EDS报告光盘上的每张每个文件和关键信息,诸如:文件名、大小 、上次修改日期、MD5 & S HA-1Hash和阶段号。 rimage.com | EDS reports each file on the disc and its vital information such as; Filename, Size, Last Modified [...] Date, MD5 & SHA-1 Hash, andthe Session number. rimage.com |
该系列器件还加入了一个硬件加密引擎,带有先进加密演算法(AES)、三重资料加密标准(3DES)和安全杂凑演算法(Se cureHashAlgorithm, SHA)支援,用於加密/解密数据或通讯,同时使用一个真乱数据发生器(TRNG)生成多样化的独特密匙。 ipress.com.hk | The series also includes a hardware encryption engine with Advanced Encryption Standard [...] (AES), Triple Data Encryption Standard [...] (3DES) a ndSecure HashAlgorithm(SHA) [...]support to encrypt/decrypt data or communications [...]while a true random number generator (TRNG) can be used to generate or diversify unique keys. ipress.com.hk |
此外,由於登记系统早已把所有身份证号码和个人手机号码,化成不能还原的散列函数 (HashCode),而现在亦已经全部销毁,因此登记人士的私隐已得到充分保护。 hkupop.hku.hk | Moreover, since the system has converted all HKID card numbers and mobile [...] phone numbers upon registration into a chain [...] of ir reversibleHash Codes for storage [...]and such information has been completely [...]destroyed, hence, the privacy of all registered citizens has been well protected. hkupop.hku.hk |
数据字典提供原语与多国文字的映射,多语言套件在程式运行时从文档,数据库,或 DFM 载入数据字典 到Hash表,以提供最快的搜寻速度;最后根据要替换多语言的组件的类别,找到它的替换函数,替换掉该组件的各部分的文字。 evget.com | And finally, it finds out its replacing functions and replaces the characters of this component in accordance with the type of the multi-language component which is to be replaced. evget.com |
在防伪功能方面,晶片卡使用不同技术以确保信用卡的独特性,防止复制,例如非对称式加解密(Rivest Shamir Adleman [RSA ] Encryption Standard)的金钥管理系统、安全散列演算法(Se cureHashAlgorithm [SHA])、专业的金钥保安监控人员管理,以及动态验证码等技术。 mastercard.com | Regarding the authenticity of the card itself, the chip card comes with many means to ensure its uniqueness and prohibit replication, such as the Key Management Logic of Rivest Shamir Adleman Encryption Standard (RSA), Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), management by Key Management professionals and dynamic authentication code, etc. Regarding transaction information security management, three levels of data matching and encryption (3-DES) are used to minimize the possibility of replication. mastercard.com |
随着香港第二分店去年正式选址铜锣湾开幕,Visual [...] Culture从海外市场引入发售的眼镜品牌增至20多个,当中还包括不少例如Fabris [...] Lane、Antonio Miro、Anne Val erieHash及Preciosa等欧洲市场也极难入手的顶级出品,每回新作抵港均引来抢购潮;而这所新模式的眼镜小店已有大量固定的忠实顾客支持,成功开创本地眼镜店的新营运模式。 think-silly.com | Following its second store in Causeway Bay, Visual Culture is now stocking over twenty much sort-after [...] international labels such as Fabris Lane, Antonio [...] Miro, A nne Valerie Hash and Preciosa. Established [...]with a solid customer base, its [...]unique operation model is the key to this local optical store. think-silly.com |