行业: 硬木锯材厂 , 房地产项目策划者 mucai.fordaq.com | Activities: Planing services , Real Estate Project planners fordaq.com |
要求 参加人员具备建筑物的企划、设计、利用BIM手法的结构、设备设计以及其他模拟技术。 forum8.co.jp | In addition to the planing and design of the buildings, the techniques of using each software including structural and facility design and simulation with BIM method were required. forum8.co.jp |
刨铣服务, 意大利 mucai.fordaq.com | Planing services, Italy fordaq.com |
行业: 使用过的木工机械经销商-二手机械 , 刨切工厂 mucai.fordaq.com | Activities: Used woodworking machinery dealers - Second-hand machines , Planing mill fordaq.com |
| Planing services fordaq.com |