单词 | gw | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
用接地螺丝 (60) 和锁紧垫圈 (61) 将零 配件号为 244524 的接地导线(GW)固定在气动发动机 的背面。 graco.com | Use the ground screw (60) and lockwasher (61) to attach Part No. 244524 Ground Wire (GW) at the rear of the air motor. graco.com |
未来10 年,印度预期将新增 100 吉瓦(GW)的热力发电容量。Emerson 将派出专业的电力行业专家为该市场提供服务。 emerson.com | Over the next 10 years India is expected to add more than 100GW of new thermal generating capacity, and Emerson will assign dedicated power-industry specialists to serve this market. emerson.com |
同样,通过将现有的TDM用户电话转换成新式的媒体GW硬件,您可以减少电力消耗和整体硬件。 aastra.com.cn | Also, by moving your existing TDM user phones to modern Media GW hardware, you can reduce power consumption and reduce theoverall Hardware footprint. aastra.com |
在新兴市场中,巴西的风能似乎增长激增,预计在 2013 年超过5GW,容量增加了 5倍。 bksv.cn | Among new markets it seems that Brazil’s wind power is taking off, and is set to exceed 5 GW by 2013 – a five-fold increase. bksv.com |
EPC的主要组成部分包括移动性管理实体(MME)、服务网关(SGW)和分组数据网络网关(PDN-GW)。 exfo.com | The primary elements within the EPC are the mobility management entity (MME), the serving gateway (SGW) and the packet data [...] network gateway (PDN-GW). exfo.com |
GWPlastics是全球高精度注射模型成形机、模型建造机的合同制造商,专门从事单一的中高容积紧容差部件及其组装。 tipschina.gov.cn | GW Plasticsis a global, [...] high-precision injection molder, mold builder and contract manufacturer specializing in single-source [...]responsibility for medium-to-high volume, close-tolerance components and assemblies. tipschina.gov.cn |
具备智能伴奏的GW-8是RolandGW系列音乐工作站的新星。 tomleemusic.com.hk | The GW-8 is the next generation of Roland's unique GW-Series workstations with intelligent backing-track functionality. tomleemusic.com.hk |
维修和测试现有涡轮机的公司急于进入这个在 2011 年 6 月将达到215GW的不断增长的全球风能容量。 bksv.cn | Companies servicing and testing existing turbines can look eagerly upon a growing global wind capacity that hit 215 GW in June 2011. bksv.com |
多格滩项目的规模为9GW,是9个风电场中最大的一个,也将是欧洲最大的海上风电场。 norway.org.cn | Dogger Bank is the largest of these nine sites, and will also become the largest offshore wind farm in Europe with its production of 9 GW. norway.cn |
对EPC组成部分(MME、SGW和PDN-GW)的包围测试——无论分别包围测试还是组合包围测试——均有助于鉴定EPC核心网的性能、容量和功能。 exfo.com | Wrap-around testing of the elements in the [...] EPC—MME, S-GW and PDN-GW—either individually [...]or in combination, is possible to characterize [...]the performance, capacity and functionality of the EPC core. exfo.com |
过氧物酶体增生物激活受体激动剂(例如GW1516)和磷酸腺苷激活蛋白 激酶(AMPK)中枢激动剂(例如 AICAR)被重新划定为改变细胞代谢的 物质。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor δ (PPARδ) agonists (e.g. GW 1516) and PPARδ-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) axis agonists (e.g. AICAR) have been re-categorized as substances that modify cellular metabolism. unesdoc.unesco.org |
除了在中国的企业外,GW还在美国设有四家工厂(两家位于佛蒙特州;其他分别位于德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥以及亚利桑那州图森)。 tipschina.gov.cn | In additionto the China facility, GW has four U.S. plants (two in Vermont; San Antonio, Texas; and Tucson, Arizona). tipschina.gov.cn |
清新的现代音乐组合及充满感情的互动音乐风格,涵赈y行至摇滚音乐的音色,加上具有浓厚地域风情的乐器及多重格式USB记忆体播放,GW-8把世界各地的音乐带到你的指头下。 tomleemusic.com.hk | With its fresh, contemporary sound-set and expressive interactive musical styles from pop to rock, plus authentic ethnic styles and a multi-format USB Memory Player feature, the GW-8 will bring a world of music to your fingertips. tomleemusic.com.hk |
到2012年年底,该地区能源管理局将累计收到超过6GW的项目安装申请,为光伏系统配件供应商、开发商和安装商提供了诸多新商机。 solarbuzz.com | By the end of 2012, energy regulators across the region will have received PV project applications in excess of 6 gigawatts (GW), stimulating a healthy pipeline of new opportunities for PV component suppliers, developers and installers. solarbuzz.com |
代谢调节剂: 过氧化物酶体增殖剂应答性受体 δ(PPARδ)激动剂 (例 如:GW1516), PPARδ-AMP 腺苷酸-活化蛋白激酶(AMPK) 轴激动 剂(例如:AICAR). unesdoc.unesco.org | Metabolic modulators: Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor δ (PPARδ) agonists (e.g. GW 1516), PPARδ-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) axis agonists (e.g. AICAR). unesdoc.unesco.org |
当时GWJohnson先生为了纪念一位出色及忠心耿耿的Charles E.Perhybride Eso员工。 4tern.com | He wanted to remember a very outstanding, loyal employer of his, Mr. Charles E.Perhybridge Eso. 4tern.com |
而具备高隔离保护机制,使GW-7553能适用於各种严峻的环境中,让GW-7553可以顺利地整合应用於远端资料收集、控制、过程自动化和工厂自动化等等。 icpdas.com | To sum it up, GW-7553 is a powerful implement for transferring data between PROFIBUS and Modbus networks and is applicable to remote data acquisition, control system, process automation and factory automation, etc. icpdas.com |
尽管截止到2030年,随着国家战略的调整,国家能源部门将具备7.5GW的风载能力,而现在风能的利用仅次於太阳能,事情极有可能有变数。 plangs.com | Right now wind has taken second place to solar, though with the government targeting that the country’s energy sector source have 7.5GW installed wind capacity by 2030, things are likely to change. plangs.com |
根据北京中国国家发展和改革委员会发布的“十二五”规划(2011-2015),中国到2015年的太阳能装机目标为10GW。 intersolarchina.com | According to the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011–2015) issued by the Chinese National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) based in Beijing, China is aiming to install solar plants with a total capacity of 10 GW by 2015. intersolarchina.com |
GW-7434D是泓格公司在CAN BUS系列中的一项产品。 icpdas.com | The GW-7434D is one kind of the CAN bus products of ICP DAS. icpdas.com |
托斯顿Herdan,能源政策发言人的VDMA论坛:50 / 30 / 20 - 在欧盟的组合,它2030有关800GW能力是必要的,需要45亿€投资,把四分之一的德国机械制造需要购买。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Thorsten Herdan, energy policy spokesman of the VDMA Forum: 50 / 30 / 20 - mix in the EU and that it 2030 about 800 GW capacity are needed, requiring 45 billion € in investment, which in turn a quarter of the German machine building requirement to purchase. en.developmentscout.com |
另外,绿色和平与全球风能理事会最新报告指出,至 2020 年中国的风电累 计装机容量可达230GW,相当於 13 个三峡电站;总发电量可达 4649GWh,相当於取代 200 个火电站10。 legco.gov.hk | According to the estimation of Greenpeace and Global Wind Energy Council, China’s wind power can reach 230GW of installed capacity by 2020, which is equal to 13 times the current capacity of the Three Gorges Dam; its annual electricity output of 464.9TWh could replace 200 coal fire power plants17. legco.gov.hk |
相对的,亚太地区主要太阳能市场如中国、日本和印度的新政策,则将刺激亚太地区有超过50%的成长,总需求在2013年达到11GW以上。 solarbuzz.com | In contrast, new policies across leading PV countries in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, led by China, Japan, and India, will stimulate regional growth of over 50% and account for more than 11 GW of PV demand in 2013. solarbuzz.com |
原因在于采用什么保护方式不仅仅是技术问题,还要考虑实际网络拓扑、机房局向数、建网成本和实际需求等诸多因素,由于S-GW将来会下移到RNC机房位置,因此在S-GW之下只有双归属保护需求,而MME位置在核心机房,要在网络核心层考虑实现Flex保护。 keywie.com | Because use what protection is not only a technical issue, but also consider the actual network topology, room number, to network construction cost and actual demand and other factors, because S-GW will be transferred to the RNC position of the computer room, therefore in the S-GW only under the dual ownership protection needs, while the MME is located in the core room, be in the core layer to consider realization of Flex protection. keywie.com |
中国光伏企业正在展开新一轮军备竞赛,“G瓦”俱乐部的榜单正在扩容:英利2011年中旬产能将达到1.7G瓦;晶澳则将现有产能扩张了近一倍,电池产能将超过1.8GW;天合光能预计今年年底时产能可能达到1.5GW;尚德电力则宣布,2010年底产能将达1.8GW。 gracesolar.com | Chinese PV companies are launching a new round of arms race, "G-watt" club of the list is expansion: Yingli in mid-2011 production capacity will reach 1.7G W; JA expansion of existing capacity will nearly double the [...] battery capacity will [...] more than 1.8GW; TrinaSolar capacity is expected to end this year may reach 1.5GW; Suntech Power has announced that the end of 2010 production capacity will reach1.8GW. gracesolar.com |
近期的报告推测中国已成为2009年全球第三大风力发电国,而中国国家能源局公布的全国风电装机容量也已从2008年的12.2GW增加到20GW以上。 businesswirechina.com | Recent reports projected China to become the third-largest producer of wind power worldwide in 2009, with the National Energy Administration listing the country's installed wind power capacity at more than 20 GW, up from 12.2 GW in 2008. businesswirechina.com |