某种物质包括在表 1 中列出的国际海 事组织 (IMO) 公约和法规中的一个或多个列表中, 则此物质就归入HNS。 itopf.org | Under that Convention, a substance is classed as HNS if it is included in one or more lists in the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Conventions and Codes listed in Table 1. itopf.org |
两个HNS定义之间 的差别很大,因为其各自涉及的货物并未包括在 另一方中。 itopf.org | The difference between the [...] two definitions of HNSissignificant because [...]each covers cargoes that are not included in the other. itopf.org |
HNS起火可 能会释放热量、产生固体微粒和有毒气体(图 9)。 itopf.org | An HNS firecan lead to the [...] release of heat, solid particles and toxic gases (Figure 9). itopf.org |
HNS的物 理属性控制其落入海中时的行为,并决定该物质是成为气体、蒸发、溶解 还是沉淀。 itopf.org | The physical properties ofHNS governtheirbehaviour [...] when lost into the sea and determine whether the substance behaves [...]as a gas, evaporates, dissolves or sinks. itopf.org |
不过,并非所有通过海洋运输的化学品都被视为 [...] 危险物品,而只有归入“有害有毒物质”(HNS)的化学品才是危险物品。 itopf.org | However, not all chemicals transported by sea are considered hazardous but those that are have been termed [...] ‘hazardous and noxious substances’(HNS). itopf.org |
A 级 提供最高的保护(图 15),而 D 级保护可以视 [...] 为工作制服,只有在确定人员不会接触有害级别的HNS时才可穿戴。 itopf.org | Level A offers the highest level of protection (Figure 15), whereas Level D protection could be considered as [...] a work uniform, and should only be worn when it is certain that personnel will not be [...] exposed to harmful levels of HNS. itopf.org |
在对HNS事故采取应对措施之前,务必基于HNS污染物级别的建模和监视进行风 险评估。 itopf.org | Before responding to an HNSincident, itis essential that a risk assessment is conducted based on modelling and monitoring of HNS pollutantlevels. itopf.org |
对于涉及到相对 持久的漂浮化学品的泄漏,在某些情况下可能 可以使用空中监测(SLAR、IR 和 UV)甚至 [...] 卫星图之类的技术探测和监视漂浮材料,不过 使用此类技术处理HNS泄漏的实际经验非常 有限。 itopf.org | For spills involving relatively persistent chemicals that float, it may be possible, in some cases, to detect and monitor floating materials using technologies such as aerial surveillance (SLAR, IR and UV) [...] and possibly satellite imagery, although there is limited practical experience of using [...] these techniques for HNS spills. itopf.org |
除了列出不同 类型的HNS外,其中还规定了HNS运输中涉 及的不同船只的设计和建造标准以及关于化学品 标贴、包装和装载的规则。 itopf.org | In addition to [...] listing the differenttypes of HNS, they also prescribe design [...]and construction standards for the different [...]ships involved in the transport of HNS, and regulations on the labelling, packing and stowage of chemicals. itopf.org |
2010 年,国际海事组织 (IMO) 列出了通过海洋运输、最可能涉及HNS事故的 20 种最主要的化学品(不包括原油、其液体 产品和植物油)。 itopf.org | In 2010, the IMO listed the top 20 chemicals, (excluding crude oil, its liquid products and vegetable oils), carried by sea and most likely to be involved in an HNS incident. itopf.org |
5 表 2:IMO 确定的在涉及HNS事故时最可能造成最高风险的 20 种主要化学品清单,不包括原油、液体蒸馏原油 产品或植物油(来源:MEPC/OPRC-HNS/TG10/5/4,请参见 www.imo.org)。 itopf.org | 5 Table 2: IMO list of the top 20 chemicals likely to pose the highest risk of being involved in an HNS incident, not including crude oil, liquid distilled crude oil products or vegetable oils (source: MEPC/OPRC-HNS/TG 10/5/4, seewww.imo.org). itopf.org |