释义 |
Examples:拔茅茹—Invite one and he'll tell all his friends. 可歌可泣—lit. you can sing or you can cry (idiom); fig. deeply moving 桃源—imaginary land of joy and plenty (sim. Utopia, Cockaigne, Shangri-la) 跑了和尚,跑不了寺—you can run this time, but you'll have come back I'll get you sooner or later 世外桃源—imaginary land of joy and plenty (sim. Utopia, Cockaigne, Shangri-la) 琴瑟—qin and se, two string instruments that play in perfect harmony 桃花源—imaginary land of joy and plenty (sim. Utopia, Cockaigne, Shangri-la) 世外桃花源—imaginary land of joy and plenty (sim. Utopia, Cockaigne, Shangri-la) 裸子植物—gymnosperm (plants with seed contained in a cone) 能歌善舞—can sing and dance (idiom); fig. a person of many talents 被子植物—angiosperm (flowering plants with seed contained in a fruit) 慈禧太后—Empress Dowager Cixi or Ts'u Hsi (1835-1908), regent 1861-1908 莫三比克—Mozambique, SE Africa (Tw) 官厅水库—Guanting or Kuan-ting reservoir in Hebei, one of the main water reservoirs serving Beijing 着重号—Chinese underdot (punct. used for emphasis, sim. western italics) 妈祖—Matsu, name of a sea goddess still widely worshipped on the SE China coast and in SE Asia 慈禧—Empress Dowager Cixi or Ts'u Hsi (reigned 1861-1908) 红脖子—redneck (mildly disparaging term for poor white Americans, sim. hillbilly) 来日方长—We'll cross that bridge when we get there 果播—dissemination as fruit (evolutionary strategy for seed dispersal) 叶挺—Ye Ting (1896-1946), communist military leader 有头有尾—I started, so I'll finish. 有始有终—I started, so I'll finish. 琴瑟和鸣—lit. qin and se sing in harmony 补卡—replace a lost or damaged SIM card, retaining one's original telephone number 车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直—When we get the mountain, there'll be a way through and when the boat gets to the pier-head, it will go straight with the current (common saying); fig. Everything will turn out for the best. 拔毛连茹—Invite one and he'll tell all his friends. 史瓦济兰—Swaziland, SE Africa (Tw) 谢长廷—Frank Chang-ting Hsieh (1946-), Taiwanese DPP politician, mayor of Kaohsiung 1998-2005 投桃报李—Scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲—if you are lazy in your prime, you'll be sorry in your old age 谢辛—Chea Sim, President of Cambodian National Assembly 给你点颜色看看—(I'll) teach you a lesson 拔茅连茹—Invite one and he'll tell all his friends. 善始善终—I started, so I'll finish. 得寸进尺—give him an inch, and he'll want a mile 被子植物门—angiospermae (phylum of flowering plants with seed contained in a fruit) 吃一堑,长一智—Fall inthe moat and you'll be wiser next time (idiom); One only learns from one's mistakes. 裸子植物门—gymnosperm (plants with seed contained in a cone) 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧—While the green hills last, there'll be wood burn (idiom). Where there's life there's hope. 挟持雇主—gherao (from Hindi, SE Asian method of protest) 对酒当歌—lit. sing accompany wine (idiom); fig. life is short, make merry while you can 后会有期—I'm sure we'll meet again some day. [idiom.] 清唱—sing opera music (without staging or make up) 大同—Datong or Great community in neo-Confucian philosophy, sim. New Jerusalem 对口—(of two performers) speak or sing alternately 谢霆锋—Tse Ting-Fung or Nicholas Tse (1980-), cantopop star 早动手,早收获—The sooner you set work, the sooner you'll reap the rewards. [idiom.] 吃不了兜着走—fig. you'll have take the consequences lit. if you can't eat it all, you'll have take it home [idiom.] 你走你的阳关道,我过我的独木桥—you hit the high road, I'll cross the log bridge you take the easy way, I'll follow the hard path 跑了和尚,跑不了庙—I'll get you sooner or later you can run this time, but you'll have come back 跑得了和尚,跑不了庙—you can run this time, but you'll have come back I'll get you sooner or later 让您的味蕾踏上令人难忘的美食之旅!五大着名厨师将加入到MSC邮轮船队2011-2012航季一系列邮轮特别主题中,您可以在船上享受精致的美食创作过程。 msccruises.com.cn | Five famous chefs will be joining the MSC Cruises fleet for a series of special theme cruises during the 2011-2012 season, and you’ll be able to enjoy their exquisite culinary creations on board. msccruises.co.uk | (b) 宣布或议决派付任何類别股份股息或其他分 派的任何决议案(无論是本公司於股东大会 作出的决议案或董事会决议案),可订明於 指定日期的营业时间结束时须向登记为有关 股份持有人的人士支付或作出该等股息或分 派,尽管指定日期可能早於决议案通过当 日;及须按照上述人士各自登记的持股量支 付或作出股息或其他分派,但不会影响任何 该等股份的转让人与承让人之间就有关享有 股息的权利。 towngaschina.com | (b) Any resolution declaring or resolving upon the payment of a dividend or other distribution on shares of any class, whether a resolution of the Company in general meeting or a resolution of the Board, may specify that the same shall be payable or made to the persons registered as the holders of such shares at the close of business on a particular date, notwithstanding that it may be a date prior to that on which the resolution is passed, and thereupon the dividend or other distribution shall be payable or made to them in accordance with their respective holdings so registered, but without prejudice to the rights inter se in respect of such dividend of transferors and transferees of any such shares. towngaschina.com | 对程序性文书的保留的本身不符合这些文书之 目的和宗旨。 daccess-ods.un.org | Reservations to procedural instruments were per se incompatible with their object and purpose. daccess-ods.un.org | 事实上,我们为女性成员提供的保费计划,是国内众多退休基金之中最具竞争力 的。 aia.com | In fact, we’ll offer women some of the most competitive insurance premiums of any super fund in the country. aia.com | 仅仅提到各方达成一项违反本规则的协议的可能性, 不会使调和以下两个问题成为可能:《实践指南》中的所有准则只是指示性的, 当事方仍然可以通过(有效)的相互间协议自由地离开这些准则;与上述情况极为 不同的是,是否可以说,只因为其他各方保持沉默,就已经有了协议,这是非常 令人怀疑的。 daccess-ods.un.org | A mere reference to the possibility of parties reaching an agreement contrary to this rule would not have made it possible to reconcile these two concerns: quite apart from the fact that all the guidelines in the Guide to Practice are only indicative and parties remain free to depart from them by (valid) agreement inter se, it is extremely doubtful whether an agreement could be said to have come about merely because the other parties all remain silent. daccess-ods.un.org | 由 4 个经常预算员额(2 个 P-5、1 个 P-4 和 1 个当地雇员)组成的质 量保证科以及总体事务科和资源调动科原先列在行政领导和管理项下,现在列入 方案支助,由行动厅负责管理、整合和协调。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Quality Assurance Section, comprising four regular budget posts (2 P-5, 1 P-4 and 1 LL posts), the Corporate Services Section and the Resource Mobilization Section, previously included under executive direction and management, are now included under programme support, to be managed, integrated and coordinated by the Office for Operations. daccess-ods.un.org | 在发展中国家,大多数农民都有再利用和交 换种子,或向邻居非正式地出售种子,每年购买新种子的行为在大多数发展中国家是较少 见的。 iprcommission.org | In developing countries the majority of farmers reuse, exchange or sell informally to neighbours, and annual purchase of new seed is relatively rare in most countries. iprcommission.org | 因为 按定义来说,保留在保留方与所有其他各方之间的关系中产生效果,所以在某种 程度上,法律关系的相对性的确仅限于这些公约的情况;然而,对于其他缔约方 相互间的关系没有效果,其关系维持不变。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is true that the relativity of legal relations is, to some extent, limited in the case of these treaties, since by definition the reservation produces its effects in the relations between the author and all other parties; however, it has no effect with regard to the other States parties’ relations inter se, which remain unchanged. daccess-ods.un.org | 35.在审议了决议草案31 C/DR.28之后(该 决议草案由苏丹提交,涉及第02210段,目的是 建立一个地区论坛,支持会员国保持对水资源的 有效管理并通过持续的和平合作方法平等地分享 水资源),委员会建议大会决定在第02212段, “工作重点2:水与有关方面的相互作用和水安 全”的正常预算内,为建立这个论坛提供启动资 金。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (35) Having examined 31 C/DR.28 (submitted by Sudan), concerning paragraph 02210, regarding the establishment of a regional forum to support Member States for maintaining sound management and equitable water sharing through sustained peaceful cooperation, the Commission recommended that the General Conference decide that seed money be provided to set up the forum under the regular budget – paragraph 02212 “MLA2: Water interactions and security”. unesdoc.unesco.org | 40.在审议了决议草案31 C/D.47之后(该决 定草案的提案国是玻利维亚,附议国是:洪都拉 斯、秘鲁和哥斯达黎加,涉及第02230段,目的 是在玻利维亚拉巴斯建立一个地区性多学科机 构,以预防和预报自然灾害为目的,开展内陆国 家及南非一些地区厄尔尼诺影响的监测和管理工 作),委员会建议大会作出决定,在正常计划项 下由教科文组织驻蒙得维的亚和拉巴斯办事处提 供资助,对成立这样一个多学科机构是否必要作 深入的研究,其中包括对其它现有的信息资源或 机构进行评估。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (40) Having examined 31 C/DR.47 (submitted by Bolivia, supported by Honduras, Peru and Costa Rica), concerning paragraph 02230, on the implementation of a regional, multidisciplinary mechanism headquartered in La Paz (Bolivia), for the management and monitoring of the impact of El Niño in landlocked countries and areas of South America, with a view to natural disaster prevention and prediction, the Commission recommended that the General Conference decide that seed funds be provided through the UNESCO Offices in Montevido and La Paz under the regular programme for a background study on the rationale for establishing such a multidisciplinary mechanism, including assessment of other existing information sources or mechanisms. unesdoc.unesco.org | 随着您在澳大利亚待的时间越久,您会发现自己越来越熟悉和喜爱澳大利亚文化中最初可能让您不解的各个方面。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | As your time in Australia continues, you’ll find yourself becoming more familiar and comfortable with aspects of Australian culture that may have initially confused you. studyinaustralia.gov.au | 政府、国际金融机构和大公司应该协同努力,制定奖励措施,促进增加对可 持续技术、创新和基础设施的投资,途径包括:制定政策和目标,减少投资者的 顾虑;推动发展支持研发的公私网络;发展风险担保机制和提供风险资本;提供 种子资金。 daccess-ods.un.org | Governments, international financial institutions and major companies should work together to create incentives for increased investments in sustainable technologies, innovations and infrastructures, including through the adoption of policies and targets that reduce investor uncertainty; the promotion of public-private networks to support research and development; the development of risk guarantee schemes and the provision of risk capital; and seed financing. daccess-ods.un.org | 与贸易有关的知识产权协议》还 应当允许各国建立适合于本国农业体系的单独适用的植物品种保护法规,应当允许为进一 步研究和育种的目的使用受保护的物种,规定农民有保留和再次播种种子的权利,包括非 正式的出售和交换。 iprcommission.org | Such regimes should permit access to the protected varieties for further research and breeding, and provide at least for the right of farmers to save and plant-back seed, including the possibility of informal sale and exchange. iprcommission.org | 由于依照第 7 条报告的数据仅用来确定年度履约状况,而且目前的分析使用就不同履 约期国家方案执行情况向基金秘书处报告的混合数据并假定执行中项目的淘汰将会落实, 因此本文件不对履约本身作出判断,而是评估第 5 条国家在遵守《蒙特利尔议定书》一项 或多项控制措施方面的潜在前景。 multilateralfund.org | Since data reported pursuant to Article 7 are used exclusively to determine status of compliance on an annual basis, and the current analysis uses a mixture of data reported to the Fund Secretariat on country programme implementation for various compliance periods and assumes that the phase-out from ongoing projects would be implemented, this document does not determine compliance per se, but rather assesses the potential prospects of an Article 5 country achieving compliance with one or more of the Montreal Protocol control measures. multilateralfund.org | 种子分析诊断克服了过去的困难,它可以辅助确定将来 农作物对微量营养元素有反应的地点和农作物微量营养元素状况的区域发展趋势。 fertilizer.org | Though seed analysis diagnoses past problems, it can help identify field sites where future crops will respond to micronutrient applications and regional trends in micronutrient status of crops. fertilizer.org | 另外,许多其他虐待因素单独或合并起来还构成残忍、不人道或有辱人格的 待遇”。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, many other elements of the ill-treatment, either singly or in combination, constituted cruel inhuman or degrading treatment. daccess-ods.un.org | 在这方面,有人指出,除了为与豁免本身作斗争作出重要贡献之外,安理会 设立专门法庭在国家一级也起到促进作用:前南问题国际法庭的存在和工作促使 波斯尼亚黑塞哥维那、克罗地亚和塞尔维亚设立国家战争罪法庭;卢旺达问题国 际法庭的存在和工作对卢旺达司法系统改革产生相当大的压力。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that context it was pointed out that, in addition to making a crucial contribution to the fight against immunity per se, the Council’s establishment of the ad hoc tribunals also had a galvanizing effect at the national level: the existence and work of ICTY spurred the establishment of national war crimes courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia; and that of ICTR led to considerable pressure to reform the Rwandan justice system. daccess-ods.un.org | 在该州南部的布里斯班,气温很少低于 20°C,也不会出现较北端的闷热天气,冬季(六到八月)的气候依然非常宜人。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Temperatures in Brisbane, in the south of the state, rarely drop below 20°C and, while it doesn't suffer the stifling humidity you'll find further north, the climate is still most pleasant in winter (June to August). studyinaustralia.gov.au | 要支持开展以种子多样化和社会文化耕作法为基础的 农业研究,并调动新的和额外的财政资源来支持适应与气候变化有关的影响和加 强复原力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Agricultural research that builds on seed diversity and sociocultural farming practices needs to be supported, and new and additional financial resources must be mobilized to support adaptation and strengthened resilience to climate change-related impacts. daccess-ods.un.org |