释义 |
half noun—半 n (almost always used) 半年 n Examples:work vaguely then retreat (idiom); sloppy and half-hearted—the early Ming (i.e. from second half of 14th century)—bond (esp. document split in two, with each party holding one half)—lit. one scale and half a claw (idiom); only odd bits and pieces—medulla oblongata (the lower half of the brainstem)—late Han and early Wei (roughly, first half of 3rd century AD)—first half of the night (from nightfall midnight)—part-time work in which one works each day for a half-day, typically a morning or an afternoon—reduced fraction (e.g. one half for three sixths)—half of a game or contest—faun, half-goat half-human creature of Greek mythology—Chinese skullcap resembling the skin of half a watermelon—lit. know one and understand half (idiom); a smattering of knowledge—half dead (of torment, hunger, tiredness etc)—lit. one half equals zero point five (division rule in abacus reckoning)—(fig.) half-finished job that is difficult complete because it was not done properly in the first instance—half rise out of one's chair (a polite gesture)—half willing and half unwilling (idiom); yield after making a show of resistance—half the work, twice the effect (idiom); the right approach saves effort and leads better results—half-sitting, half-reclining (meaning unclear)—half-track (vehicle with both wheels and caterpillar treads)—When the girl smiles, the matchmaker's job is half done. [idiom.]—lit. if you tap a half-empty bottle it makes a sound [idiom.]— |