同时也支持 像Hibernate这样的工具访问数据库。 javakaiyuan.com | Hibernatealso supports tools such as [...]database access . javakaiyuan.com |
其生成的代码全部基于一些着名的框架如:Spr ing,Hibernate与Java EE等。 javakaiyuan.com | The generated code is all based on some well-known frameworks [...] , suc h as : Spring, Hibernate and Java EE and so on. javakaiyuan.com |
服务器使 用Hibernate作为存储引擎,因此支持大部分SQL数据库,同时支持还LDAP作为数据存储。 javakaiyuan.com | S erver usesHibernate as thestorage engine [...], so most SQL database support , LDAP support also as a data storage . javakaiyuan.com |
项目简 介:hibernate-memcached这个java类库用于 在Hibernate中使用Memcached作为一个二级分布式缓存。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Inform ation: hibernate-memcached This java class library for u sein Hibernate Memcached distributed [...]as a secondary cache . javakaiyuan.com |
自动完成从数据结构图表到实体关系图转换,反之亦然;完全 与Hibernate兼容。 evget.com | Automatic forward and reverse engineering from Class Diagram to [...] Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) and from ERD to database generation and vice-versa; and it is also [...] fully c ompatible with Hibernate. evget.com |
项目简介: 这是一个由开源项目Tapestry,Spri ng和 Hibernate实现的宠物店应用 betterpetshop,它在Tapestry Petshop基础上扩展而来,增加了Spring 和Hibernate。javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: This is an [...] open source project [...] Tapestry , Spring andHibernate implementation of the pet store application betterpetshop, it is based on the expansion from Tapestry Petshop , an increase of Springand Hibernate. javakaiyuan.com |
自动测试与数据库相映射 的Hibernate映射 对象。 javakaiyuan.com | automatic testing and [...] mappin g databases Hibernate mapping object . javakaiyuan.com |
高级的Web开发者则往往对可以轻易地利用他们现有的Spri ng和Hibernate经验而惊喜万分。 infoq.com | Advanced web developers are often pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to leverage their [...] existi ngSpring andHibernate experience. infoq.com |
项目简介: 一个类似ruby on [...] rails的java [...] web快速开发脚手架,本着不重复发明轮子的原则,框架只是将零散的struts(struts2)+sp ring+hibernate各个组件组装好在一起,并对struts及struts2进行改造,提供零配置编程,并内置一个强大的代码生成器及模板文件,可以生成java的hibernat [...][...]model,dao,manager,struts+struts2 action类,可以生成jsp的增删改查及列表页面。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: Ruby on rails a similar rapid development of java web scaffolding , in line with the principle of not reinventing the [...] wheel , but the fragmented frame [...] struts (st ruts2) springhibernate components assembled [...]together , and the struts and struts2 [...]transformation , providing zero configuration program , and built a powerful code generator and template files , you can generate the java hibernat model, dao, manager, struts struts2 action class , you can generate the CRUD and jsp list page . javakaiyuan.com |
项目简介: Ehcache出 自Hibernate,在Hibernate中使用它作为数据缓存的解决方案。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: Ehcach e from Hibernate, the Hibernateuseit as a data [...]buffer solution. javakaiyuan.com |
使用ibatis 提供的ORM机制,对业务逻辑实现人员而言,面对的是纯粹的Java对象, 这一层与通 过Hibernate实现ORM 而言基本一致,而对于具体的数据操作 ,Hibernate会自动生成SQL 语句,而ibatis 则要求开发者编写具体的SQL 语句。 javakaiyuan.com | use the ORM ibatis provide a mechanism for business logic implementation staff , the face is a [...] pure Java object , [...] this laye r through the Hibernate implementation of the ORM is concerned with basically the same , and for the specific data ma nipulation,Hibernate automatically generates [...]SQL statements , [...]and ibatis requires developers to write specific SQL statement . javakaiyuan.com |
如果说你正希望用这个三个Tapestry,Spring 和Hibernate框架来搭建自己的J2EE 开发平台的话,可以参考参考。 javakaiyuan.com | If you are hoping to use this three [...] Tapestry , Spring andHibernate frameworksto build [...]their own J2EE development platform [...], you can refer to the reference . javakaiyuan.com |
项目简介: 这是一个使 用Hibernate,Spri ng和Echo2来开发AJAX应用程序的范例并可以在此项目的基础上继续开发。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: Thi s is a useof Hibernate, Spring , andEcho2 [...]to develop AJAX applications in this example and can [...]continue to develop on the basis of the project . javakaiyuan.com |
一些开源的工具也被运用到其中比 如Hibernate和 Castor。 javakaiyuan.com | Some open source tools have been [...] applied to them suchasHibernate andCastor. javakaiyuan.com |
Simple persistence支持事务,有自己的简单查询语言(类似 于Hibernate的 HQL),并能够处理对象关联,lists和maps。 javakaiyuan.com | Simple persistence support services, has its own simple query language (similar to Hibernate's HQL), and can handle objects associated with , lists and maps. javakaiyuan.com |
支持数据库测试,支持利用mock对象进行测试并提供与Spri ng和Hibernate相集成。 javakaiyuan.com | Support for database testing, support the use of mock objects for testing and to provide [...] integration w ith Springand Hibernate . javakaiyuan.com |
项目简介: [...] pojo的mvc框架,使用java注解,使用ognl传输上下文,使用hivemind做ioc容器,使用spring简 化hibernate操作 ,使用泛型来减少重复代码。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: pojo of mvc framework , the use of java annotations , use the ognl context [...] transfer , use hivemind do ioc [...] container , using spring hibernatesimplify theoperation [...], the use of generics to reduce duplication of code. javakaiyuan.com |
本文探究了基 于Hibernate应用程序的调优技巧,关注于那些行之有效却缺乏文档的主题,例如继承映射、二级缓存和增强序列标识符生成器。 infoq.com | Amanda Laucher and Josh Graham present at an introductory level some of the most important elements of the . infoq.com |
项目简介: [...] Jasypt这个Java类包为开发人员提供一种简单的方式来为项目增加加密功能,包括:密码Digest认证,文本和对象加密,集 成hibernate, Spring Security(Acegi)来增强密码管理。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: Jasypt the Java class package for the developer to provide a simple way to add encryption capabilities for the project , including : passwords Digest [...] authentication , text and object [...] encrypti on, integrated hibernate, SpringSecurity (Acegi) [...]to enhance the password management . javakaiyuan.com |
所有由DB-VA生成的代码 与Hibernate兼容(生成的库为源开放状态)并且不隐藏任何代码。 evget.com | All code generated by DB-VA [...] is com patiblewith Hibernate(the generated library [...]are open sourced) and there are no hidden code in it! evget.com |
项目简介: [...] EasyDBO是一个非常适合中小型软件数据库开发的数据持久层框架,系统参 考hibernate、 JD O等,结合中小项目软件的开发实际,实现简单的对象-关系数据库映射。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: EasyDBO is a software database development for small to [...] medium data persistence layer framework [...] , sys tem reference hibernate, JDO , etc.,combined [...]with the small and medium sized [...]software development project the actual realization of a simple object - relational database mapping. javakaiyuan.com |
Spring不仅支持如依赖注入和面向方面的编程等高效的编程范式,还提供了大量的胶水代码 与Hibernate、 Toplink等框架以及JEE环境交互,后者更是可以保证Scala能平滑地融入到企业当中,毫无疑问,这是Spring的成功所在。 infoq.com | Spring not only offers effective programming paradigms such as Dependency Injection (DI) and Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) but also provides lots of handy glue code to interface with popular frameworks such as Hibernate, Toplink and the like, as well as the JEE environment. infoq.com |
Envers可以在任何有使 用Hibernate的项目中使用。 javakaiyuan.com | Envers can be used [...] in any proj ect that usesHibernate . javakaiyuan.com |
本文探究了基 于Hibernate的应用程序的调优技巧,关注于那些行之有效却缺乏文档的主题,例如继承映射、二级缓存和增强序列标识符生成器。 infoq.com | In this article Billy McCafferty presents S#arp Architecture, an ASP.NET MVC architectural framework meant to leverage current best practices in architecting ASP.NET web applications by providing a project code template which uses Domain-Driven Design techniques and has built-in support for NHibernate, Castle Windsor and SQLite. infoq.com |
5、快速开发支持:通过EasyJWeb [...] Tools,可以自动生成应用软件模板代码,定制并管理自己的J2EE代码模板,代码生成模板支持最流行的实用Java开发框架 (如hibernate、 Sp ring等)实现快速开发。 javakaiyuan.com | 5, rapid development support : by EasyJWeb Tools, application software can automatically generate template code , customize and manage their own J2EE code templates , code generation templates to support the [...] most popular Java development and practical [...] frame work (such as hibernate, Spring , etc.) to achieve [...]rapid development. javakaiyuan.com |
近日,JBoss发布 了Hibernate4.0,其新特性有多租户架构支持、引入了标准机制以编 写Hibernate扩展、开始面向OSGi进行重构以及几处清理。 infoq.com | S#arp Lite is an effort to make S#arp Architecture more accessible to all developers; this scaled-back version includes a project template set up to connect to a database via NHibernate, a set of reusable class libraries, a base repository, and a sample project. infoq.com |