

单词 G点

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不得不说这是一款别出心裁的好作品,出彩的并不是他的外表,而是独具匠心的设计,这是一款性爱时放进阴道内使用 G点 按 摩 器。
In between, the ultra thin flex arm gently hugs her contours to hold the We-Vibe comfortably in place — while leaving plenty of room for him to slide inside and share the pleasure.
这个坏家伙不仅擅长对外部的按摩,而且更加精通 G点 刺 激 ,可谓“内外兼修”。
The strong stem creates pressure that makes Cute suitable for internal as well as external use.
这是一款与众不同,和特别为有品位和见识的绅士们量身制定的前列腺按摩塞,它拥有完美的造型设计,能够非常准确且贴切地触及到男性 G点 部 ,同时提供外部括约肌刺激点,造成持久的高潮。
Beautifully tailored for the discerning gentleman,
the Nexus Silo toy has been designed to
[...] massage the male G-spot whilst providing [...]
simultaneous external stimulation, resulting
in deliciously prolonged orgasms.
假如实施了执行由 I/O 发出的原点复位指令输入,以及 NC 代G28(原点复位 )等命令的操作, 则与上图中“4.原点漂移量”无关,移动到以 PRM3(原点偏置量)设置的原点。
y After a home positioning instruction input signal is supplied or NC code G28 (home positioning) is executed, a travel to the home position specified with PRM 3 (home position offset amount) occurs without relations to "4.
通过通信代码 S4、原点复位指令输入、NC 代G28 实施原点复位
Communication code "S4”, home positioning instruction input, and NC code "G28" will enable home positioning.
在这方面的主要点是令 人印象深刻的高达 1.6 G 的直线轴动态响应,以及高达 60 m/min 的显著提高 了生产率的快速轴运动。
Key features in this context are the impressive dynamic response of [...]
up to 1.6 G in the linear axes as well as fast axis
movements up to 60 m/min, which significantly increases productivity.
起动输入或程序停止指令输入后,在 2msec 以上无脉冲串输入的点,G72 的执行被停止,脉冲 串输入无效。
It will become ineffective stopping execution of G72, when there is no pulse string input for more than 2 msec after start input or program stop input is turned on.
g」條 件屬於選修課程,選擇的科學課程需符合該選修課程之資格:實際來說就是一 個學分(相當於兩學期課程)的額外實驗科學。
The “g” requirement pertains to elective courses, for which selected science courses may qualify: specifically, one unit (equivalent to two semester courses) of an additional laboratory science.
能克服各种地理障碍,并轻易衔接 2. 4 G   接入 点 , 因 此可让无线网络无限 延伸到最后一里路,采用国际资料加密最高标准,确保了资料的安全性及私密性。
It can easily
[...] connect 2.4G access point, making network coverage [...]
extending to the last one kilometer. This product adopts
the highest standard of international information encryption, which can guarantee the security and secret of the information.
在这种情况下,或是只在角度可以准确变换为脉冲的位置(例如,每转动 1 周的点)执行“G92”, 或是实施不应用“G92”代码的编程(应用转动 1 周的增量值(G91.1)等)。
Execute "G92" at the position only which enables the accurate angle conversion to the pulse, for example, home position for each rotation, or implement programming such as (One rotation incremental dimension (G91.1)) rather than using "G92" code.
印尼作为东盟新上任主席成为国际 点 , 并作 为 G 2 0 的 一 员,在关于环境问题上,成为主要的地区和国际经济成员。
In the heart of international events as the new chair of ASEAN and as a member of the G20, Indonesia comforts its position as a major regional and international player, namely with regards to environmental issues.
总部位于德国的跨国电信集团,业务遍及欧洲、非洲和拉丁美洲,业务 点 是2 G /3 G 蜂 窝 产品以及无线LAN。
T-Mobile - A multi-national telecom group headquartered in Germany with operations in Europe and North America focusing on service products in cellular wireless in 2G and 3G technologies and wireless LAN.
[...] 物理特性: 外观: 白色结晶粉末点: 50℃-182 ℃ 密度: 1.02-1.03g/cm3 溶解度:(参考数据) (20℃,% [...]
W/W) 丙酮 1 苯 43 36 氯仿 45 醋酸乙酯 5 环已烷
20 水 <0.01 Irganox B900在涂料工业中的应用: 应用在聚氨酯,聚酯和醇酸树脂的合成中及粉末涂料生产中能降低树脂的色泽,提高耐黄变性能。
Chemical composition: Sub-Tris (2,4 - di-tert-D-phenyl) ester hindered phenol (3,5 - 2-butyl -4 - hydroxy - 18 alkyl-phenyl propionate) Physical
properties: Appearance:
[...] white crystalline powder Melting point: 50 ℃ -182 ℃ Density: 1.02-1.03g/cm3 [...]
Solubility: (reference
data) (20 ℃,% W / W) benzene, acetone, an acetate 43 Xylene 36 chloroform 45 cyclohexane 20 Ethyl 5 Water <0.01 Irganox B900 in the coatings industry in the application: application of polyurethane, polyester and alkyd resins in the synthesis and powder coating production can reduce the resin color to enhance anti-yellowing properties.
g) 該方 為就本集團或屬本集團關連人士之任何實體之員工福利而設之退休福利計劃。
g) the party is a post-employment benefit plan for the benefit of employees of the Group, or of any entity that is a related party of the Group.
就有關期間以外的所有期間 而言,即使董事或其任何聯繫人在任何合約、安排或交易或建
議合約、安排或交易擁有或可能擁有權益,惟仍可投票,而若 其投票,其票數將會計算在內,且其可在提呈考慮任何該等合 約、安排或交易或建議合約、安排或交易的任何董事會議計入
[...] 法定人數,惟其須(倘適用)事先於會議提呈考慮該等事項前 根據(G)段披露其權益。
In respect of all periods other than the Relevant Period, a Director may vote in respect of any contract, arrangement or transaction or proposed contract, arrangement or transaction notwithstanding that he or any of his associates is or may be interested therein and, if he does so, his vote shall be counted and he may be counted in the quorum at any meeting of the Directors at which any such contract, arrangement or transaction or proposed contract, arrangement or transaction shall come before the
meeting for consideration provided that he has, where relevant, first disclosed his
[...] interest in accordance with paragraph (G).
13 个职业类主管人员中的每个人都将继续负责审查申请,确定由专题专家 (即专家组)进一步评估的候选人,担任其负责范围内的专家组的秘书并合并专家 组的结论和面试报告以提交外地中央审查机构,监测其分管的职业类职位在外地 行动中的在职率,管理其分管的名册,编制外地行动方案主管人短名单并确定何 时应进行外联活动,以处理名册中存在的差距,特别是性别均衡和地域代表性方 面的差距,确定外地在职工作人员的流动机会,以便工作人员在相关工作 点之 间轮调。
Each of the 13 Occupational Group Managers would continue the responsibilities for reviewing applications, identifying candidates for further assessment by subject matter experts, that is, expert panels, serving as Secretary for the expert panel under his or her purview and consolidating findings and interview reports from the panel for presentation to the Field Central Review Bodies, monitoring incumbency rates in the field operations for positions in his or her occupational group, managing his or her assigned roster, developing shortlists for programme managers in the field operations and determining when outreach activities should be conducted to address gaps in the roster, especially in gender and geographic representation, and determining the mobility opportunities for staff members currently serving in the field so as to rotate staff among relevant duty stations.
在同一决议中,安理会决定该部队除了根据第 425(1978) 号和第 426(1978)号决议执行任务外,还将除其他事项外,监测敌对行动的停止; 在以色列国防军撤出时,陪同和支助黎巴嫩武装部队在整个黎巴嫩南部进行部
署;确保“蓝线”得到尊重,并协助黎巴嫩武装部队确保“蓝线”和利塔尼河之 间的地区没有任何未经授权的武装人员、资产和武器;采取力所能及的一切必要
[...] 行动,确保其行动区不被用来进行敌对活动;应黎巴嫩政府的要求协助其保障边 境和其他入点的安全,防止武器或有关物资未经其许可进入黎巴嫩。
By the same resolution, the Council decided that the mandate of the Force, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), would include, inter alia, monitoring the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and supporting the deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces throughout southern Lebanon in parallel with the withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces, ensuring respect for the Blue Line and assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces in ensuring that the area between the Blue Line and the Litani River is free of any unauthorized armed personnel, assets and weapons, taking all necessary action within its capabilities to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities, and assisting the Government of Lebanon,
at its request, in securing its
[...] borders and other entry points in order to prevent [...]
the entry into Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel.
大会在同一决议第五节第 11 段中请秘书长寻求更加有效的战略,及时填补 所有工作点现有和未来的语文员额空缺,表示注意到秘书长关于会议时地分配 办法的报告(A/63/119 和 Corr.1)第 92 段,又请秘书长尽早举行该段提及的语文 工作人员竞争性征聘考试和 2009 年后的其他考试,以便及时填补所有工作点 现有 和未来的语文员额空缺,并向大会第六十四届会议通报这方面的努力。
In section V, paragraph 11, of the same resolution, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to seek a more effective strategy to fill current and future
language post vacancies at
[...] all duty stations in a timely manner, took note of paragraph 92 of the report of the Secretary-General on the pattern of conferences (A/63/119 and Corr.1), and also requested the Secretary-General to hold the competitive examinations for the recruitment of language staff referred to in that paragraph, as well as other examinations beyond 2009, well in advance so as to fill current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations in [...]
a timely manner, and
to inform the Assembly at its sixty-fourth session of efforts in that regard.
一直以可靠性和 控制领导者闻名于整个行业的圣万提,G24控制器中将具有竞争力的价格与卓 越的性能结合在了一起。
Synventive, long known as the reliability and control leader in the industry, combines a competitive price with superior performance in the G24 controller.
点将是 促进中等教 育课程的系统改革,以及各国加强普通中等教育和职业教育联系的政策,尤其是注重生活能 [...]
Focus will be placed on promoting [...]
systemic reform of secondary education curriculum as well as national policies for enhancing
linkages between general secondary and vocational programmes, the emphasis being on life skills development for employability and effective citizenship.
[...] 调局的力量,发挥其作为总部负责总部外事宜部门的作用,(ii)在作为各部门面向总部外 工作的主要联点和入 口处的各部门执行办公室的授权之下,在一般事务类的中高职级中引 [...]
与合作部门的合作:为对外关系与合作部门工作人员在总部外遭遇的相关处境提供政治上和 礼仪上的支持,以及同各国全委会开展重要合作。
At Headquarters, various steps have been/are being taken to: (i) strengthen the role of BFC, as the voice of the field at Headquarters, in staffing and resourcing terms;
(ii) introduce the functions of regional
[...] field office focal points at mid- to senior-GS [...]
level, under the authority of the EOs
of each sector as primary focal and entry points for the field in each sector; and (iii) enhance cooperation between BFC and ERC in terms of both the political and protocol backstopping of ERC staff for relevant situations encountered in the field and also of the all-important cooperation with National Commissions.
(g) 爲了 提出或進行任何刑事訴訟或按照香港法律 而進行的任何調查,有必要作出的披露。
(g) are necessary with a view to the institution of, or otherwise for the purposes of, any criminal proceedings, or any investigation carried out under the laws of Hong Kong.
(g) 倘若任何董事会会议内产生任何关于董事(除会议的主席外)或其联系人 的权益或关于任何董事(除该主席外)的表决及被计入法定人数的权利的 问题,且此问题没有因为他自愿放弃表决或被计入法定人数内而得到解 决,此问题应提交会议主席处理,他对于该董事的裁定应属最后和最终的 裁定,除 非 以该董事所知该董事或其联系人的利益的性质和范围没有公平 地披露予董事会知道。
(g) If any question arises at any meeting of the Board as to the materiality of the interest of a Director (other than the chairman of the meeting) or his Associate, or as to the entitlement of any Director (other than such chairman) to vote or be counted in the quorum and such question is not resolved by his voluntarily agreeing to abstain from voting or not to be counted in the quorum, such question shall be referred to the chairman of the meeting and his ruling in relation to such other Director shall be final and conclusive except in a case where the nature or extent of the interest of the Director or his Associate concerned as known to such Director has not been fairly disclosed to the Board.
指港燈在每年度年底為履行附表G 部提及的責任而 估計合理支付金額。
means the estimated amount that HEC will reasonably pay to settle the obligation referred to in Section G of Schedule 2 at the end of each Year.
(g)  董 事如知悉其以任何方式直接或間接於與本公司訂立之合約或安排或擬訂 立之合約或安排擁有利益,則須於(倘其當時知悉其利益存在)首次考慮訂立該合 約或安排之董事會會議或於任何其他情況下在彼得悉有關利益存在後首個董事會會 議申報其利益。
(g) A Director who to his knowledge is in any way, whether directly or indirectly, interested in a contract or arrangement or proposed contract or arrangement with the Company shall declare the nature of his interest at the meeting of the Board at which the question of entering into the contract or arrangement is first taken into consideration if he knows his interest then exists, or in any other case at the first meeting of the Board after he knows that he is or has become so interested.
(g) 董事 或其聯繫人如就其所知以任何方式直接或間接於與本公司所訂合 約或安排或擬定合約或安排中擁有權益,而倘其知悉其權益當時存在, 則須於首次考慮訂立該合約或安排問題的董事會會議上申報其權益或 其聯繫人權益性質,或在任何其他情況下,則須於其知悉其或其聯繫人 就此擁有或已變得擁有權益後的首個董事會會議上作出有關申報。
(g) A Director who, to his knowledge, is interested or has an associate who is interested, in any way, whether directly or indirectly, in a contract or arrangement or proposed contract or arrangement with the Company shall declare the nature of his interest or the interest of his associate at the meeting of the Board at which the question of entering into the contract or arrangement is first taken into consideration if he knows his interest or the interest of his associate then exists; or in any other case at the first meeting of the Board after he knows that he or his associate is or has become so interested.
该Baraithoth,即格言的律法中没有发现密西拿,以及法律段落总是在希伯来文给予的,因此是最追加阐发,其余是在西阿拉姆语方言书面 G . 达 尔 曼, “Grammatik DES judisch - Palastinischen Aramaisch”,莱比锡,1905年)。
The Baraithoth, ie the maxims of the Torah not found in the Mishna, as well as the legal paragraphs are always given in Hebrew, and so are most of the appended elucidations; the remainder is written in a West Aramaic dialect (G. Dalman, "Grammatik des judisch-Palastinischen Aramaisch", Leipzig, 1905).
(G) 董事個人或其公司可以專業人士資格為公司服務,其個人或其公司應有 [...]
權獲得提供專業服務的酬金,猶如其並非董事般論,惟本細則概無授權董事或其 公司作為公司之核數師。
(G) Any Director may himself [...]
or by his firm act in a professional capacity for the Company, and he or his firm shall be
entitled to remuneration for professional services as if he were not a Director Provided that nothing herein contained shall authorise a Director or his firm to act as Auditor to the Company.
肾上腺皮质癌,肿瘤体积一般较大,常在 1 0 0 g 以 上 ,偶可达 1 0 0 0 g 以 上 ,呈侵袭性生长,境界不清,切面呈棕黄色或多色性,质较软,常有出血、坏死及囊性变。
Adrenocortical carcinomas usually have bigger sizes, which are often above 100 g. Some can reach more than 1000 g. They aggressively grow, have blur boundary, with brown yellow or multi-color section, soft nature, and often cause bleeding, necrosis, as well as cystis degeneration.
發 展 中 國 家 重 點 市 場 的2G網 絡 建 設 和 擴 容,發 達 國 家 對 帶 寬 升 級 和 創 新 業 務 的 需 求,是 本 集 團 國 際 市 場 保 持 穩 定 的 基 礎,公 司 與 全 球 主 流 運 營 商 的 合 作 不 斷 深 入,為 未 來 市 場 的 縱 深 發 展 拓 展 了 空 間。
Second-generation(2G) network construction and capacity expansion in key markets in developing countries coupled withthedemandforbandwidthupgradesandinnovativeser vicesindevelopedcountries,formed the cornerstone that underpinned the stable development of the Group’s international market.




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