单词 | Guido | ||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
如何为孩子们准备生动有趣而印象深刻的化学知识,瓦克的两位化学 [...] 家Christian Finger博士和GuidoKallinger博士为此煞费苦心。 reports.wacker.com | A favorite project of WACKER chemists Dr. Christian [...] Finger andDr.Guido Kallinger is [...]to present chemistry in an exciting and inspiring way. reports.wacker.com |
Guido是一个长期的Linux爱好者,他非常喜欢Linux,因为它是由一群真诚开放的人设计,这也是为什么我们称之为开放源代码的原因之一。 bsdmap.com | Guido is a long time Linux [...] fan and he likes Linux because it is designed by honest and open people. This is one of the reasons why we call it open source. bsdmap.com |
当用户guido在网络上的时候,他将看到一个通常的 home 目录,因为符号链接完全被掩盖了。 bsdmap.com | When user guido is on the network then [...] he will see his normal home directory because the softlink is shaded out. bsdmap.com |
菜单选用简单食材和高品质的配料,由餐厅主人Guido和意大利厨师Diego Salines严格把关。 diningcity.com | The menu is focused on simple food made [...] great by using only the best quality [...] ingredients, andownerGuido’shigh standards are [...]assured with Italian chef, Diego Salines, overseeing the kitchen. diningcity.com |
Guido喜欢 Linux不仅因为通过它可以挖掘系统的潜力而且任何人都可以参与其中。 bsdmap.com | Guido loves Linux not only [...] because it is fun to discover the great possibilities of this systems but also because of the [...]people involved in its design. bsdmap.com |
如果你想准确了解SUID是什么,你可以阅读Guido写的文件权限 这篇文章,现在你只要输入下面两条命令然后又忘记它就足够了,呵呵。 bsdmap.com | You canread Guido'sarticle on file [...] permissions if you want to know exactly what it is but for the moment it is sufficient [...]if you type in the following two commands and then forget about it again :-) bsdmap.com |
Guido喜欢Linux,因为对于开发自己的硬件来说Linux确实是一个非常好的系统。 bsdmap.com | Guido likes Linuxbecause [...] it is a really good system to develop your own hardware. bsdmap.com |
文化遗产处国际准则科科长GuidoCarducci 先生代表总干事宣布会议开幕。 unesdoc.unesco.org | On behalf of the [...] Director-General, Mr GuidoCarducci, Chief of [...]the International Standards Section of the Division of Cultural Heritage, opened the meeting. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们十分自豪能成为在印度投资单一珠宝品牌零售业务的首家外国投资商”,Damiani 集团董事长兼常务董事GuidoDamiani 说,“我们对印度市场有极大的期望,因为它给像Damiani这样的高端的意大利珠宝品牌提供了广阔的发展空间。 casadamiani.com | We are very proud to be the first foreign investor to get the government approval to [...] invest in the jewellery monobrand retail [...] in India" -said GuidoDamiani President [...]& CEO of Damiani Group - “We expect a [...]lot from the Indian market that offers great growth possibilities for an Italian high-end jewelry brand like Damiani. casadamiani.com |