低於食品法典委员会标准,风险评估发现,如根据标签上的喂哺建议,其生物素摄 入量将低於世界衞生组织建议的摄入量(即每日 5 微克)。 cfs.gov.hk | Risk assessment showed that according to the feeding suggestion on the label, biotin intake will be lower than the recommended intake suggested by the World Health Organization (i.e. 5 ug per day). cfs.gov.hk |
在 VFD 上设置发动机速度,以获得所需流速 (请参见图 7)。 graco.com | Set the motor speed on the VFD to achieve the desired flow rate (see F IG. 7). graco.com |
先将电子电源变压器的圆形端头插入收发器电源入 口 (A)(图 5),然后将变压器插头插入接地的 120-240 伏交流电源插座中。 graco.com | Plug round end of electric power transformer into Transceiver power inlet (A) (F IG . 5) first and then plug transformer plug into a grounded 120 - 240 VAC power source. graco.com |
能力建设开始之前,必须进行认真规 划,以保证所在地方能从人力和财力资源等方面给子系统的所有部分以长期的支持。 unesdoc.unesco.org | For example, the International GPS Service for Geodynamics (IGS) is beginning to add continuous GPS to tens of tide gauges around the world. unesdoc.unesco.org |
将软管止停环从软管上卸下,将所有的零配件都放在 安全的地方以备以后重新安装在新软管上 (图 20)。 graco.com | Remove hose stop from hose end and put all the parts in a safe place to reinstall on the new hose later (F IG. 20). graco.com |
将安装架的可调夹板 (206) 固定在工字梁 (A) 之 上,然后全部将其拧紧 (图 9)。 graco.com | Position the adjustable clamps (206) of the mounting brackets over the I-Beam (A), and tighten them securely (F IG. 9). graco.com |
评估团还查看了位于Ige和Mareeg两个渔村之间海滩上的一个罐 式容器,当地村民称出现健康问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The mission also investigated a tank container in the beach between the Ige and Mareeg fishing villages, with community members in that area reporting health-related problems. daccess-ods.un.org |
非洲 双频全球定位系统网络(非洲全球定位系统)仪器阵列由若干不同的全球定位 系统接收器网络组成:国际全球定位系统服务、非洲季风多学科分析、闪烁网 决定援助系统以及关于赤道电子动力学研究的非洲全球定位系统接受器。 daccess-ods.un.org | The African Dual Frequency Global Positioning System Network (GPS-Africa) instrument array consisted of a number of different networks of GPS receivers: the International GPS Service (IGS), the Analyse multidisciplinaire de la mousson africaine (AMMA), the Scintillation Network Decision Aid (SCINDA) and AGREES. daccess-ods.un.org |
检查连接器 B 是否牢固地插入温度控制板 (请参见 图 5,第 37 页)。 graco.com | Check that connector B is firmly plugged into temperature control board (see F IG . 5, page 37). graco.com |
(b) 启动了与欧洲联盟共同实施的一个项目,旨在加强几内亚的一般外部监 督机制(帮助建立各监督机构之间的常设协调框架,对目标机构(审计院、国家稽 查总局和财政稽核总局)进行有效的结构调整,并通过培训和改善工作条件提高 监督的质量)。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Launch a joint project with the European Union designed to strengthen the overall system of external oversight in Guinea (support for putting in place a permanent framework for consultation and coordination among oversight structures, structured and effective reorganization of the targeted bodies (Government Accounting Office, State Inspectorate (IGE), Financial Inspectorate (IGF) and improvement of the quality of oversight through training and better working conditions). daccess-ods.un.org |
监控器探测出故障 时,LED 指示灯 (W,图 3)将闪烁,而且显示屏上将 显示一个诊断代码。 graco.com | When the monitor detects a problem, the LED (W, F IG. 3) will flash and a diagnostic code will appear on the display. graco.com |
检查抵板以确保橡胶索环 (c)安装在抵板的中心 (图 7)。 graco.com | Examine follow plate to make sure rubber grommet (c) is in place in center of the plate (F IG. 7). graco.com |
将 C 型夹板 (A) 安装到卷盘法兰上,以防止卷盘意 外脱锁和自由转动 (图 19)。 graco.com | Attach a C-Clamp (A) to the reel flange to help prevent the reel from unintentionally becoming unlatched and spinning freely (F IG. 19). graco.com |
确定滚轮支臂 (a) 的所需位置 (图 4)。 graco.com | Determine the desired position of the roller support arm (a) (F IG. 4). graco.com |
拧下翼形螺丝 (a)以卸下桶盖 (图 5)。 graco.com | Remove drum cover by loosening thumb screws (a) (F IG. 5). graco.com |
一种专门用于计算二氧化碳排放量的测算工 具IG(在线测算,可在“朱莉的自行车”网站上进行)已参与本次调研。 on-the-move.org | Information submitted through the IG Tools (online carbon calculators hosted by Julie’s Bicycle) is supporting this benchmarking work. on-the-move.org |
有关在瑞士注册的受保护权利的初始信息,可以 访问瑞士联邦知识产权局的电子注册系统。 gza.ch | Initial information about protective rights titles registered in Switzerland can be accessed via the IGE’s own electronic protective rights register. gza.ch |
前述变动并不影响美国业务 在当地的管理或监管方式。 prudential.co.uk | The revised IGD surplus calculation has no impact on the way that the US business is managed or regulated locally. prudential.co.uk |
经过抵板上橡胶索环的中心插入泵下管 (图 9)。 graco.com | Insert pump drop tube through center of rubber grommet in follow plate (F IG. 9). graco.com |
以下是当前合作的一些事例: (a) 巴西-非洲社会保护合作方案是社会发展部、联合王国国际合作局和 包容性增长国际政策中心之间展开伙伴关系的结果。 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) Brazil-Africa Programme for cooperation on social protection is the outcome of a partnership between the Ministry of Social Development, UK-DFID and the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG). daccess-ods.un.org |