最后一张是Ann穿着简单 的Hermes夹克和Gap牛仔裤休闲地靠在室外的花园里。 ba-repsasia.com | The final picture of Ann shows her outside in her garden, posed casually in a simple Hermes jacket and Gap jeans. ba-repsasia.com |
欧盟将继续密切监测,特别是通过对外边境 署的 “Hermes2011”行动监测事件对该区域内外移民动态的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | The European Union, in particular through the Frontex Hermes 2011 operation, will continue to closely monitor the impact of events on migratory movements both within and from the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
国家科学研究中心(法国 CNRS)和欧盟委员会内部事务总司签署了一份合同,其目 的是开展 “HERMES2011”预防和打击非法贩运文物的方法研究,该研究是与刑法和犯罪 学中心合作完成,教科文组织、国际统一私法协会和国际刑警组织也参与了这项工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | HERMES 2011, a study of methods to prevent and combat trafficking in cultural property, is the subject of a contract concluded by the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the European Commission Directorate-General for Home Affairs and is being implemented in partnership with the Centre for Criminal Justice and Criminology in conjunction with UNESCO, UNIDROIT and INTERPOL. unesdoc.unesco.org |
另外,Cardi Chan 是我们的新财务经理 ,HermesHo则任职于一个新增的职 位:推广部秘书。 jhf-china.org | In addition, Cardi Chan joined the staff as the new Financial Manager, a ndHermes Hofilled the new position as Promotional Secretary . jhf-china.org |
改进了教科文组织文件和出版物的归档、目录编制和多种语言检索,特别是通过:(a) 采用新 的网上申请程序 (HERMES),使总部外单位能够将电子文件直接输入教科文组织文件和出版 物全文数据库,(b) 将 1946 年以来教科文组织的主要文件和出版物数字化,将其编入索引和目 录。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Improved archiving, cataloguing and multilingual access to UNESCO documents and publications, notably as a result of (a) the introduction of a new Internet application (HERME S)that allows field units to transfer electronic documents directly into the full text database of UNESCO documents and publications, and (b) the retroactive digitizing, indexing and cataloguing of UNESCO main documents and publications since 1946. unesdoc.unesco.org |
奥地利的 OEKB,德国 的Hermes和瑞士的 SERV 将武器和核技术从出口产品中排除。 banktrack.org | Austria’s OeKB, Germany’s Hermes, and Switzerland’s SERV exclude the export of arms and/or nuclear technology from coverage. banktrack.org |
Hermes补充道:“任何全面节能计划的第一步都应当是提升能效,托潘加公司的APL系统与智能控制系统的组合可以减少50% 至80%的能量消耗,并在2到3年内收回成本,在性能或成本方面与最先进的LED及HID照明技术相当或更加优秀。 topangatech.com | Energy efficiency should be the first step in any overall energy conservation program and Topanga’s APL combined with intelligent controls can provide 50-80% electrical savings and a return on investment within 2-3 years, matching or exceeding the best attributes of LED and HID lighting technology in terms of performance and cost,” added Hermes. topangatech.com |
为了帮助我们的客户在交易活动中使其潜在收益最大化,我们建立 了Hermes学院,从而不断地提供教育、市场洞悉、交易工具以及其他的相关性文章。 gdmfx.com | To help our clients maximise their potential gains in their trading activities, we established ou r HermesAcademy to consistently provide education, market insights, trading tools, and other related articles. gdmfx.com |
宝路喜(BLUCCI)是国际顶级品牌箱包/皮具清洗保养修复专业机构,亦是北京第一家采用法国高级奢侈品护理技术专业涉足国际顶级品牌箱包清洗保养业的公司,主要服务内容就是针对国际顶级品牌 (Hermes,LV,Chanel, Gucci, Prada, Dior, Fendi,Versace等)的各类箱包以及名贵皮件进行专业的清洗、保养、维修以及翻新。 pricelessbeijing.com | BLUCCI- As a professional organization for cleaning, maintenance and repair of international top brand bags / leathers, is a professional company in the field of cleaning and care of international top brand bags by adopting top French top luxury goods caring technology and is the first company with such technology in Beijing. pricelessbeijing.com |
国 际 一 级 名 牌 汇 聚 之 三 楼 , 配 合 Louis Vuitton 新 店 、 Escada 旗 舰 店 及Hermes的扩充 後 , 将 为 顾 客 带 来 更 多 元 化 之 选 择 。 swirepacific.com | The high-end fashion collections on L3 will be further strengthened with the opening of a new store by Louis Vuitton, an Escada flagship store, and an expanded Hermes shop, offering shoppers with a newer and fuller selection of fine products from these international brands. swirepacific.com |
Hermes先生 是医用灯具的全球销售经理,同时在美国罗切 斯特大学管理数个项目,负责突破机器人手术、手机照相闪光灯、最强聚变研究激光的新市场。 topangatech.com | Mr. Hermes was the Global Sales Manager for medical lighting as well as managing projects to break through new markets in robotic surgery, cell phone camera flash, and the most powerful fusion research laser in the United States at the University of Rochester. topangatech.com |